Magic Awaits the Reader in The Crowns of Croswald

By Shannon Gurnee
In Book Review
August 2, 2017

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Our kids love to read books, especially those that are filled with magic and mystery. Recently, we received a magical surprise in the mail and it had them curious right away. The package we received included a Glanagerie Bottle and a copy of the new fantasy novel by D.E. NightThe Crowns of Croswald (released July 21, 2017). The Crowns of Croswald is brimming with whimsy, adventure and steampunk undertones with a gutsy heroine in the middle of it all – think part “Cinderella,” part “Harry Potter” and part “Percy Jackson.”

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In D.E. Night’s debut novel, The Crowns of Croswald, magic sparks around every corner in a kingdom ruled by a dark queen. Ivy, a young orphan living in the Kingdom of Croswald discovers that she has powers of her own. She enrolls at the Halls of Ivy, a school where young students learn to master their magical blood and the power that Croswald’s mysterious gems can wield. Unfortunately, Ivy’s schooling – and her life – is threatened by the evil queen and her henchmen. As Ivy tries to unearth her past and save Croswald’s future, a fantastical adventure ensues.

Released on July 21st, 2017, The Crowns of Croswald is the first book in a series for middle grade readers brimming with whimsy, adventure, and steampunk undertones. Croswald’s gutsy heroine is part Cinderella, part Harry Potter, part Percy Jackson, and all fun!

“We get to watch Ivy not only grow into her own magic but also be the very hero that Croswald needs,” Night says. “I find that sometimes girls don’t know how powerful they are, and how what makes them different can be what makes them destined for greatness. Even if she’s not always sure of herself, Ivy has a sense of adventure, determination, and courage that I hope we can all see in ourselves.”

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What inspired you to write The Crowns of Croswald?

I have always found joy in being creative, art projects and things like that. But more than that, I’ve always loved stories, mostly my favorite animated movies. I’m a Disney fanatic. My draw toward fantasy and my creative drive sort of forced me to start writing. For me, it’s not just about the writing, it’s about creating characters, designing scenes, and imagining everything and anything magical. Croswald is basically me in a book – fairy tale with an edge. I love fashion, fairy tales, anything that sparkles, and I especially love magic.

What was your favorite part about creating the world of Crowald?

I’m so grateful to be one of those people that really truly loves what they’re doing. My favorite part of this whole experience is seeing pieces of my world come to life, whether in the form of illustrations or being able to hold a physical book in hand. It’s like a dream. I also love the process of creating characters and naming them. I have a lot of fun with that.

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Ivy is a strong, inspirational character. How do you think she grows throughout the book, and what would you like the reader to take away from that?

I think a lot of people’s natural talent in hindered by self-doubt. I think for Ivy Lovely, the first book is all about discovery and uncovering her hidden talents. It’s all about taking that first step and trusting your gut. I like to think that her first stride across the slurry fields may speak to a reader waiting to take the first step in their own adventure. Everyone should get the chance to step into something magical.

Your love of magic and fantasy is apparent in your writing. How did your love of magic develop?

I spent every birthday visiting theme parks with my best friends. My mom would pick us up early from school and we’d spend a day in a place of total imagination. That world of fantasy seemed so vibrant and I always dreamed of creating a place one day where people can visit. When I wrote, I always wrote keeping that in mind. Where can people visit? What can they see when they go there? Like I said, I love being creative and writing a book seemed the perfect fit. Besides being a Disney fanatic, I love that, with magic, anything is possible.

If you could give readers one message to inspire them from your book, what would it be?

Believe in the magic of your dreams.

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In our magical package was a pretty blue Glanagerie Bottle. What is a Glanagerie Bottle you may ask? It is a vessel full of charmed spring water. Invented by dwarves as a tool to develop and practice magical skills within the supposedly safe confines of imagined space. The glowing, viscous water magnifies magic and enables mythical scenarios concocted by the bottle’s owner. The bottle’s escapades and dramas are shaped by the owner’s thoughts and only limited by his or her imagination. Popularized by Professor Filbert Fenix at the halls of Ivy, glanagerie bottles are now widely recognized as a powerful teaching tool. However, the inherent danger of the bottles must not be underestimated.

“Glanageries are the ultimate potion of the mind, where ideas, dreams, fears and magic simmer together for out-of-this-world experiences.” (Professor Filbert Fenix)

“As evidenced by the glanagerie bottle, an untethered imagination can take you to limitless places.” (Winsome Monocle)

The Crowns of Croswald is now available in bookstores, as well as on Amazon. Be sure to follow D.E. Night on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Who in your family would enjoy reading The Crowns of Croswald?



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

15 Responses to “Magic Awaits the Reader in The Crowns of Croswald”

  1. […] Sponsored post. Our kids love to read books, especially those that are filled with magic and mystery. Recently, we received a magical surprise in the mail and it had them curious right away. The package we received included a Glanagerie Bottle and a copy of the new fantasy novel by D.E. Night, The Crowns of Croswald (released […] Click Here For Original Source Of The Article […]

  2. That sounds like a great read! We’re a big time Harry Potter family, and I really love steampunk.

  3. Bill Sweeney says:

    You sold me on this book with your Harry, Cinderella, Percy analogy. This sounds like an excellent read. Thanks!

  4. Pam says:

    This sounds like an awesome book for young fantasy lovers. My daughter loved books like this.

  5. Liz Mays says:

    Ivy will be an awesome character to follow. I think it’s great that the author loved creating the world of this book so much!

  6. Brianne says:

    This sounds like a great book! I’ll have to keep this in mind for my daughter!

  7. Catherine Sargent says:

    This sounds like a great book. It will make a great birthday gift for my niece.

  8. melissa says:

    The book seems very exciting and I am hoping my son sees this and we get the book. We love science and he likes learning about everything so this would be a change that he might like.

  9. It sounds amazing and it’s definitely going to take you to another world as you read along. I’m pretty sure my daughter will love this one. She’s always been fascinated with magic and the like.

  10. Kristin says:

    This sounds so fun for kids. My girls love to read, and adventures are always #1!

  11. Kristi says:

    Sounds like a book both of my girls would enjoy, two 8th graders they always seem to have a book in their hands.

  12. My daughter is a voracious reader. This sounds like a book she may like.

  13. Chei Pangan says:

    That’s a cool book to read. My 3-sisters would love to have that. They will love Ivy’s character.

  14. Our Family World says:

    I love this book. You really got me interested to read The Crowns of Croswald. I am adding this to my 3rd quarter Reading list. Thanks for the review.

  15. Myrah Duque says:

    I’m sure my daughter would enjoy it! She loves to read during her spare time in college.

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