Say Goodbye to Odors with FunkAway This Holiday Season

By Shannon Gurnee
In Cleaning Review
November 22, 2017

This is a sponsored post with FunkAway and BraVoMark. All opinions are mine.

#FunkAway #clothes #cleaning #blog #blogger #ad funkaway

Do you have athletes or teens or tweens? If you answered yes to any of these, then you know exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to pesky odors that just won’t go away. I can always tell what day our teens and tweens have had PE as soon as they get into the car when I pick them up from school. With 6 kids in our home, that makes for a lot of smelly shoes. Thanks to FunkAway, we can get rid of those pesky odors quickly and easily!

What is FunkAway?

First, what is Funk? While funk does come from sweat, it’s actually not the perspiration itself that stinks. The odor actually emits from bacteria that feeds on the sweat and then out-gases the nasty odor. Yep, the bacteria farts. Yuck! FunkAway is scientifically designed to eliminate that nasty funk, or bacteria smell.

How does it do this? It’s formulated with a unique, patented compound called OM Complex™ that attacks the Funk created by hard days on the field, rink, court or job site. Upon contact, FunkAway attacks the odor. FunkAway absorbs the odor molecules, encasing them in a bubble. Inside the funk-proof bubble, the odor is broken down. The final result is No more Funk.

#FunkAway #home #cleaning #ad funkaway

What are some tips for using FunkAway?

  • Spray the clothes or equipment right away! Don’t wait!
  • Spray all of the nooks and crannies that are breeding grounds for foul-smelling bacteria. Don’t be afraid to soak it.
  • Allow everything to air dry.
  • If it has a lot of funk, spray it a second time.
  • Repeat each time clothes or gear has funk!

If you deal with funk on a regular basis, I highly recommend you keep a bottle of FunkAway in your equipment bag, glove box, gym locker or anywhere you might need to stop the funk! It’s is not just for work and play, but is also perfect for leisure or dress shoes that might get a little funky. The FunkAway bottle has a spray nozzle lock, so be sure to lock it after each use to keep all the good stuff in the bottle.

If you deal with funky odors from sweaty family members, be sure to check out FunkAway!

#FunkAway #home #cleaning #ad funkaway


Black Friday/Cyber Monday

There are several awesome FunkAway items that can help keep odor away both on contact and in the washer! Be sure to take advantage of the Free Shipping Weekend from 12:01am Thursday (Nov 23) – 11:59pm Monday (Nov 27).

You can also Buy $12 worth of product and get a FREE Traveler size (3.4 oz) to add as a stocking stuffer!

#FunkAway #home #cleaning #ad funkaway

This is an awesome product and I love that it helps eliminate odors in our home. Be sure to check it out this holiday season!

Do you have family members in your home who could use FunkAway??



About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

24 Responses to “Say Goodbye to Odors with FunkAway This Holiday Season”

  1. Julie Wood says:

    I would love to try out the Funkaway this Holiday season. It looks like a great product to try in the Winter because you can not open a window and the odors can sometimes get bad!

  2. Dana Rodriguez says:

    This sounds like a great line of products. I know someone who certainly needs this! lol 🙂

  3. rickel bart says:

    absolutely–i know TWO of them! count me in

  4. Katie E Smith says:

    hahah yes i do! My fiance def. needs this!

  5. Stacie says:

    I need to get this for my husband and son. It would be a great Christmas gift for me! LOL

  6. Vera Sweeney says:

    Oh my! We definitely could use this! We’re always combating some odor in our house!

  7. My son definitely needs these odor removers because he plays basketball and has all kinds of odors when he plays. I will look for these for him and my daughter who runs track.

  8. Christie says:

    We always have to wash our garbage cans after a while. This will help eliminate that, unless something spills out of the liner.

  9. Mitch says:

    This is great! We would need a case of this stuff a week, after al we are three smelly guys living here!

  10. Marcie W. says:

    I am a proud gym rat but my gear can get pretty gross. I will definitely be giving FunkAway a try!

  11. Sarah Bailey says:

    I have not heard of Funkaway before but it really sounds like something I could do with in my life, I need to check out more about this thank you.

  12. Heather says:

    I tell my kids all the time that they don’t want to be the stinky kids. It’s not the most pleasant smelling age! But this sounds like a great way to tackle those odors.

  13. Pam says:

    Where was this when my kids took karate? All of their karate stuff smelled so bad!

  14. It’s definitely something that I’d love to try at home. I have 2 boys who are very active and you know how teens are! I think this is a must try!

  15. Claudia K says:

    This sounds like a very handy product. My son plays basketball and I would use this in his running shoes.

  16. I live in a house full of boys and a dog so I need the whole line of Funk Away! This will definitely be a staple in our house from now on.

  17. Sara Welch says:

    I have to try this stuff. I would like something new!

  18. Well this company knows how to market! I would love to check this stuff out.

  19. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    Great! I am getting this Funkaway to use on my sons’s sports equipment and gym bag. The sports uniforms really stink if they leave it in their bag. Ugh. Thankfully there is now a solution to that.

  20. Jake Ferrer says:

    Oh this looks a great product! My son will need this for his everyday life. He is already a teen now so he has to take good care of himself whenever is out.

  21. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Wow, I never knew how stinky smells came about! This stuf is so needed for my kid’s play sneakers!

  22. It’s the kind of products that you want to make sure that you have at home! It’s not just for teens or the kids, it’s also for homes with pets. It looks really effective!

  23. Kiwi says:

    Im cracking up at the branding. Never heard of funkaway but man straight to the point marketing I love it.

  24. Breanne Smith says:

    My husband needs this for his shoes! Talk about stinky…

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