How to Help Your Child Write an Essay About Mother

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
February 14, 2024

Today, on Redhead Mom, I’m sharing a partnered guest post about how to help your child write an essay about mother.

writing essay about mother

My mother essayis one of the usual tasks for young kids. A parent or teacher can make a good lesson from such writing. One of the most critical lessons a kid can learn while writing is to present thoughts logically and consistently. Children are excited about the world around them, so they talk and write, jumping from one thing to another. Your aim is to help them focus and learn how to go from one point to another more smoothly.

Kids who learn to write logically from their young years won’t be afraid of a plagiarism checker for teachers because they can write papers on their own. You can help your kids now and point them to the things they can wire about their mother from the list below. You can make this list shorter or, in contrast, add something to it if you want.


Of course, one of the first things that both children and adults note in talking about a person is appearance. A kid will naturally decide to write about the color of their mother’s eyes and the length and color of her hair. The children can improperly evaluate the human height because while the children are small, all grown-ups can seem to them very tall. You can help a kid with this. 

One more thing that you can help with is weight. A child will not necessarily decide to write about the mother’s weight. But if so, you can help to choose proper words and make a little lesson about good and bad words to describe human weight.

A fine thing to write about when describing appearance is clothes. Maybe a child has a favorite clothes from the mother’s wardrobe? What does mother wear the most often? What does a kid think is the most beautiful cloth that suit the mother? 


It’s one more thing that a child will highly likely mention without your help. Where does the mother work? Or doesn’t she have an official job, and her main responsibility is housekeeping? If the mother has a job, you can help a child understand more about it and write about how important a mother’s work is. 

If the mother is a housewife, you can teach a child how to write about that respectfully. You can tell that housekeeping is one of the most difficult jobs, because mothers don’t have weekends or holidays from being housewives and mothers.

In any case, you can teach a child to respect the mother a little bit more. And to write about her job properly. 


Children mostly love their mothers, and talking about their mother’s character is the ability to express their love. You can help a child to learn more words with which a kid can express the good features of the mother’s character. You can also offer a child to illustrate some of the mother’s good features with a short example. 

At the same time, children are often very straight in their claims and can write something without thinking much. Especially if there were some arguments before. It’s your chance to talk about the importance of forgiving and about the importance of representing relatives and friends from the best side when possible. 


The things people used to do sometimes can tell more about them than any physical or psychological descriptions. And it can be interesting for a child to think about their mother’s habits and what they tell about her. Maybe she likes to sing when doing something? Maybe she used to drink coffee in the morning? Does she kiss a child before saying “Good night”?

Children can surprise adults with carefulness and observation, even though grown-ups often think that children don’t understand or notice many things. You can be surprised how much a kid can know about a mother’s habits. Writing about some of them that are proper for other people to know can make an essay much more interesting and lively.   


It seems that we noted several important topics that a child can touch when writing an essay about the mother. However, if you want more ideas, there are some things about a kid and the mother that also can be included in the paper.

Upbringing is important for both mother and child. And it can be interesting for a kid to write what their mother teaches them. It seems that anything will be necessary and interesting in this context. Maybe the mother insists on maintaining order in the room, washing hands, brush еру teeth? Or does she emphasize character traits such as honesty, kindness, and other things that make a good person? It can be important for a child to recall the mother’s lessons one more time and add more morals to the essay. 

Time Together

One more thing that you can prompt a child to write is how a kid and mother spend time together. It can be something usual like evenings together when the mother comes home from work and a child gets the desired attention. Or it can be some particular but short story about a day together that a child remembered the best.

Such a thing can tell more about the mother and her relationship with the kid. It can be one more interesting point to add to the essay and for a child to recall in mind when they get older.

As you can see, helping your child write an essay about a mother can be more than writing a lesson. You can discuss many important topics while deciding what to write, and you can give a child many lessons while preparing to write an essay. 

And, of course, you can follow the direct aim and teach a kid how to write logical and consistent text. Tell that it’s important to go from one point to another, and write everything a child wants about something at once, and not come back to that in a text. Good luck and patience with your help with a child’s essay! 

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

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