Experiencing Vegas from Above on the VooDoo ZipLine

By Shannon Gurnee
In Las Vegas
June 14, 2017

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

Have you ever soared 500 feet above Vegas on the VooDoo ZipLine? Well, we have! Frank and I love to take road trips to Vegas and we’ve been a lot of times, but our most recent trip included an experience of Vegas unlike any of our other trips…from 500 feet above ground on the VooDoo ZipLine. Now what you need to understand is that I am VERY afraid of heights and this was a really big thing for me to do. I had the goal of doing the VooDoo ZipLine on this trip, followed by the ZipLine on Fremont Street on a different trip, and then eventually doing the SkyJump from the 108th floor on the Stratosphere Hotel on another trip. I honestly don’t know that I’ll jump off the Stratosphere, but I’ll try doing a ZipLine again in the future.

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

You’re probably wondering what in the hell inspired me to want to jump from that high up? This is a very scary thing for me that I normally wouldn’t even consider doing. Well, I’m going to admit something here. I loved watching The Twins: Happily Ever After? and I was inspired when I saw Haley jump off the top of the Stratosphere (and she was super afraid of heights). This sounds terrible, but I figured if she did it and was super afraid of heights, then I could go on the VooDoo ZipLine.

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

We decided to do the VooDoo ZipLine when we were exploring the Rio Hotel. There was a sign-up booth and we were given a time to head up that gave us ample time to head to dinner. It was cool because when they were ready for us to head up, they texted us. However, it was earlier than we planned and we were still waiting for our main course to arrive.

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

I left the restaurant briefly and headed to the booth where they extended our time to head up. The girl at the booth was super friendly and helpful and the delay was not an issue. When I headed back to the table, our Trashcan Nachos had just arrived and they were so good! If you ever visit Guy Fieri‘s El Burro Borracho, you have to give these a try! I really wish I had some right now and we WILL have these next time we’re in Vegas! The timing to go on the Voodoo ZipLine was perfect as we finished our dinner and paid the bill just as we received a text to head up to the VooDoo ZipLine.

#GuyFieris #food #foodie #trashcannachos #nachos #travel #blogger

#GuyFieris #food #foodie #trashcannachos #nachos #travel #blogger

#GuyFieris #food #foodie #trashcannachos #nachos #travel #blogger

#GuyFieris #food #foodie #trashcannachos #nachos #travel #blogger

Now that I think about it, I’m really glad I didn’t throw up while I was in the air. That would have been really bad! It wouldn’t have been because the food was bad, but rather because it was right after we ate AND I was super duper nervous to be 500 feet in the air…during the day…where I could see EVERYTHING below me!

#Voodoo #GuyFieris #nachos #blogger

When we were done with dinner, we headed to the escalator and walked above an area where a band would play at other times. Then there was a booth where we gave the lady our tickets and she stamped our hands. We then headed up the elevator to the 50th floor, which was where Rio’s Masquerade Tower, as well as the VooDoo Rooftop Nightclub & Lounge, are located.

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

While waiting in line, we opted to purchase a GoPro video of our experience for $32.45 and it was totally worth it! Our tickets to go on the ride cost us $61.58 (including tax) for both of us to ride the VooDoo ZipLine. It was when we were at the top paying for our video that we learned that there was a deal on Groupon for the video, so be sure to check out before heading up to save some moolah!

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

Once we showed them our stamp and purchased our video, we were directed to wait in line for our turn to go on the VooDoo ZipLine. As we were waiting in line, I was getting more and more nervous…and I think I was making the girl behind us nervous as I was trying to make her feel more comfortable – ha ha oops!

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

It was finally our turn to get on the ride and they had us take off our hats and sunglasses, as well as put my purse and our phones and any cameras in a locker in which we were given a key. Frank gave them the key as we got on the ride and then when we came back, we got the key back to get our stuff out of the locker.

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

When we sat on the seats, I honestly thought it would be like a ride at Magic Mountain and we would be strapped into a heavy duty harness. NOT…WHAT…HAPPENS. We were strapped in with a seat belt and there was a little tiny handle on the side to hold on. Oh my gosh…now I was really feeling nervous! But I’m here to tell you that we made it back ok and I WOULD do it again!

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger

#VoodooZipline #VoodooZip #travel #rio #lasvegas #vegas #blogger


The VooDoo ZipLine sends guests soaring 500 feet in the air at 33 mph, offering a 360-degree open-air view of the Las Vegas Strip. We thought the ride lasted 3 minutes, but it actually lasts a little over 1 minute that you’re actually soaring through the air (although it felt longer when we were in the air – ha ha)!

The VooDoo ZipLine is a one-minute and 10-second zip ride that takes off from VooDoo Lounge, located on the top of Rio’s 50-story Masquerade Tower, and sends you soaring more than 800 feet in the air to the Ipanema tower. The VooDoo ZipLine can accommodate up to two riders at a time. It is unique in that you also head back to the Masquerade Tower, facing backwards!

It was definitely a memorable experience and I would definitely do it again! I think next time, I would want to do it at night to see the difference!

Have you been on the VooDoo ZipLine before? Would you do it?




About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

55 Responses to “Experiencing Vegas from Above on the VooDoo ZipLine”

  1. Terra Heck says:

    That’s definitely one way to conquer a fear of heights! I consider myself a pretty adventurous person but I’m not so sure I’d do that. I’d be like you in the video, grasping on to my partner’s arm. Your husband is just sitting there all nonchalant!

  2. Cynthia R says:

    The zipline courses at home are just up in trees, still high and scary but nothing compared to this zipline, so cool!

  3. That looks like so much fun! I LOVE zip lining. I go anytime we travel if there’s one available.

  4. robin rue says:

    You are much braver than I am!!! That is quite a view from up there.

  5. Vera Sweeney says:

    Zip lining is the best thing ever! It’s so much fun to see a city or a forest or a mountainside from up above.

  6. ricci says:

    This is sooooo cool!! I have always wanted to go zip lining and Vegas would be the perfect place to do it!! One day…

  7. melissa says:

    The site from above is so scary I don’t know how you did this! It looks like such an adventure all the way up there. I don’t know if I would do it even if I had the chance.

  8. Jennifer Van Huss says:

    I have been dreaming of vegas! That looks like a fabulous attraction to try!! I can’t wait!

  9. Jeanette says:

    Oh my gosh my heart was racing just seeing the pictures! You are braver than I! I am pretty sure I could not do that!

  10. Joely Smith says:

    I would have peed my pants! Literally LOL
    Yeah the trip back seemed worse than they actual ziplining lol
    The food, by the way, looks AMAZING!
    Glad you did this and conquered a fear!

  11. Liz Mays says:

    Oh my gosh, that zipline looks scary and fun! I think doing it again at night is a great idea!

  12. You’re so brave! I would be way to scared to do that! Looks like you had so much fun too!

  13. candy says:

    We have not done the zip line and you both are very brave. Eating before probably not a wise choice so always eat after doing the zip line. Sounds like you had a wonderful experience in Vegas.

  14. Jeni says:

    This is very cool. I’m not sure if I could go through with it, without chickening out. But it’s definitely one of those once in a lifetime things.

  15. Pam says:

    This looks like such a bucket list experience. I have always wanted to go ziplining!

  16. That sounds like a wild experience! Looks like you had a great time. I’ve never been to Vegas, but it would be fun to go sometime.

  17. Dogvills says:

    Oh wow, you are so brave. This sounds fun. I wish I’m as brave as you.

  18. I love vegas! You’re brave for going on that ride but I love vegas lol

  19. Rachee says:

    Oh my gosh! Between that epic meal and the zipline, your stomach went on an amazing trip! This looks like so much fun and I am so glad that you shared it,

  20. This looks like it was an amazing experience. I watched your film and looks amazing.
    Talk about a method for a couple to get away!! I really like it – we did some zip-lining before, but nothing like this.

  21. Marcie W. says:

    I am a Las Vegas native, born and raised, but this is a big never for me! My husband is the complete opposite and has done the SkyJump at the Stratosphere. You rock for facing your fear!

  22. Amanda Love says:

    It sounds so terrifying and exciting at the same time! I would have tried it! I guess I will the next time I’m in Vegas. It’s an experience that you wouldn’t want to miss.

  23. That looks like so much fun! I have always wanted to try a zip line. Those nachos looked amazing too!

  24. Whew! Better you than me! I am terrified of heights. But, my husband is a daredevil and he would LOVE this!

  25. Misty Nelson Dawn says:

    Sounds like you had a great time there I also want to experience the Zipline there and the food was look amazing too

  26. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    The Trash can nachos look so delicious! I love the unique presentation of the dish. I haven’t tried zip lining yet. I don’t think I an brave enough to do so.

  27. Angela Milnes says:

    It really looks so much fun and I love to do a Zipline too and Love the food there

  28. Emily says:

    I have been to Vegas a few times and have always wanted to do this zipline! I have done a zipline in a forest, but something about going over a city seems amazing!

  29. My Teen Guide says:

    You are so brave! I could not do that, and no amount of convincing will help either. I would leave that to the more courageous bunch of thrill seekers. Oh, I am sure that the view is fantastic, but I am fine with staying at the pool. Thank you.

  30. Our Family World says:

    Oh wow. You are so brave! I cannot possibly stay as cool as you hanging 500 ft up in the air. Oh no, not me. If I would do zip lining, I would agree to it if I were only 3 ft from the ground. 🙂

  31. Holy cow! That’s some good eating, haha! Vegas is beautiful when you see it from above, I love that city1

  32. Cassie says:

    That zipline sounds amazing! I have never been to vegas but would like to visit someday!! So many things to do and crazy experiences to be had!

  33. I can’t even look at your pictures! I cannot believe you did this. WOw.

  34. Karen Morse says:

    Totally awesome experience and I wouldn’t mind going there to experience it as well. It’s going to be a little scary but worth it! It’s really exciting once you’re up there! SO COOL!

  35. Oh my goodness! I would have died! I hate things like this but my hubby would’ve loved it. Looks like you had a blast!

  36. GAH you are so brave! Those seats are so tiny! Why couldn’t it be a bigger strap, strapping you down! I would totally do it though and that cost is pretty awesome.

  37. That looks like so much fun and an excellent way to see the city! I have been wanting to do the Zip line tour that is near where I live, but hubs is not a fan of heights

  38. Chrissy says:

    I couldn’t do it. That zipline scares me. Kudos to you for being that nervy.

  39. I had a family member who had a tragic experience with these risky activities so I don’t think I would engage in it anytime soon. I think people who do so are really brave.

  40. Andrea says:

    that salad looks AWESOME, the unveiling was crazy cool. that looks so fun. you guys seem like you had a great time, the zip line looks awesome.

  41. Y’all are totally braver than me! Holy smokes, I couldn’t do that. I sort of hyperventilate when I get on an airplane!

  42. How fun! I LOVE ziplining, and had heard that the whole setup is different in city ziplines, so it was great to see the photos and video of how it’s different. I am amazed that you had dinner BEFORE ziplining — brave girl, indeed! 🙂 Looks like you had a great time!

  43. Wow that sounds so fun and exciting! It’s good to hear that you didn’t throw up those amazing foods that you ate.

  44. That is certainly one way to experience Las Vegas! I would pass out, but my husband would love it.

  45. I’ve always wanted to try ziplining. Not sure if I could handle being that high about a city, but it does look like fun, especially since you aren’t dropping down merely going across.

  46. Holly says:

    The trash can nachos look really good. The zip line on the other hand, has already made me nauseous just thinking about it.

  47. Misty Nelson says:

    Oh you are soooo brave! I would just about die at the view. I’m such a scaredy cat when it comes to heights. My stomach does a flip-flop at the thought. I would much rather hang back and have a cocktail and some of those trash can nachos. They look delish!

  48. Caitlin says:

    Oh my gosh – you are the bravest person EVER! I got scared just watching your video haha! That is just wild… what an amazing view! I think it’s so cool that they sell videos because it’s really cool to watch your expressions afterwards 🙂

  49. Wow the zip line sounds amazing, I am hoping to have a trip to California and Vegas in the next few years and I’d definitely be up for this. Last time I went I did the rides on the Stratosphere but that’s it x

  50. Roxanne says:

    I applaud your bravery! I would never be able to do this! It looks like an amazing experience you thankfully survived! 😉

  51. Kristin says:

    Oh my goodness you are so brave! The pics alone are giving me heart palpitations over here. Bwah!

  52. Brittany says:

    Ooh I would love the biplane but I would be scared out of my mind! I get so scared of heights but the thrill would make it all worth it.

  53. Jeanine says:

    I watched your video when you posted it on facebook of the zipline and honestly I was cringing. I couldn’t do that! How scary! Think afterwards though I would LOVE it and think it was awesome!

  54. Veronica P. says:

    I am very happy to read this post! It actually means that you survived the voodoo zipline hehe!

  55. OO this would be so fun and scary! I love trying adventurous things like this!

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