Avoid Grilling Mistakes with the Help of LongHorn’s Grill Hotline

By Frank Gurnee
In Food
September 1, 2017


I don’t know about you, but we love to grill outdoors during the summer! It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. Boo! With Labor Day coming up, and being the last official grilling holiday of the summer, LongHorn Steakhouse’s expert Grill Masters are on-hand to help guests prepare at home. For the third and final time this summer, at-home grillers can get help from the experts quickly and easily thanks to LongHorn Steakhouse!

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LongHorn’s Grill Us Hotline

For grilling advice from the pros, call 1-855-LH-GRILL on Sunday, Sept 3rd between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET: Every LongHorn Steakhouse across the country has a team of certified Grill Masters specially trained in the art of grilling. For the past five years, the Grill Us Hotline has tapped into these pros to help at-home grillers become the master of their own craft.

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Text “GRILL” to 55702: Get LongHorn’s top tips and recipes delivered straight to their phone all summer.

Social Media

Chat live with LongHorn for expert advice from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m ET, seven days a week, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Fans can also enjoy round-the-clock access to mouthwatering recipes and grilling know-how through the Grill Hero Facebook Messenger, available on LongHorn’s Facebook page.

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Visit ExpertGriller.com: LongHorn’s website, www.ExpertGriller.com, is dedicated to chef-inspired recipes, cookout guides and even more expert advice.

For guests who want to leave the grilling to LongHorn Steakhouse, you can find the closest restaurant to you by visiting www.LongHornSteakhouse.com.

About LongHorn Steakhouse

LongHorn Steakhouse is know for fresh, boldly seasoned and expertly grilled steaks – like the signature bone-in Outlaw Ribeye – all served in a relaxed, warm atmosphere inspired by a rancher’s home. LongHorn has more than 490 restaurants across 40 states and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others in the community. As part of this commitment, LongHorn Steakhouse restaurants have donated more than 17 million pounds of food to local non-profit organizations across the country. For more information and to find a location near you, visit www.LongHornSteakhouse.com. Fans can also follow LongHorn Steakhouse on Facebook or on Twitter and Instagram.

What will you be grilling up this holiday weekend?



About Has 20 Posts

Frank Gurnee lives on the central coast of California with his wife Shannon, and their 6 crazy, spunky, smart, crazy, funny, intelligent, crazy kids.. Did he mention crazy? Ok, well he's over exaggerating a bit, maybe spunky is just too over the top “lol”. On this blog, he talks about the dad's perspective of having a large family, as well as the ways dads and moms can maintain some sanity; while also embracing the fun that can be had when everyone is together.

65 Responses to “Avoid Grilling Mistakes with the Help of LongHorn’s Grill Hotline”

  1. Wow, I had no idea that such a thing existed! I usually am quick to grab my phone and google, but now this gives me another option.

  2. I would have never guessed that there was a helpline for grilling. You truly learn something new, everyday! Thanks for this feature!

  3. Jeanine says:

    I had no idea they had a grilling hotline number! Or sent recipes! That is great and helpful to get new ideas and learn new tips and tricks. Love grilled food.

  4. robin rue says:

    This is a brilliant idea. I love that they set this up. I stink at grilling so I would totally call.

  5. Mary Ann says:

    we grill year round! My favorite is filet mignon, with a close second of brisket. My husband is an amazing cook, though, so really, anything he makes on the grill is incredible. Me, however, I need lots of work. Good to know there is a hotline I can call!

  6. tara pittman says:

    What a great hotline! I could have used this last week when choosing steaks for my husband.

  7. This is like the Thanksgiving of grilling where you can call an expert to help you. I am not a big meat eater but it is part of Americana and it is great.

  8. Kansas Bonanno says:

    that’s so awesome!Your pictures look amazing and Make me so hungry! That corn gets all the heart eyes.

  9. Our Family World says:

    This is a great resource! No matter how many times you have grilled stuff, there will and may be an epic fail moment. What better way to avoid that than to have grilling tips from the experts delivered right to your phone! Fantastic.

  10. Joely Smith says:

    Well that is so cool!! Grilling is HUGE in the midwest but my husband was from the East Coast. He could have used this when he was learning how to grill!

  11. Liz Mays says:

    This sounds like it would be pretty helpful! It’s really nice that you can just text “grill” for some tips straight away.

  12. Erica says:

    I’ve lived in apartments my entire adult life and I’ve never had a grill. But I love visiting friends who grill. There’s something just so summer at it’s core when cooking food on the grill

  13. Cinny says:

    I never knew there was a grill hotline, that’s kind of neat. We love to grill steaks, ribs, you name it!

  14. Pam says:

    This is such a neat service from Longhorn. I had no idea that they did this.

  15. Gina Butler says:

    I had no idea there was a grilling hotline. We don’t grill out often because we live in an apartment building. I wish we could grill out more.

  16. Karen Morse says:

    My husband is quite awesome with the grill but there are still questions that we need to ask sometimes and this hotline is perfect for that! I think it’s awesome that you shared this! I can’t believe there’s a hotline that helps with grilling!

  17. Monica says:

    I am a terrible grilled, my hubby usually does this part of meal prep. However, I do occasionally tackle grilling so it’s great to know there is a helpline available…because I can really use it!

  18. Claudia Krusch says:

    We love to BBQ all year long. I will have to save the LongHorn’s Grill Us Hotline number.It will be a great way to get tips.

  19. Lisa Favre says:

    Give me a cob of grilled corn and I’ll be in BBQ heaven! So cool that there’s a hotline for grilling needs – I’m not the best at the BBQ!

  20. This is such a great idea! I will have to tell my hubby about this. I love that they are accessible on FB messenger. That is really a great idea for those of us that love to grill.

  21. I really did not know this was a thing, or I would have called them when I cooked venison for the first time! I’m excited to check this out.

  22. That is so up my alley. I do most of the cooking but avoid the bbq because I never really know how to use it! Searching online is only so good, talking to someone is better!

  23. This is all so new to me! Who would have thought that we could simply call a hotline for some grilling advice! That’s very convenient.

  24. This is one of the smartest things I have every heard of. If anyone knows how to grill, it is Longhorn!

  25. Rachel says:

    This is a great idea. Who knew such a thing existed? I sure didn’t. A helpline for everything!

  26. Grilling hotline? This is an innovation! Is it available for worldwide clients?

  27. I love it! It’s an awesome concept and it’s definitely going to make anyone’s life convenient when it comes to grilling. You’ll no longer hesitate to use your grill more often because you can easily address your concerns through this hotline. Cool!

  28. I had no idea that there was a Grilling Hotline. This could come in very handy! It reminds me of the Thanksgiving Turkey Hotline.

  29. This is awesome! We love summer grilling and we will definitely try this!

  30. Sheena Tatum says:

    That’s awesome! I didn’t know this was available. Pretty handy!

  31. Chloe says:

    Woah I didn’t know this kind of hotline existed! I love it! And these pictures had my mouth watering…SOOO tasty!

  32. Kiwi says:

    Look BBQ season doesnt have to be over. This look good and I love Longhorne Steakhouse!

  33. ricci says:

    Holy crap! There’s a grill hotline?? Where was this when I somehow set my grill on fire?? HA!! I really do think this is a great idea!!

  34. Totally awesome and reliable! My husband is the king of the grill, at least in our home and it’s nice to know that he can get some help when he needs it! This hotline is awesome!

  35. Kathy says:

    I think this is great! I’m going to be checking this out. I love grilling out.

  36. Gingermommy says:

    I totally love grilling. It is one of those things that we really enjoy doing as a family. These are great tips. We are going to have to check this out.

  37. Holy Guacamole I had no idea there was a hotline for help grilling. Well done Long Horn! I need to check this out because while I’m good in the kitchen those skills do not extend to the grill.

  38. reesa says:

    I had no idea this was an option! So smart! I am saving this number for next time we have a grilling emergency!

  39. Charlotte says:

    we don’t grill much but this is a fab idea for next time we do! Can’t beat a summer BBQ

  40. Jennifer says:

    We LOVE Longhorn Steakhouse. What a great idea to share grilling tips with everyone. Seems like a classy way to run your business.

  41. It’s great that there are hotlines specifically for grilling tips. Never heard of a grill hotline before but it is nice that people can ask for help and advice.

  42. April says:

    Wow, a grill hotline! I could have used a hotline number when I was in charge grilling when my husband was not around!

  43. Lori Geurin says:

    My husband is the griller in our family and we love eating at Longhorn Steakhouse! Who knew they had a griller hotline? This sounds quite useful. Will have to remember this for sure.

  44. Coralie says:

    This is really cool – I didn’t know about this. What a great way to get some yummy food with some great help.

  45. Becky Willis says:

    I never knew that there was such a thing as a grilling hotline. Longhorn Steakhouse is awesome for having something like this. I think of it as like a pay it forward for helping others even when they don’t come to their place for dinner at that time. I bet it gained them new customers for the future.

  46. What a wonderful service! I have a built in 24 hour grill service (my husband) but I will share with him in case he needs help!

  47. adriana says:

    That is genius!! I love grilling, but I do tend to burn things often on it haha! I love this idea – Longhorn is amazing, and they have THE best food!

  48. Amanda says:

    We LOVE grilling. I need all the tips I can get! haha. I had never heard of Longhorn. Thanks for sharing!

  49. Adaleta says:

    Yum I would love to grill, this all looks super yummy! I love to have grilled steaks and shrimp!

  50. oh I need to show this to my husband. I am not a griller but he sure is. thanks for the tips

  51. Echo says:

    My husband does all of the outdoor grilling and he is really good at it. I grill indoors sometimes and I could probably use this, LOL!

  52. Lynndee says:

    The hubs is the master of the grill over here. And he grilled pork chops yesterday. Yum! I will tell him about this.

  53. I never knew that there would be a helpline for grilling but this would be so helpful for newbies like me! I would like to make some grilled corn on the cob and halluomi of course!

  54. Who knew a hotline existed for this sort of thing. I have a few questions I would like answered to get my grilling up another level. Thanks for sharing this.

    Thrifting Diva

  55. Jennfier says:

    How cool of Long Horn to offer grilling advice!! I hope they do this in the summertime, too, because this would really come in handy! It reminds me of Thanksgiving time when you can call Butterball for advice on cooking a turkey. Really great idea, Long Horn!

  56. Di Hickman says:

    Oh I could have used this about 12 years ago when we got our first BBQ! Neither of us knew what we were doing, and just had to wing it.

  57. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    Wow! This is so cool! Being able to tap into a company that is known for great steaks and food will certainly help me with my grilling. My family will probably be thankful as well.

  58. Cindy says:

    I had no idea there was help for grilling! What a cool idea!

  59. Roxanne says:

    That is a really good tip for grilling! I had no idea there was a help line! Awesome!

  60. Heather says:

    This is so fun! I always have grill questions and would love to have an expert to call!

  61. Allison says:

    One con about living in an apartment is we never get to grill. The pool grills always look too dirty to me. Guess I should consider an electric grill. It’s just not the same to me haha.

  62. sarah says:

    the hotline is a great help. Thanks for letting us.

  63. Brittany says:

    Oh man I need this! I’m new to grilling and I always have SO MANY questions! I have been trying to do it while my husband is away and then I’m stuck because he’s not there to help!

  64. Gabriel Bregg says:

    Excellent resource to have – now I can hand people off to them when they call me for tips!

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