How to Make Deviled Eggs

By Shannon Gurnee
In Cooking with Redhead Mom
December 30, 2015

#Foodie #Recipe #DeviledEggs #Eggs #ad

One of the appetizers that I love to make (and eat) and that our guests love to eat as well are my Homemade Deviled Eggs! Not only are they delicious, but they are super easy to make too!


  • 12 Hard Cooked Eggs
  • 1 cup Mayonnaise
  • 2 tsp Yellow Mustard
  • Dash of salt and pepper
  • Paprika to sprinkle on Deviled Eggs

#Foodie #Recipe #DeviledEggs #Eggs #ad


1 – Start with 12 Hard Cooked Eggs. Make sure they are cool before peeling.

2 – Peel eggs and set aside.

3 – Cut each egg in half (lengthwise). 

4 – Remove yolks with spoon and scrape into a bowl.

5 – Set empty eggs on a plate to make serving easy.

6 – Mash together the yolks in a bowl and add mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Taste before putting into eggs and adjust with more mayonnaise or mustard accordingly. Sometimes I add more mayonnaise and mustard to get a creamier egg texture or more flavor.

7 – You can use either a featherweight bag with Wilton Tip #21 or Tip #32 or I like to use the Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator to fill and decorate my Deviled Eggs.

8 – Sprinkle Paprika over the tops.

9 – You can chill or serve immediately.  They will go fast!  Enjoy!

Have you ever made Deviled Eggs?
When would you enjoy eating them?

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

47 Responses to “How to Make Deviled Eggs”

  1. […] post How to Make Deviled Eggs appeared first on The […]

  2. Lisa Brown says:

    Your recipe is perfect, exactly like deviled eggs should be.

  3. Sarah L says:

    I always make deviled eggs for family get togethers. I add a splash of vinegar to mine and have been known to sometimes add a dash of chipotle seasoning.

  4. Betty C says:

    This is a great, simple recipe. I sometimes add crumbled bacon bits or diced sauteed mushrooms.

  5. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I have actually never had a deviled egg – can you believe that? I need to try one!!

  6. tara pittman says:

    I loove deviled eggs. I just hate making them.

  7. laci says:

    Awesome, living in GA these are a must !!!

  8. Kimberly Flickinger says:

    My mother loves deviled eggs. Thank you for sharing, I am going to make these for her.

  9. Nicole Escat says:

    Awesome. These are cool, I totally like this idea, my family would love it.

  10. Lexie Lane says:

    Wow, that is yummy, you’re so very creative.

  11. rika says:

    I love Deviled eggs… it’s my comfort food

  12. michelle says:

    i have never tried deviled eggs but i would love to. these look yummy

  13. victoria says:

    Wow. i love this! i see this in the buffet restaurant but i never have an idea how to do this. Thanks for this recipe

  14. Elizabeth O. says:

    I’ve never made deviled eggs before. It sure is nice to learn the recipe! Thanks for sharing it!

  15. How delicious I love deviled eggs

  16. Mardene Carr says:

    I have never had deviled eggs…I love eggs, eat at least one per day but never tried this recipe..

  17. MyTeenGuide says:

    I love Deviled Eggs, but I’ve never tried making them. I think now is a good time to try. This looks so tasty!

  18. Deviled egg ..Funny about who make my egg sorry. Although never made deviled eggs your recipe is doable will try.

  19. John Milnes says:

    We have actually tried this in the past. I love these. We need to try these again. Making he hungry just thinking about it. 😉

    Thanks for Sharing.

    John @

  20. Jojo Vito says:

    I don’t know why it is called deviled egg when it tastes so good.Lol 🙂

  21. I love deviled eggs. Its simple and easy to make and the kids love to pipe the egg mixture. lol

  22. Angie Scheie says:

    I adore deviled eggs, and just the basic traditional way is my favorite!

  23. Marts says:

    This looks so yummy. Great that we have a couple of eggs stacked in the kitchen.

  24. Rosey says:

    They really do go fast. People love their deviled eggs! Three of my four kids are big fans.

  25. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had deviled eggs but they look delicious! I’m going to have to try and make them sometime!

  26. Jonathan Key says:

    What a great recipe! We love deviled eggs and have them for most holidays. Saving for future reference!

  27. angie says:

    we love deviled eggs, were always one of my favorites from big family dinners and always include them in our dinners as well.

  28. Deviled eggs are totally my weakness! They are so delicious!

  29. Yes, we love deviled eggs! My recipe also include a little worcestshire and vinegar.

  30. We love deviled eggs in our house but we don’t nearly make them enough.

  31. tara pittman says:

    I made them once and it was a pain. The shells would not come off my eggs.

  32. Jenn Peters says:

    I love deviled eggs for BBQs and family gatherings. My mom swears on putting a little salt in the water to get the shells off.

  33. Elizabeth O. says:

    It’s really so easy or at least you make it seem easy for a beginner like me. I can’t believe it only has 5 ingredients. Definitely something I can try!

  34. I love deviled eggs. I never thought about doing step 7 though. I always just spoon it in. I bet that would make it so much easier.

  35. My husband and I really like this as a teat, but our kiddos won’t eat these ever

  36. Amber says:

    Thank you for this! My husband loves deviled eggs.

  37. The deviled eggs looks very delicious. Thank you for sharing your recipe. Our 9 chickens lay eggs everyday and your post helps me a lot on what to do with their eggs.

  38. These look yummy! Thanks for the tips 🙂

  39. Yummy looking deviled eggs! You are right. This will go fast.

  40. Liz Mays says:

    They’re so easy to make but so well loved! They do get snatched up quickly!

  41. Patty says:

    One of my favorite party foods. I add relish to mine. If and it’s a big if, I have any leftovers I mash them up to make egg salad for sandwiches.

  42. Jonathan Key says:

    This is a great recipe! I know my kids love these. May try this over the weekend.

  43. I’ve oddly enough never had a deviled egg but every time I see a recipe for them I think they look delicious, I’ll have to try and make them soon!

  44. Deviled eggs are a staple when it comes to having a party. So easy to make and so dang delicious. They are always the first thing we run out of when we make them.

  45. rika says:

    I love Devil eggs.. this recipe looks yummy

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