Enjoying Milk Again with a2 Milk

By Shannon Gurnee
In Food
March 4, 2016

This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.
I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

#a2Milk #Ambassador #IC #ad 

I used to love drinking milk! I would drink it in the morning in breakfast shakes or with cookies or cake, but I just can’t do it anymore. It’s just not worth it to me to drink milk and have to deal with an upset stomach afterwards. I’m so glad I discovered an alternative to milk – a2 Milk®. I’m excited to share my opportunity to be an a2 Milk® Ambassador and talk about this awesome product on my blog and social media channels.

I didn’t really understand before why I felt the way I did after drinking milk, but now I do. Originally, all cows’ milk contained only the A2 protein (beta-casein) and their milk was easily digested. However, over time a new protein variant, A1, which digests differently, started to appear in cow’s milk, and milk drinkers began to experience Post-Dairy Digestive Discomfort (PD3). Part of the reason for the appearance of this new protein variant is due to the fact that farmers migrated herds to the U.S. and their cows were forced to adapt to environmental changes, which included the stress of modern dairy farming and demand for increased milk output. The a2 Milk Company™ has partnered with U.S. family dairy farmers in upstate New York and the Midwest to expand the heirloom a2 herd. a2 cows naturally produce milk free from the A1 protein. Their farmers are certified in the humane treatment of animals. Their cows are fed a vegetarian diet and never given hormones or rBST, plus the milk is antibiotic free and contains no artificial ingredients or additives. Pretty cool, right?

#a2Milk #Ambassador #IC #ad

I love that a2 Milk® is pure farm fresh milk. It’s the first and only milk that is naturally free from the A1 beta-casein protein. With a2 Milk®, I don’t have to cut milk out all together. After feeling like there weren’t many people who had this issue, I discovered from an independent study that 1 in 4 Americans have discomfort after drinking milk. Of these, only 3-4% of the population have been clinically diagnosed with a lactose intolerance medical condition. 

#a2Milk #Ambassador #IC #ad

I found a2 Milk® at Ralphs, but you can also find it nationally at Sprouts, The Fresh Market, Whole Foods Mid-Atlantic, and throughout California in Whole Foods, Ralph’s, Sprouts, Gelson’s and many more. Check out the Store Locator HERE. a2 Milk® contains approx. 6x the amount of calcium as soy beverages, approx. 8x the protein of almond beverages and approx. 6x the potassium levels of rice beverages. a2 Milk® is available in half gallon cartons with an SRP of $4.49 (varieties include whole milk, reduced fat 2%, low fat 1% and fat-free).

Be sure to follow a2 Milk® on Facebook and Twitter for more product information.

Have you tried a2 Milk®? What is your favorite way to enjoy it?


About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

17 Responses to “Enjoying Milk Again with a2 Milk”

  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I drink a lot of milk, but my poor husband hasn’t had in years because of digestive issues. I will tell him about this.

  2. BEtsy says:

    I haven’t tried A2 Milk before but will have to give it a try. I don’t drink milk often but I need to change that!

  3. A2 milk sounds great. I have to wonder if some of my problem might not be lactose related.

  4. Catherine S says:

    I have not tried it. I can’t drink milk, it bothers my asthma. I will have to get this for my son and husband.

  5. Pam says:

    I haven’t tried this kind of milk yet! My daughter has some stomach issues and milk can be hard on her so I will have to tell her about this.

  6. Marcie W. says:

    I have not tried a2 milk yet but plan to keep an eye out for it in stores. I typically can only manage one serving of dairy per day, so hopefully this can help!

  7. Liz Mays says:

    We may have to give this a shot. I didn’t know about PD3 and I wonder if it affects me.

  8. Kristi says:

    Wow… this is new product to me, was not aware it was out there. My sister had the same issues so I am going to see if she knows about this as an alternative to regular milk.

  9. Jeanine says:

    I don’t drink nearly enough milk. I’ve been trying to lately with this pregnancy but I am having a hard time with it. I love milk though! This sounds interesting.

  10. Toni says:

    Wow so this could really be a middle ground for those who don’t tolerate milk easily! What a fascinating product!

  11. Nicole Escat says:

    I love fresh milk. Since i don’t drink coffee because it makes me have a digestive issue, i start to love now the taste of milk.

  12. A dear friend of mine has struggled for years with lactose intolerance – she’ll be thrilled to know about a2 milk! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Amanda O. says:

    I’ve been hearing about this milk a lot lately. Good to know that those with intolerances can now enjoy milk.

  14. Christie says:

    I’ll have to look for this milk at my local store. It’s great to see companies taking care of our milk products

  15. Richard Hicks says:

    I will be looking for this next time I get groceries.

  16. Tracey says:

    I have never heard of A2 milk. I’m going to keep my eye out for it the next time I am at the grocery store.

  17. I have not yet tried a2 Milk and I haven’t yet seen it at my local grocery store but I will definitely keep a look out for it, it is great to know that it does not cause discomfort!

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