The Season of Giving With Picture Keeper Connect

By Shannon Gurnee
In Giveaways
November 22, 2017

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Picture Keeper and BraVoMark. All opinions are mine.

#PictureKeeper #PKSeasonOfGiving #ad

As both a mom and a blogger, I take a LOT of pictures! This is in no way an understatement. I love that I can share them on my blog and social media channels easily from my phone. But what happens if I lose my phone and those pictures aren’t backed up? Oh my gosh – I don’t even want to think of it because I have had that happen before and it’s terrible. That’s where Picture Keeper Connect comes into play!

#PictureKeeper #PKSeasonOfGiving #ad

Are you wondering what Picture Keeper Connect is? Let me tell you. Picture Keeper Connect offers a simple backup solution for the irreplaceable pictures, videos, and contacts stored on your iPhone and iPad, Android smartphone and tablet, and Mac and PC computer. Whether you’re switching to a new phone, running out of storage on your smartphone, or wanting to safeguard important photos, Picture Keeper Connect offers simple photo backup solutions for all devices.

Simply plug Picture Keeper Connect into your device’s charging port to:

  • Free up space (no more “out of storage” message)
  • Transfer files from old devices to new ones.
  • Move photos to a computer or from an iPhone to an Android.
  • Store memories directly on Picture Keeper Connect.

Why Picture Keeper Connect is the perfect gift for the holidays:

  • It is simple and convenient to use with no software to install, no wires to connect, no complicated setup, and no passwords to remember.
  • It skips duplicates and requires no software to install and no monthly fees.
  • Files can be accessed and backed up without WiFi or data connection and are always within reach.


#PictureKeeper #PKSeasonOfGiving #ad

Picture Keeper Connect is Perfect for:

  • Heavy photo takes (especially selfies)
  • Non-tech-savvy people like mom, dad, or grandparents
  • People constantly on-the-go like travelers, parents, busy families, photographers, teachers, real-estate agents, event planners, etc.
  • Including as a stocking stuffer for photo lovers or people with big life events such as weddings, expecting a baby or off to college.

With the Season of Giving here, I’m already starting to share small acts of kindness with those I encounter each day. Whether it’s buying them a cup of coffee or giving toys to a family in need, I love to help those around me. And it’s amazing how it can actually have a ripple effect! With Picture Keeper Connect, you can give the gift of preserving family photos all through the year. 

You can purchase the Picture Keeper Connect for $119.99, or right now, my friends over at Picture Keeper are giving my readers 40% OFF their order by simply using the promo code RedheadMom40 at checkout. This code is only good until the end of the year and expires December 31st, 2017, so be sure to act now!

For more information, be sure to visit the Picture Keeper website or follow Picture Keeper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

#PictureKeeper #PKSeasonOfGiving #ad


My friends at Picture Keeper are really into the spirit of giving and are hosting an awesome giveaway! 1 lucky winner will receive a prize pack, including two $250 Visa Gift Cards + two PK Connect 16GB (one for the winner to keep and one for the winner to give to a friend)!!!

Picture Keeper Season of Giving Giveaway

How do you like spread cheer during the holidays?
What do you like about Picture Keeper Connect?



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

58 Responses to “The Season of Giving With Picture Keeper Connect”

  1. leigh anne borders says:

    We have one of these, and I love it. It really is helpful with keeping things organized and in one place.

  2. Liz Mays says:

    The Picture Keeper sounds like it would be perfect for parents like me too! I tend to take tons of pictures this time of year!

  3. Stacie says:

    I need this! Picture Keeper sounds like the perfect way for me to NEVER have to worry about space on my phone again! LOVE IT!

  4. Bill Sweeney says:

    This I feel every blogger needs! I love the simplicity you wrote about. As a husband and wife blogger team, I feel we could use for our businesses.

  5. I think I’m going to need to get me one of these. I have almost maxed out space on my phone and we haven’t even hit Christmas Yet!

  6. I am always so afraid of losing my photos and videos so this is a great tool to have for anybody who does not want to run out of space. I will consider this as a present for the season.

  7. Lisa Favre says:

    The moment you said “not complicated,” I knew I’d be all up for this! It’s also perfect for the holiday season with all the picture-taking!

  8. Kristi says:

    This would be a great gift idea for my sister, she is always taking photos and then worries about where to put them.

  9. Sarah Bailey says:

    This sounds like the must have thing for so many people, after all we all take so many pictures daily and yet we never back them up. Love this helps back up your phone photos too!

  10. This is a super great gift idea! I’m gonna have to get one soon. My husband would have loved to have had this. His memory card did something wonky, and although he thought that he had backed all of his photos up to Google drive, it didn’t transfer albums over. He lost all of those photos. 🙁 So heartbroken!

  11. This is really a cool tech gadget! I think every blogger worth their salt should have one of these!

  12. soonjoo says:

    Great gift idea! It’s always best idea to have more memory rooms for all photos and selfies! Love that doesn’t require WiFi to use. Love how it is connecting to iPhone and restore it. Cool!

  13. Sara Welch says:

    My mom needs this really bad. Her devices are always packed to the brim.

  14. Cassie says:

    I’ve never heard of the picture keeper until today but what an awesome idea! I will have to see if I can get one over here in Australia!

  15. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Wow, this would be an awesome thing to have! I take at least 300 pictures a day!!

  16. Theresa says:

    I’ve lost photos before and it was devastating. I love the idea of having all of my photos backed up with the Picture Keeper Connect!

  17. Pam says:

    I really need this! I am always running out of room for photos on my phone.

  18. I always worry about losing my photos! I had no idea something like this existed!

  19. This thing is incredibly handy for the traveler. Even for me; who takes a ton of family pics!

  20. tara pittman says:

    This would be great when traveling. I take a lot of pictures so this is a must.

  21. Tonya says:

    I take a million photos all year long. I often find myself deletingvapps and then pgotos to make room for more photos. How crazy is that?

  22. I am adding this to my Christmas list! With two kiddos and a busy travel schedule, I take a ridiculous amount of photos. This would be so helpful to keep me organized.

  23. Ricci says:

    As someone who takes a LOT of pictures I need one of these ASAP!! Thanks for the great review and the heads up on a fantastic product!!

  24. This is really cool! I would love to get one for myself, too!

  25. Our Family World says:

    I am going to get this for each member of my family. We love taking pictures, mostly random ones! To have a picture keeper will ensure we can view our photos on whatever device we have on hand. Safe storage too.

  26. Rosey says:

    I’ve lost pictures that weren’t backed up before too. You’re right, it’s no fun at all. Picture Keeper Connect sounds good to me!

  27. Now this is the perfect solutions for people who run out of storage during this season or when they’re traveling with the family! I think it’s awesome that it’s so easy to use as well. I’d love to learn more about it.

  28. Brianne says:

    I could totally use this for all my photos! Putting this on my christmas list!

  29. kim says:

    Yes, all true. I use Picture Keeper and not sure what I would do without it.

  30. This is something that my husband and I need for when we go traveling to different places! I think it’s convenient to have!

  31. Nowadays everything is digital, It is great if there is a way to keep your memories in form of pictures safe

  32. Taylor Aube says:

    This is such a wonderful gift idea, I think anyone can appreciate this one! I’m really into photography so I know I would love a gift like this!

  33. Gisele says:

    I need to get this. Right now I’m using Dropbox but it doesn’t seem to save all the photos I’ve taken. I will check this out.

  34. I have several people on my Christmas list that would love this as their present. thanks for sharing!

  35. Kathy says:

    This sounds like a great product. I need to put it on my list. I’m always taking photos every day.

  36. Leah says:

    Wow! This sounds like an amazing product! I’ve never heard of it before!

  37. Jodi says:

    This sounds like it would be a great way to save my pictures! I take so many with my iPhone.

  38. I need one of these to put my pictures on. Thankfully, most of my photos are in the cloud or on instagram. But this would ensure that I don’t lose my photos at all.

  39. Brittany says:

    I’ve been hearing about Picture Keeper lately! I would love to check them out! I take so many pictures every day and I’m so worried I’ll lose them and I always forget to send them to friends and family!

  40. reesa says:

    I am obsessed with taking pictures of everything. I have been also hearing about Picture Keeper and I really need to get one!

  41. I just added this to my list. I really need it. The amount of pictures we have is incredible and how easy is the Picture Keeper! Thanks for sharing

  42. This sounds like an awesome thing to have. We somehow manage to lose photos all the time! Great giveaway, too!

  43. Andrea says:

    I am definitely a heavy photo and video taker! I could definitely use this!

  44. Amy says:

    I need something like this but for Android. I am constantly getting the message that I am too close to my storage limit! What can I say, I love taking photos

  45. I love that this can plug right into Apple products and their weird plug things. I would totally use this to get all the pictures off my phone.

  46. Sự Đinh says:

    Picture Keeper sounds great. This will be very helpful to me. I have a lot of pictures a year. Thanks for sharing me this.

  47. Heather says:

    This is the best gift idea and is going to give so much more time to my husband’s phone with no memory left!

  48. Jeanine says:

    I need to get one of these! A few years back I lost all my photos to a basement flood including the only ones I had left of my mom who passed away when I was 16. This would be so helpful.

  49. This would make a great gift for blogger, Instagrammers or anyone who takes a lot of pictures and needs extra storage or help with transferring. This would be great for on the go or travel.

  50. Victoria Heckstall says:

    I know someone who will love this for sure! I will go ti share this with her.

  51. That picture keeper would be so useful to me. I take hundreds of photos every single day, lol. I just love to photograph any and every thing.

  52. TColeman says:

    This looks like such a useful item to have especially for sharing photos. This is also a great deal that they have offered for your readers.

  53. Mimi Green says:

    I’m the prime candidate for this. I’m a picture junkie, I take pictures all the time. I’m that girl and I max out all of my storage space.

  54. Did you take these photos with this? If so they look amazing! I wonder how well it does with a landscape?

  55. Di Hickman says:

    My friend recently lost all the pics on her phone, and she hadn’t backed up! She was devastated. This sounds like the perfect gift for her! THanks!

  56. My phone is giving me storage space warnings as we speak. I think that I really do need this in my life.

  57. Sharon Braswell says:

    I could definitely use this picture keeper since I take tons of pictures too! Thanks So much!!

  58. I always forget to back up my photos so this is a good idea.

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