Family Pizza Night + Removing Tomato Sauce Stains

By Shannon Gurnee
In Cleaning Review
April 10, 2015


#OurBigFamily #foodie #Clorox2 #FamilyNight #ad

We love to have pizza delivery for dinner in our family! We usually order a couple of boxes from a local pizza restaurant. It’s safe to say that ordering pizza delivery is a weekly tradition in our family. And since purchasing our Blackstone Pizza Oven, we’ve been enjoying a lot more pizzas a lot more often!

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

My husband is the pizza maker in our home. I merely offer moral support, pour the drinks, hold the door open for him and take pictures (ha ha the life of a blogger). He really does make a killer pizza too! Between our 6 kids and Frank and I, we usually make 3 pizzas for dinner (complete with salad). There is always Cheese Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza and Meatza Pizza (that’s with Sausage, Pepperoni, Salami, Olives and lots of cheese)!

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

Since the kids had Spring Break this week, we thought it would be fun to set up the kitchen like an Italian Bistro. Ya know – with the red cups, fun straws, red-and-white tablecloth and homemade pizzas! The kids were so surprised and excited for dinner when they walked in and saw the set-up!

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

If you have kids, you know that with spaghetti or pizza (or pretty much anything with tomato sauce) comes tomato sauce stains. Ok, so maybe it isn’t only kids – it’s adults too! For instance, my husband got tomato sauce on the apron when making pizza and then a few of the kids got tomato sauce from the pizza on their jeans. So what’s one to do when this happens?

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

When it comes to removing tomato sauce stains, I like to use Clorox 2 products! I use both the Clorox 2 Stain Remover Precision Pen and the Clorox 2 Stain Fighter and Color Booster Packs. It’s amazing how they actually get the tomato sauce stains out of our clothes!

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

I like that the Clorox 2 Stain Remover Precision Pen has two different sides on it. One side has a fine point for treating smaller stains and the other side has a broad tip for treating larger stains. I love that it is great for treating colors and is safe to use on whites! Even though it’s formulated specifically for colors, it’s still safe to use on whites. The Clorox 2 Stain Remover Precision Pen is designed to make laundry stain removal easy and convenient, with less mess. It pretreats tough stains like dirt and grass, spaghetti (or tomato) sauce, red wine and more.

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

#FamilyNight #FamilyFood #Clorox2 #foodie #OurBigFamily #ad

To brighten our entire load of laundry, I like to add Clorox 2 Stain Remover and Color Booster Packs. I love these Booster Packs because they keep our colors brights, whiten our whites and remove stains from clothes. All you have to do is toss it into your washer (works on front-loaders too) along with your detergent and you’re done. Easy peasy with no mess and no hassle!

Thanks to Clorox 2, we can enjoy Family Pizza Nights often and say goodbye to tomato sauce stains. Thank you Clorox 2!!!

What stains do you have to deal with often? Have you tried Clorox 2 products?

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

25 Responses to “Family Pizza Night + Removing Tomato Sauce Stains”

  1. Leela says:

    I use the clorox 2 liquid for my stains and for my cloth baby wipes. Nothing works better.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I use this on pizza sauce, too. It’s not easy to get out, but Clorox works.

  3. Wow that pizza looks incredible! I know exactly how you feel about spilling pizza sauce on my pants. I almost always spill something and always have trouble getting the stains out. I should keep a stain fighter stick with me everywhere!

  4. Stacie says:

    I really like Clorox 2. We live in the south, so there are always grass and mud stains to deal with.

  5. Jeanine says:

    Oh I have always wanted to try that pen! My 3.5yo is the worst for food stains and his poor clothes! I would love to try this on his spots!

  6. My jaw dropped at 6 kids! The pen and the washing pods are excellent also for travelling. We always pack them on trips

  7. I always get confused with how to treat various types of stains. The Clorox 2 pen sounds like a perfect tool and will save my fingernails as I usually scrape the stains. Now I can let the pen do the work!

  8. I have never tried that Clorox stain fighter but it sounds really effective. Family pizza night is fun, we used to that last year but haven’t done it this year.

  9. Tami says:

    I have ruined so many clothes by spilling my meal on them. (You’d think I was a little kid or something.)

  10. Oh wow, now I want a Blackstone Pizza Oven. I have always loved Clorox 2 products and I recommend them highly to everyone that will listen to me.

  11. Liz Mays says:

    Thank goodness those stains can come out. The Clorox pens have changed my life!

  12. michele d says:

    I’ve used this product many of times. I really comes in handy specially on the go.

  13. Erin says:

    I LOVE clorox pens! As a mom of all boys, you know I have to rely on stuff like that!

  14. Alli says:

    I need to keep the clorox 2 stain remover with me at all times. I’m so bad about getting food stains on my shirt. I love how you recreated a pizza shop in your home. And the pizza looks delicious, too!

  15. Fi Ní Neachtáin says:

    Oh I really want a family pizza night now, so delicious! I really need to get something to remove the tough stains from my sons clothes, especially tomato sauce like you.

  16. lisa says:

    I’ll have to get this pen. My kids are stain magnets on a daily basis.

  17. Breanna says:

    I love pizza, and now I really want a pizza night at the house. We used to have these dates before sports. I hope to have them again this summer when things settle down a little with the activities.

  18. It never fails that red sauce makes its way on one of us when its hit the dinner table. I don’t have a lot of experience with Clorox washing and stain products because they tend to break my skin out.

  19. Krystal says:

    I do love a good pizza night. I love dipping my pizza in ranch dressing. YUM!

  20. Wow. Pizza stains and pizza night go perfect together! I definitely need to carry around a stain remover with me at all times. Thank you for the tips!

  21. Ricci says:

    I LOVE pizza night and I am super messy so I swear by those Clorox pens!! Best invention ever!!

  22. Rosey says:

    That’s a handy little Clorox Pen. I’m getting me one of those. I have trouble with grease stains on Sunday. Hubby likes a big breakfast, but he likes fried potato squares and they always pop grease on my clothes when I’m cooking. It’s annoying and has made me hate fried potatoes. I do have an apron and I wear it, but I hate the grease getting on that too (cuz you know I bought my apron because it’s pretty, lol).

  23. Dogvills says:

    We love pizza night. And these pens are perfect for us because my kids are always making a complete mess on themselves.

  24. Gabriel says:

    Looks like a fun night, although I see a tween or early teen who looks less than impressed to be in another photo shoot for mom – it’s a look will be seeing soon, I think. Anything that makes eating together memorable is a great thing, although the kids might think it’s cheesy now, they will cherish it later.

  25. Manu Kalia says:

    I really need this one, my kids always have stain when getting a pizza at home. Glad you shared this one.

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