4th of July Pet Safety Tips

By Shannon Gurnee
In Pets
July 3, 2019

sparkler with flag

Did you know that July 5th is the busiest day of the year for the majority of animal shelters in the United States? This is due to the large amount of lost animals who have run away from their homes in fear during fireworks on 4th of July. I love 4th of July, but now that we have pets, I’m learning more about keeping our pets safe on this loud evening. For us, the loud bangs and booms from the fireworks are exciting and thrilling, but for our pets, it can mean a whole different thing. This includes fear and confusion, which may ultimately lead to our furry family members getting hurt, or worse, death. So, how can we keep our pets safe on 4th of July? Check out these 4th of July Pet Safety Tips.

1 – Leave pets inside. We enjoyed 4th of July a day early and I saw first hand the fear and confusion that little fireworks could cause a small dog. He was curious, but afraid at the same time, so we put him in the house. This protected him from the loud bangs, booms and whistles coming from the exploding fireworks. While fireworks are exploding on the property, it’s especially important to have your pets inside. If you have pets on your property (like dogs or cats) and are not setting off fireworks, but there are fireworks going off around you, a dog door is a great option to have. It’s great because your dogs can seek refuge in the house if the fireworks do scare them. If you’re out for the 4th of July, you can consider putting your pet in a cat boarding or City Dog Country Boarding facility. If keeping your dogs inside the house, you may also consider pulling the curtains closed. If your dog seems to be stressed or anxious, you may need to bring him to a dog care clinic.

dogs in bed

2 – Safe and comfortable place for your pet to retreat. Be sure to have a comfortable place where your pet can feel safe and secure. If you have a dog that is crate trained, they may do best in the crate, while a cat may do well in a bathroom with their litter box. If you have an outside pet (like a farm dog or horse), try securing them in the stable or barn.

3 – Keep windows and doors closed. It may help reduce stress and anxiety in your pet if you keep the windows and doors closed. If it is a warm day, have fans going to keep it cool.

4 – Take a photo of your pet. While we don’t want to imagine our pets going missing, having a current photo of your pet would help neighbors, vets and animal shelters be able to locate your animal.

dog with collar

5 – Make sure your pet is wearing a collar and ID tag. You can get these for an affordable cost at your local pet store. This is a huge help if your pet does get out and neighbors find him or her and can easily contact you.

6 – Microchip your pet. Be sure to get your pet microchipped if he or she is not already. A microchip is a small identifier the size of a grain of rice that is injected into the subcutaneous layer of your pet‘s skin. If you have already microchipped your pet, be sure your contact information is up-to-date. All veterinary hospitals and animal shelters are equipped with microchip scanners which can link the number on the chip to the your registered information on file.

7 – Pet sitter or kennel. If you’re traveling out of town for the holiday, consider hiring a pet sitter to stay with your pets at home or boarding them at the best dog boarding in Melbourne.


What do you do to keep your pets safe on 4th of July?


About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

13 Responses to “4th of July Pet Safety Tips”

  1. Samantha says:

    I am so excited to see this! Such great reminders for us all to consider. Thanks for sharing!

  2. kumamonjeng says:

    I think is the time to have some photo shoot for my dog, he is turning 5 years old now and it has been a long time we didn’t ‘t shoot any good pictures with him.

  3. Ingrida gromek says:

    ah that’s so lovely that many people care about their pets they are part of our family ,thank you for sharing so many great tips

  4. Lyosha says:

    Great safety guideline for any big holiday. Fireworks are pretty hard to handle for almost any dog

  5. This is a great post, more people need to read up on this! This is the time of the year when all dogs are filled with anxiety. Thanks for sharing! -Sondra Barker @cuisineandtravel.com

  6. Unlike humans where we get excited about fireworks, animals especially dogs and cats can be afraid so your pet safety tips is very helpful

  7. Arya says:

    Omg! I can’t even imagine how it is for them. What a great post!

  8. It is so important to keep pets safe and inside. Our dog hates fireworks and gets very scared so we stay in and comfort him.

  9. Kalyan Panja says:

    Hope you had a safe and fun 4th of July celebrations.

  10. Laurie Nykaza says:

    My sisters Bull dog died last year on the 4th because of firecrackers the neighbors had. The dog jumped when it went off and feel off a stair and her stomach twisted when she feel back she was rushed to the vet where she died. This year i live in a city with no fireworks policy and someone near us did fireworks and our dog ran into our fence and broke through it was awful. For people with ptsd I feel so sorry for them. Now I will work with our association and see if we can do something with the police next year.

  11. Alexandra Cook says:

    love this topic! every single one of them is such an important pet safety tips. Thanks so much for sharing

  12. Catherine says:

    Great tips…I kept my tv on so my little one didn’t get too scared and it seemed to work!

  13. @aerojenn (Jenn McClearn) says:

    My dog went missing around the 4th once. Luckily we got her back 12 hours later. I let her out to go to the bathroom she heard a boom and bolted. Now I make sure I go out with her if I hear fireworks. I also turn the radio or tv up to drown the sound.

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