You Matter and Can Make a Difference

By Shannon Gurnee
In Family
June 28, 2015

Beautiful young sad girl sitting on asphalt

Growing up, I felt like I didn’t matter. It wasn’t that I didn’t matter with my parents, it was that I felt I didn’t matter with my peers, my friends, my schoolmates. I was the one who was teased for the red hair, fair skin, skinny legs, and crooked teeth. I was the last one chosen for teams in PE. I was the one who wasn’t asked to dance at the school dance. I was the one who felt like she would never be loved or treasured by anyone but her family. Boy, was I wrong. 

It’s amazing how much you learn once you enter the real world. I don’t want to say I’m perfect today, because I do still have some of those issues where I feel like I’m not good enough or don’t matter, but I don’t always feel like that. I know that I make a difference when I hold the door open for someone, or I give someone a hug when I meet them, or I compliment someone on their hair or makeup or outfit. I know that I make a difference by simply giving the homeless person a bag of food at the corner or by buying someone a drink at Starbucks in drive-thru. I once had someone tell me that I shouldn’t bother because I can’t change the world, but honestly, I believe that we can make a difference. Although that effect might not be shared on Facebook, published on a blog or written in the newspaper, we can make a difference…one person at a time. 

It can be as simple as hugging your child or listening to a friend. It can be as simple as telling your spouse or partner how much they mean to you. It can be as simple as a smile or helping an old person across the street. It can be as simple as complimenting someone or delivering a plate of cookies to a neighbor. It could be as simple as thanking a soldier in uniform for their service or saying “Welcome Home” and “Thank You” to a military veteran. It could be as simple

While we may feel like a number in the billions of people on this planet or a number at our job, we do make a difference. We may not hear that we’ve made a difference and may not be able to change the world, but we can make a difference…one person at a time. We also should remember how much we affect those in our immediate lives…our children, our spouses, our parents, our siblings. heck…our extended family. Each one of us matter and can make a difference…if we really put our hearts and minds into it.

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I’ve come to the realization that I do matter. I matter as a mother, a stepmother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a teacher, a learner….the list goes on. I hope that each of you realize you matter too!

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

26 Responses to “You Matter and Can Make a Difference”

  1. Robin Masshole mommy says:

    You are so right! We definitely ALL matter!

  2. Isn’t it amazing how hard it is for us to recognize our own worth? We’re always looking to other people to tell us we’re worthy while we do all the thing that already make us worthy.

  3. I felt like this a time or two growing up in my teens. Now I know I matter and everyone around me does too. Great post!

  4. Excellent Post, and you have quite a beautiful family by the way! I totally believe that one random act of kindness makes a HUGE difference! So keep spreading the love and it will come back to you ten-fold! 🙂

  5. Liz Mays says:

    We definitely matter and we can and should make a difference! This is a great message.

  6. Jeanine says:

    What a beautiful post! You do matter! We all do, it just does sometimes take a bit for us to totally realize that! I still need reminders!

  7. Pam says:

    What a wonderful post! It’s so true, we all matter and can make a difference letting others know they matter too.

  8. Marcie W. says:

    I truly feel everyone has a job to do and a purpose, so we all definitely matter. A little bit of kindness and gratitude can really make a person remember how important they are too.

  9. Catherine S says:

    What a great post and a great message. We all matter and you have a beautiful and amazing family.

  10. Felicia says:

    This is beautiful! Yes, we all matter to someone and in a unique way to each one. That is the beautiful thing about who God puts into our lives.

  11. Valerie says:

    With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is so easy to forget our own worth. Thanks for the reminder of how important each person in life really is.

  12. Great post and I remember being one of the last ones picked unless one of my friends was captain. I think those times made us who were are today and you are an amazing person. Great way to take a crappy situation and using it to make others feel noticed

  13. Kristi says:

    What a great post… everyone DOES matter. I worry about girls feeling the same way that you explained in your post… and just hope somehow they will have enough confidence to get through the teen and high school years.

  14. I have that way many times over the years. I think for me being a mother and step mom has shown me that I make a difference more than anything else.

  15. This is such a wonderful post. I grew up being sexually abused, my drug and friend was food. I gained weight hoping my abuser would leave me alone, but it only caused my family and kids at school to tease me more. I struggle with the ‘not good enough” on a daily basis. Sometimes its just nice to see someone else sharing their story.

  16. Everyone matters to someone. There is someone out there that is depending on each and every one of us to help them in some way. So, no matter what you think, you always matter to someone!

  17. Penelope says:

    It is hard to say it to ourselves and to acknowledge it. But we all need to realize our contribution to the world.

  18. Crystal says:

    I hope my children know that they matter but you’re highlighting how important it is to make sure. It’s a conversation I need to have with this.

  19. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I can remember feeling like this when i was a teenager. It is so hard growing up. I have been sure to tell my kids how much they matter their whole life. They are probably tired of hearing me.

  20. Kiwi says:

    You know life is complicated and sometimes with all the “things” going on in the world it seems like what we are doing doesnt matter much. It does and someone is always impacted by you…we all matter to someone!

  21. Tracey says:

    What a great message and a beautiful post. We always need to make time to ensure kids know that they matter.

  22. Raijean says:

    Yes, you do matter. It seems overwhelming at times but we all have a purpose.

  23. Tess says:

    Everyone does matter.its unfortunate that people can be that way.

  24. Shell says:

    We all do matter. I’m trying to instill this in my kids- that they all matter and that everyone around them does, too.

  25. Rosey says:

    I love this post! I am a firm believer that if you don’t feel like you’re making a difference, then go out and make it happen. There are lots of ways to do so, including the examples you gave here.

  26. Carly Brydon says:

    I know I’ve definitely had moments where I felt like I didn’t matter. But we are all very important and definitely matter!

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