Fun Easter Activities

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
March 28, 2010

Easter is right around the corner and you may be wondering what fun activities you can do with your family.  Here are a few ideas:

1)  Dye Easter Eggs.  This has always been a tradition in our family.  You and your family will have lots of fun as you get creative and design bright-colored, personally decorated Easter Eggs.  Plus, you can use your hardboiled eggs on salads or in a yummy Egg Salad Recipe.

2)  Have an Easter Egg Hunt in your backyard or in your home.  Fill colorful plastic eggs with candies, stickers, small toys, and even change.  If you have a gold egg (or a few), fill them with a few quarters or dollar bills.  Hide them around the house.  Your kids will have a blast trying to find the eggs.  Plus, it’s fun to hide them….just try to remember where you put them – lol!

3)  Color Easter Eggs.  Cut out a shape of an egg out of cardstock or construction paper and let your kids get creative and decorate them with markers and stickers.  They can then hang up the decorated eggs around the house or on the window.  You can also use them as cards to send to family and friends.

4)  Create fun Easter and Springtime treats.  I posted a recipe for the Rice Krispies Treats Springtime Garden on my site.  It’s fun, yummy, and the kids loved it!

5)  Put together an Easter Basket for your kids (adults like them as well – lol)!  Build a foundation in the basket with colorful Easter grass.  Fill the Easter Basket with candy, DVDs, CDs, magazines, books, or other fun things the recipient would like.  You can wrap the Easter Basket in colorful cellophane if you want to.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

6 Responses to “Fun Easter Activities”

  1. Great tips! We do all of these fun activities and they really make Easter fun and special!

  2. chrissyb says:

    Thanks for the tips our little one is just to young but we’ll make sure to use them next year!

  3. Tamara B. says:

    I love the Rice Krispies Treats Springtime Garden idea

  4. sal williams says:

    Easter is our big family reunion time – 300 people gather for bunny day.
    Activities include an egg dying and decorating competition with lots of prizes
    for kids and adults, a scavenger hut, a grown-up cousins’ party,
    a high style egg toss competition, tossing horse shoes at bunny stakes,
    a kids egg hunt with lots of cash so the kids really get into it, cupcake decorating,
    and a trip to the local petting zoo to see real chicks, ducks, lambies and bunnies.

  5. Charlene Kuser says:

    One thing we did all the kids liked was putting change in the plastic eggs to hide.
    They really thought they had discovered treasure and it saves their teeth from all
    the candy.It was so cute they kept looking at the change and putting it back in their eggs.
    Some knew how to count!

  6. Eileen says:

    As our kids get older I think I am even MORE excited about holidays like this, because soon they will be gone and the anticipation of them looking in their baskets will be another memory. My youngest is 11….where did all the years go? MAKE EM COUNT moms and dads!

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