8 Healthy Habits That Help Your Finances

By Shannon Gurnee
In Freebies / Coupons
May 1, 2017


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Being healthy can definitely have a host of benefits, including financial ones! I’ve never really thought about the financial benefits that being healthy can have until now, but it really can. Eating healthy and having regular family health care checkups, for example, can cut down on your medical costs, while opting for water over soda and alcohol can reduce the amount of money you spend on groceries. Check out these 8 Healthy Habits That Can Help Your Finances. If you still don’t manage to keep your finances in check with these tips, then we would recommend contacting any financial planner to help out.

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Buy real food. Many consumers argue that healthy food costs more than unhealthy food, but that argument fails to address the costly health issues related to a poor diet. Plus, the USDA reported the required servings of fresh fruits and vegetables is affordable for families who buy these items from a natural food market in place of the sugary, processed foods they’re already spending money on. You can also find grocery coupons for savings of $1 or more through such sites as Coupon Sherpa for healthy items like eggs, rice, vinegar, nuts, Greek yogurt and more.

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Commit to regular exercise. You don’t need a gym membership or pricey pass to a boutique fitness studio to get into or maintain a healthy physique. In fact, the majority of people who pay for fitness memberships never use them! Basic exercises like walking, running, biking and hiking, plus strength-building moves like push-ups, squats and pull-ups, can all be accomplished at absolutely no cost. Keeping yourself physically fit reduces medical costs associated with diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Pack your lunch. Dining out with coworkers everyday is costly to both your bank account and your health. According to a 2015 survey from Visa, the average American spends over $1,000 every year on lunch at restaurants. The survey also found that eating out for lunch cost an average of $11 per meal, compared to a little over $6 for brown-bag meals. You can cut your lunch budget in half by bringing it from home, and like preparing meals for dinner, you have more control over ingredients and can choose healthier options.

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Always ask for water. The health benefits of regular hydration are numerous, as are the cost savings when it’s time to order beverages from restaurants. Opting for water saves anywhere from $2 to nearly $20 compared to juice, sodas and alcohol, all the while contributing to your health and well-being!

Meditate. The mental health benefits of meditation are widely known, but they can also positively impact your finances. Experts suggest that mindfulness and meditation techniques can help curb impulse purchases and addictive spending behaviors, as well as return your focus to long-term financial goals.

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Cook at home. Getting takeout or dining out frequently impacts both your bottom line and your waistline in negative ways. Restaurant meals are oversized and typically contain more calories than nutrients. Making meals at home gives you more control over ingredients and portion size which contributes to better weight maintenance, while costing you a fraction of what you’d pay at a restaurant.

Practice gratitude. People who are grateful tend to take better care of themselves and possess the mental fortitude to avoid excess consumerism. Identifying what you’re grateful for on a regular basis can reduce the desire to acquire new things or mindlessly purchase costly experiences.

Be friendly. Retail therapy can’t compete with time spent laughing and commiserating with friends and family! Keeping an active social life is key to reducing stress, increasing happiness and avoiding feelings of loneliness and depression later in life.

Which of these healthy habits do you practice?



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

21 Responses to “8 Healthy Habits That Help Your Finances”

  1. […] post 8 Healthy Habits That Help Your Finances appeared first on The […]

  2. Cynthia R says:

    We cook mainly meat and vegetables, we do without as much pasta, rice, bread, potatoe dishes as we can, it’s a lot of extra carbs and sugar.

  3. Edye says:

    Being good with money is very important!

  4. I agree with everything! Special shout out to “Meditate”, “Drink water” and “Buy real good!”

  5. robin rue says:

    Ugh, we are SO bad about eating out. We need to stop and cook more here at home!

  6. Bill Sweeney says:

    These are excellent tips. It’s easy to say that healthy eating is too expensive. We say that because we don’t want to give up our junky stuff.

  7. Mandee says:

    These are great tips! Switching to healthier foods can be so hard in the beginning, but it’s so worth it!

  8. Meagan Goepferich says:

    This looks so delicious. We try not to eat out much.

  9. Pam says:

    These are great tips. Getting water instead of Soda can save money without any real hassle on your part.

  10. Dana Vento says:

    I’mn pretty sure that this is really fantastic! Glad I found this amazing tips.

  11. These are great tips! I always think that good health is wealth! Healthy habits could really help your finances!

  12. I really like your healthy list.
    I know that I have been increasingly asking for water at restaurants and it always helps keep the bill lower as well as me healthier.

  13. Amanda Love says:

    Packed lunches really help minimize your expenses when going outside. These are very nice tips especially for people who are on a budget and trying to lose weight.

  14. Jeanine says:

    Awesome tips! When we go out I live on water instead of anything else. What a difference to the price!

  15. Kiwi says:

    Asking for water really does help. You buy a couple of cocktails and its an additional 20-40 on the bill i have seen it happen!

  16. When I was working in an office, we spent a fortune on eating out. It was expensive and not as healthy what I would have packed from home. Great tips!

  17. Wendy Polisi says:

    Very helpful tips! I really have started to enjoy cooking at home again.

  18. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    We always cook at home. It gives me better choices and I get to pick the ingredients I add to the dish. It is not only economical, but healthy as well because I choose only the freshest meat and produce to make my family’s meals.

  19. Our Family World says:

    I agree with buying real food. That is the first step to get back on the road to health. I don’t have a set exercise regimen but I walk a lot and stay active. Better to take care of ourselves with these simple habits than to fall sick!

  20. Janet W. says:

    Exercising regularly has really helped me overall and my numbers at my yearly exams.

  21. Lee Lin says:

    Practicing graditutde and friendliness are two great tips that don’t cost ANYTHING!

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