Blogging Brands: To Accept or Reject?

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
November 15, 2009

I started my blog, or I should say started writing on it regularly, at the beginning of 2009.   When I first started doing product reviews, I sought out companies that developed products I used on a regular basis or products that seemed interesting to me.  I remember spending countless hours during the week emailing companies for product reviews, many of which did not respond.  Now I get several inquiries each day from companies and PR agencies asking me to review their products.  There have been many products I turn down.  For example, I turned down a company that sold items I felt uncomfortable posting about on my blog.  They asked if it was because of the products they sold.  I told them yes.

I have been fortunate to attend 2 big blogging events – General Mills and Smucker’s.  Both are companies that provide products that my family and I use on a regular basis and that I feel comfortable representing on my site.  I have heard of bloggers who have agreed to review products but fail to even mention them in their blogs.  I feel like if it is a product that you are not really interested in trying, you shouldn’t accept it.  If you go to a blogging event for a product you wouldn’t use, then you are essentially wasting that company’s time and money.   If it is a company you respect and products you would use, then by all means, take advantage of the opportunity, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your marriage or family life.

When writing product reviews, I make an effort to point out the pros and cons of products.  Many times, I love the products and don’t have any negative thoughts to write.  Essentially, the products met my expectations or went above and beyond.  When writing my reviews, I include honest opinions.  If there is something I would like to see different about a product, I write that.  Many of my readers appreciate that and I feel like it makes me more valuable as a reviewer.

I am a wife, mother, and review blogger.  I don’t have the tv with commercials going in my home.  Instead, I turn to the internet to find out what others think about products I am interested in purchasing.  This is my goal as a writer and reviewer – to provide honest thoughts of products I would actually use.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

8 Responses to “Blogging Brands: To Accept or Reject?”

  1. Krystyn says:

    I’m wondering why there is so much backlash lately. Why do people care that we are doing reviews? If they don’t want to read them, they don’t have to. Are they feeling like they are being convinced to buy something that they didn’t want to buy? Did they buy something that didn’t live up to the reviews expectations? I’m very confused.

  2. Carrie says:

    I think that’s a good policy for how you do things. I’m still starting out, so I’ve so far not run into this issue, but I think you’re handling it in a good way.

  3. I am just starting out, but have turned down two offers. It was hard due to the fact I haven’t gotten many offers. I think the PR firm appreciated my reasons for not review and my interest in hearing about new products that they have available. I honestly won’t have used their products. If I am not going to use it, I can’t see mentioning on my blog.

  4. Angel says:

    OK I have not done any product endorsements yet but would love to. IN a house with 2 adults and 3 rambunctious boys cleaning and pet products lol so toss a girl a bone couldya?? I am into the green products but ONLY if they work . if you don’t work don’t expect me to brag on ya.. I would never accept a product then not do a review… that is just wrong period kind of like stealing in my book.. They may not like what my opinion is but it cost them money to send it to me and ask for my opinion soo that is what I should do period..

  5. Brittany says:

    I appreciate when a blogger doesn’t sugar coat every product. When you reviewed Ice Age I was glad that you said all the good thing about it and then said that there was one part that wasn’t appropriate for children. When I hear both pros and cons, I’m more apt to beleive you as a valid source of info, just like I’d trust a friend to give me their honest opinion. I think bloggers should turn down products that they absolutely wouldn’t use but sometimes you never know until you try it. I’d love to break into this side of blogging one day but I honestly don’t know how you find the time with such young kids at home.

  6. Very well written post. I am always pleased by your reviews because of the balanced view you present, you list the good and bad points (if any) of all the products you review in a precise and easy to follow manner.
    I hope that as I get more products to review, I can be as good as you! 🙂

  7. Dawana says:

    Completely agreed. There’s no need to waste a company’s time. Say yes if you’d like to review it or a simple no thank you, but I appreciate your consideration. I have said no once so far, but it was for a product that I know I would never use and felt I could not provide the best review possible for that product. 🙂

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