First Aid Tips for Parents to Cope with Child Injuries

By Shannon Gurnee
In Body
June 18, 2021
1 Comment

Today, on Redhead Mom, I’m sharing a partnered guest post about First Aid Tips for Parents to Cope with Child Injuries.

First Aid Parent with Child

Being a parent is a huge responsibility, and from the moment your child is born, you have to start accepting that responsibility and coping with the challenges that it brings. It’s up to you to keep your child safe; their entire well-being depends on your actions and reactions, and it can be quite scary for moms and dads when unexpected issues arise and they have to act fast to deal with the situation.

For instance, if your young child is playing in the backyard and falls over, you might start to panic. Or if they slip and fall while walking down the stairs, you might naturally feel a lot of concern about what sort of damage could have been done to their little body. It’s very important to know how to react in these different situations. With this, finding help with a personal injury claim with the patronage of a personal injury lawyer is of great advantage! If your child gets hurt as a result of someone’s negligence, you may consider speaking with personal injury attorneys to determine if you can file a claim against the responsible party.

No matter how hard you try to protect them from every eventuality, kids will get hurt eventually. This is just an inevitable fact of life. They’ll slip, trip, fall over, and pick up their share of cuts, bumps, and bruises over the years. Fortunately, most child injuries are minor, but some can be more significant, and this guide will go over what you should do when different sorts of injuries occur.

Head Injuries 

A bump on the head for your child can be a scary situation for parents to deal with. Many moms and dads have heard horror stories about concussions and traumatic brain injuries, so lots of them tend to think the worst when children hurt their heads. 

Luckily, most head injuries in children aren’t that severe, but it’s still important to watch for the signs. Check your child and monitor their reaction after the injury. 

Signs of a concussion include unconsciousness, vomiting, confusion, and strong headaches. If these signs and symptoms occur, call 911. In milder cases, it’s best to call your doctor and ask for advice. You can also treat the injured area with an ice pack and encourage your child to get some rest.

Broken Bones 

Broken bones are one of the injuries that many parents have nightmares about, and it can be really worrying to see your own child crying in pain after falling badly or being involved in some other sort of accident that leads to a break in their arm, leg, rib, or other areas of the body. 

Broken bones often tend to occur in the worst kinds of accidents, but sometimes, even relatively minor incidents can lead to a broken bone in a child. These breakages may be easy to spot if the bone is clearly at an odd angle or sticking out. In other situations, it may be less clear, but the child might be in very severe, obvious pain. Contact Linden’s top-rated law firms to hire experienced injury lawyers to fight for your child’s injury compensation.

Either way, the best course of action is to head to the ER as soon as possible or simply call 911. It’s really important to get broken bones treated quickly and correctly to avoid any lifelong debilitating issues.


A nosebleed is one of those medical issues that often look a lot worse than it really is, so you don’t necessarily need to worry too much when this happens and you may be able to deal with the issue on your own without any need for a doctor or emergency assistance. 

Lots of kids get nosebleeds, and they’re really easy to spot as blood begins to flow out of the nostrils. The best course of action here is to have the child tilt their head forwards and then pinch the nose, just below the nasal bone, with a bit of tissue. 

Stay in that pose for about 10-15 minutes to give the bleeding some time to stop. If you stop too early, the bleeding may resume and you’ll have to start all over again. Don’t make the mistake of asking the child to lean back, as this can lead to blood pouring down the throat and into the stomach.

Allergic Reactions 

Statistics show that about 5.6 million children in the US have some sort of allergy, and lots of parents worry when they first watch their kids eating certain foods, worrying that the signs of an allergic reaction may start to appear mere seconds later. 

Your child might be one of the lucky ones and not have any major allergies to speak of. But if they do have a reaction, they should get immediate allergy treatment. It should be easy to spot due to face and lips swelling, coughing, breathing problems, dizziness, and hives. 

If any of these signs appear, the ideal situation is to find an EpiPen or other epinephrine injector and use it, as well as heading to the emergency room. If the symptoms are particularly severe, call 911 right away.

Final Word

Hopefully, these tips can help you react and respond in all the right ways if and when your own child suffers some sort of injury or medical issue.


About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

One Response to “First Aid Tips for Parents to Cope with Child Injuries”

  1. Leela says:

    Thanks for all the tips.

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