6 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

By Shannon Gurnee
In Health
July 25, 2018

This is a partnered post with ORB Wellness.

Get a Good Nights Sleep #ORBWellness #ORB #health #sleep #blogger #motherhood #ad

As a mom of 6 and full-time business entrepreneur, a good night’s sleep is necessary to have a productive and successful day. However, there are those nights where I just can’t get to sleep. Those nights where I toss and turn, trying to get to sleep, but I watch as the hours pass by on my clock. Ever have that experience where you have so much going on in your life that you just can’t shut down and go to sleep? To be the best mom, wife and business owner I can be, I have to get a good night’s sleep though! Based on real life experience, here are some of the tips I’ve discovered on 4 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep.

1 – Power down your electronics. This means close your laptop or turn off your computer and shut down (or mute) your cell phone. I like to put my cell phone on vibrate and then put it in my purse (mainly because I need it on for my morning alarm clock). This also means turning off the television (I am completely guilty of this, especially when my husband is traveling).

2 – Use a White noise sound machine. With two Great Pyrenees dogs who love to bark at everything in the night, it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. Especially being a light sleeper (meaning being easily woken up) and finding that our dogs especially love to bark outside your bedroom window! While I said previously that powering down your electronics is a good idea, this is one piece of technology I recommend getting.

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3 – Exercise at the right time. Did you know that people who exercise regularly during day sleep better at night? I love to used to the Elliptical or take walks around our neighborhood when I exercise. Take note that it doesn’t have to be vigorous exercise, just exercise of some sort. Avoid vigorous exercising right before bed, as exercise speeds up your metabolism, elevates body temperature and stimulates hormones (i.e. cortisol) and that can interfere with sleep. Aim to exercise no later then three hours before bedtime. If you do exercise close to bedtime, aim for exercises that are relaxing and low-impact (such as yoga and gentle stretching), which can help promote sleep.

4 – Watch what you eat and drink before bed. One thing that changed with my body after I had bodies was the frequency of heartburn – yuck! Plain and simple – it sucks!!! Before bed, be sure to limit caffeine and nicotine (that means no coffee or soda before bed). I learned recently that caffeine can actually cause sleep problems up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it! Crazy, right? Smoking can also disrupt your sleep, especially if you do it right before bed, so is better to replace it with electronic cigarettes from iqos dubai so it doesn’t affect your sleep. Avoid big meals at night, as well as alcohol right before bed. It’s better to eat earlier in the evening, helping you to avoid heartburn and tummy aches. You’ll also want to avoid drinking too many liquids or eating too much sugary food and refined carbs before bed. Too many liquids will result in multiple trips to the potty (interfering with your sleep) and eating the sugary foods and refined carbs can actually trigger you to wake up in the middle of the night – pulling you out of REM sleep. In addition, if you suffer from eating disorders, you might want to consider seeking professional help and getting residential eating disorder treatment. Clementine Fairfax for adolescent girls is a residential eating disorder treatment center. You can visit their online page if you want to know more.

5 – Improve your sleep environment. Improving your sleep improvement not only makes it comfortable for you, but also can affect your quality of sleep. This includes having a comfortable mattress, pillow, and bedding, as well as keeping the room temperature at a level that makes it easy to fall asleep and stay asleep. If your bedroom faces the rising sun, it’s helpful to have blackout curtains – making it darker for longer, which helps improve the quality of sleep. Keep your room cool using an air conditioning unit or a ceiling fan. You can contact our Portland HVAC company for all your heating and cooling needs.

Here on the California Central Coast, a lot of us don’t have air conditioners, but it is extremely helpful to have a fan (ceiling fan is awesome)!!! Most people sleep best in a room with a temperature around 65° F with good ventilation thanks to a local service which in case you do not have we recommend to read more on air conditioning repair. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can interfere with sleep.

Good Night's Sleep #Sleep #motherhood #ORBWellness #vitamin #health #ad

6 – Take ORB™ Sleep Complex before bedtime. I recently discovered ORB™ Sleep Complex at our local Costco, but found that you can also get it online at Costco.com. ORB™ is a new line of vitamins that is innovative, intelligent and better. At ORB, they believe that the right combination of science and simplicity can help maximize a nutrient’s benefits. These supplements are designed to unlock and release those benefits over time thanks to their exclusive technology.

Good Night's Sleep #Sleep #motherhood #ORBWellness #vitamin #health #ad

ORB™ Sleep Complex offers a time-released blend of Melatonin and B12 with Valerian, L-Theanine, GABA and 5-HTP that you can actually feel working. This formula is designed to help you fall asleep faster and longer, supported by a blend of essential oils. Delayed release of B12 provides energy support when you wake up. Rest easy knowing that ORB Sleep Complex is working for you.


  • 2-in-1 Delivery System
  • Time Release Beadlets + Liquid Capsules
  • Terra Intelligent Dosing
  • Sleep Aid For Adults


Good Night's Sleep #Sleep #motherhood #ORBWellness #vitamin #health #ad


  • Melatonin & Valerian – 3 mg of Melatonin and 25 mg of Valerian help promote relaxation and sleep.
  • L-Theanine – 200 mg of this natural antioxidant acts as a calming agent to help support a sense of well-being.
  • Relaxation Oil Blend – Lavender and Ylang Ylang oils have been used traditionally to help promote restfulness.
  • B12 – After the Melatonin has done its job, Vitamin B12 kicks in later to help wake your body up so you feel well-rested and ready to go.


Good Night's Sleep #Sleep #motherhood #ORBWellness #vitamin #health #ad



Being your best self is a full-time affair. ORB’s Sleep Complex uses Terra Intelligent Dosing™ to release nutrients over time. This is important because timing is everything when it comes to syncing nutrient availability to your body’s needs throughout the night. For example, Sleep Complex provides restful nutrients for the night, and revitalizing B12 for the morning. That’s optimal health support.

Some nutrients are better absorbed in liquid form and some are better absorbed in dry form. This has always been a limiting factor for supplements. That’s why ORB’s Sleep Complex features a unique 2-in-1 delivery system. This dual technology – oil + beadlets – means we can bundle nutrients not ordinarily available together, and provide them in their most appropriate form for better absorption.

Good Night's Sleep #Sleep #motherhood #ORBWellness #vitamin #health #ad

ORB™ Sleep Complex is a great way to help you get a good night’s sleep. Remember, you can find it both in Costco and on Costco.com. Thanks to ORB Wellness for helping me get a good night’s sleep so I can get all of the things done I need to throughout the day!

Do you have any tips that help to get a good night’s sleep?



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

23 Responses to “6 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep”

  1. Heather says:

    I didn’t make sleep a priority for years, and it made such a huge difference in my well-being. I’m a believer now that I need to do better for myself.

  2. Sarah Bailey says:

    These are some awesome sounding tips, I have to admit I don’t do turning off electronics completely but I’ve found turning down the blue light has helped me a lot.

  3. Stacie says:

    Ahh! I need this in my life! I occasionally have sleep issues, and when I have them, I REALLY have them. Whew!

  4. Dana Vento says:

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I actually do most of these, but I can still have problems from time to time. I would love to give Orb a try.

  5. Vera Sweeney says:

    This time of year, we have a box fan in the window, for blowing in the coolness from outside. Non-summer time we use a white noise machine. Now, if I could only turn away from the phone….

  6. Sabrina Fox says:

    I had to stop drinking and eating a few hours before bed because I noticed I was getting up 3 or 4 times a night to go and wasn’t getting a proper amount of sleep.

    Also all electronics are turned off two hours before bed to help us power down.

  7. Amy says:

    Wow, the shape of these pills is too cool!! I love the packaging as well. I am all about sleeping with the fan on for white noise!

  8. Rosey says:

    I want to get an elliptical for the house. It’s about to go into overdrive here for being busy again (summer is almost over) and my trips to the gym aren’t going to fly. I do agree that exercising at the right time of day can help you sleep better. The white noise machines are great too!

  9. Wow, that’s an interesting looking pill. Very cool! I would definitely try it, I could use a good night’s sleep.

  10. Awesome tips for people who have difficulty sleeping in the evening. I definitely let go of the gadgets at least an hour before I go to bed. It helps my brain relax and I end up falling asleep faster as well.

  11. These are really awesome tips! I really need a good night sleep.

  12. Estelle says:

    Great tips for the sleep challenged. I find that turning off my phone and keeping my room cool really helps me get to sleep.

  13. MS//Mommy says:

    I really need to start doing these things to help improve my sleep. I am so bad when it comes to my bedtime habits – thank you for providing this wonderful list of tips for better sleep.

  14. Gemille Sleweon says:

    These are all really great tips! I use a sounds app on iPhone called RelaxedMelodies. The sounds are so relaxing and you can even set a timer for when you want it to turn off.

  15. rika says:

    I saw this product at my local Costco! Last night, I had trouble sleeping. I woke up around 7, felt so tired because I only got 3 hours sleep.

  16. Kiwi says:

    I actually have done white noise for sleep. It helps a lot I sleep like a baby!

  17. Katrina Gehman says:

    Great tips shanon. I need to power off my devices more often. I find that I’ll turn off the laptop but turn in a tablet or my phone. Not a good habbit.

  18. Heather says:

    I’ve never heard of that before. I’ll have to look into it! I’m always looking for ways to get a better nights sleep.

  19. Sara says:

    Walking is my path to a good nights rest. If I don’t get a few miles in a day I toss and turn all night. That capsule looks really cool- I am going to have to check Orb out!

  20. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    I will have to show this post to my husband. He has trouble falling asleep AND staying asleep. I worry that pretty soon his health will be affected. Thanks for introducing Orb to me!

  21. Trina says:

    These sound amazing, I have been having such a hard time sleeping lately and I am dreading school starting and me getting even less sleep.

  22. Agnes DC says:

    The capsule looks so interesting! We don’t have that here yet, I would love to try that and help me with my sleeping problems.

  23. Sinn Meas says:

    Great list indeed! And I would add meditation exercise (deep breath exercise) as I find it very helpful and I do it myself when I feel hard to fall asleep.

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