Debt-Free Parenting: Managing and Reducing Debt While Raising Kids

By Shannon Gurnee
In Budgeting
July 10, 2023

Today, on Redhead Mom, I’m sharing a partnered guest post about managing and reducing debt while raising kids.

managing money debt free

Navigating the financial landscape of life can be challenging, especially for young parents who are juggling the costs of raising a family. It’s an expensive endeavor, and even the most joyful aspects often come with a price tag. Speaking of managing expenses, consider exploring creative ways to alleviate financial burdens. Opting for the best no deposit savings accounts can be a savvy decision to increase your savings without requiring an initial deposit. Seek out options with competitive interest rates to maximize the growth of your money. One unconventional but potentially helpful approach is to leverage existing resources, like using your student loan strategically. This can provide a financial cushion as you embark on the rewarding journey of parenthood. For those looking for additional support, it might also be worth exploring various online platforms or community resources—check out these begging money websites that could offer assistance during times of financial strain.

Why Should You Consider This?

This is a loan you’ve already got, and if you are paying it back steadily like a good citizen, you will be building your financial reputation at the same time. Your credit score will be good. You might not be a tycoon (yet), but even tycoons had to start somewhere. So, start looking for alternatives to the loan that got you through those college years. There is a whole world of financial opportunities and student loan refinancing options out there, with lenders keen to take over your debt on different terms, making your repayments easier, extending the term etc. 

Do this research so you understand the possibilities, then get down to the bank like Timberland Bank that gave you the loan in the first place and explain what you have in mind. If you were looking for credit to start a business, you would draw up a business plan setting out your ambitions and how you see the whole process going. So, you will need X amount, and within a certain period that will have generated X+.

Future Planning Your Finances

You can do the same with a life plan. You just must give the lender a cohesive idea of what you’ve got in your head, how much money you will need and how you’re going to pay it back. They will need to see you’ve thought it through, and it sounds realistic. Don’t forget, they make their money out of lending because they get the amount back plus interest, so they are looking for customers. They just want them to be a good risk, a good bet, and if you can convince them that you are, they might become very interested in your project and keen to help. For a more in-depth understanding of financial planning and borrowing strategies, checkout courses at platforms like

Important Milestones

If you can get a mortgage, that’s a huge milestone that suddenly makes you a good proposition: homeowners are the building blocks of a community, and if your small initial loans are consolidated and all you’ve got is a mortgage to pay, that’s like not having a debt at all. Meanwhile, as the kids get older, they can start contributing to the family exchequer, influenced by your shining example. Jobs after school and at weekends, earning money, starting to save a little themselves and feeling good about impending adulthood: such is the circle of life, and a fine and admirable one it is too. Raising a family and keeping your family safe and healthy is a project and a long-term one, but if you’ve got a plan and can demonstrate a level head and some business knowledge, you could become the bank manager’s project, a kind of protégé or star pupil. Be honest with yourself and with them and between you, a comfortable life might be just around the corner.

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Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

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