5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun

By Shannon Gurnee
In Cleaning Review
March 31, 2015


#Clorox2 #SpringCleaning #CleanHome #spon

I love a clean home, but I just don’t like the process of having to clean it. Unfortunately, we can’t afford to have a housekeeper do it for us, so I have to do what I can to keep it as clean as I can. Every now and again, I get into what I call my cleaning mode. This is where I throw things away (*gasp*), organize things and really get down and dirty cleaning our home. When this happens, Frank knows to let me just go at it until I ease my way out of cleaning mode.

One of the times of year I try to get the house good and clean is during the spring. You know that time of year when the weather is suddenly warm and sunny and you want all your windows in your home open? That’s one of those times I get into my cleaning mode. If only cleaning could be easier and more fun! Wait a minute…it actually can! And remember if you don’t like cleaning you can always use local maids to help you out. Be sure to check out Chicago maid services if you live in the area. Either way, you should enjoy it and to have a little help is always great!

Here are 5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun:

#Clorox2 #SpringCleaning #CleanHome #spon

1 – Make a list. I love lists! I don’t only like writing them, but I love crossing the items off my list as I complete them. Before you start spring-cleaning, think about the areas in your home that you want to get good and clean and write them down. If you’ll be cleaning the exterior of your home, you may need to use a pressure washer equipment.

2 – Out with the old and in with the new. Before you start spring-cleaning, go through your cleaning products and throw out the old ones and replace with new ones (*just a reason to go shopping – yay!*). Clorox® makes some really good products that will get your house good and clean…and keep it that way!

3 – Turn the music on and up! I remember cleaning the house with my mom and sisters when I was little. She would turn on some of her favorite records on our record player and turn it up loud. We would sing and dance all while cleaning! We had no idea we were having fun while doing a household chore that isn’t that fun.

4 – Make it a family effort. It’s a lot more fun when you know that cleaning the entire house doesn’t solely rest on your shoulders. Get your family involved by writing different chores on pieces of paper and having each family member draw one out of a hat. The chore they pull out is their special job! You could even make it a competition (i.e. whoever has the dustiest cloth or vacuums up the most dirt and debris).

5 – Reward yourself! After cleaning your house, wouldn’t it be nice to go out to dinner and have a movie night? Take the family out to dinner and either go to a movie or have a movie-night in at home to reward your efforts in getting your home clean. Maybe it’s even a reason to go get a pedicure or massage? The sky’s the limit!

When spring cleaning, I like to focus on cleaning the bathroom, dusting throughout the house, washing clothes and linens, and cleaning up our refrigerator. Here are some general spring cleaning tips when it comes to these chores:

Tackle the Bathroom Sink: You may think that germs wash down the bathroom sink along with toothpaste and soap, but that’s not always the case! In fact, researchers from NSF International recently analyzed 100 samples from five commonly touched surfaces and found the “germiest” surface tested. Easily disinfect the bathroom sink during your spring-cleaning routine by wiping it down with an EPA-registered disinfectant, such as Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes.

Send Dust Bunnies Hopping: Dust and allergens can linger in your home during the winter, but using new Clorox® Triple Action Dust Wipes to easily pick up dust, hair and allergens, rather than pushing them around. Work from top to bottom of a room, dusting the tops of bookshelves and light fixtures first, then work your way down to desks and television stands. If you suspect rats or mice are hiding out in your home, call in an animal removal expert or a mice pest control company to help you out.

Refresh and Sanitize Fabrics: When spring-cleaning, don’t forget about your soft surfaces! These soft surfaces can trap germs and allergens throughout the winter. An easy way to sanitize hard-to-clean items like couches, curtains and mattresses is to use Clorox® 4 in One Disinfecting Spray. Simply spray the fabric until it’s wet, but do not saturate it, and allow it to air dry.

Spruce Up Your Refrigerator: To tackle germs in the fridge, search for any expired items and toss them out. Afterwards, quickly disinfect the shelves and drawers inside by wiping them down with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes.

#Clorox2 #SpringCleaning #CleanHome #spon

Wash Clothes and Linens: Part of Spring Cleaning (and honestly, everyday cleaning) with a big family is washing clothes and linens. While we use the same detergents over and over throughout the year, I like to really jazz things up with Clorox 2 Darks & Denims! I love this detergent – especially with having 6 kids who constantly need their jeans (and darks) cleaned! Clorox 2 Darks & Denims will help clean your darks and denims looking clean and fresh.

A few other great items from Clorox® to use in your home include Clorox® Pump ‘N Clean for Kitchen and Bathroom, Clorox® Scrub Singles for Kitchen and Bathroom, and Clorox® Triple Action Dust Wipes.

How do you make Spring Cleaning fun in your home?
What is your favorite Clorox® product to use?

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

28 Responses to “5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun”

  1. Helen Swarts says:

    Yup!! I do all five, awesome post. I’ve got to try that Clorox 2 dark and denim.

  2. Stacie says:

    Thanks so much for these tips! I’ve been dreading spring cleaning since mid-January. Hopefully, these tips will help me learn to love it. Hopefully…

  3. LaShawn says:

    I love a clean house…but hate to clean. I’ve been dreading the spring cleaning that must be done next week!

  4. These are great tips. I agree with making it a family effort. Hubby and I always encourage the kids to help out.

  5. Elizabeth O. says:

    Spring cleaning can be fun for me. I can enjoy seeing my clutter cleaned up!

  6. R U S S says:

    Thank you for this great tips that you’ve put together. Our household has been using Clorox for the longest time – it’s a trusted brand when it comes to cleaning, disinfecting, and killing germs.

  7. Roselynn says:

    I don’t think I could ever manage to do any cleaning around the house without music and a checklist. The few times I have tried I think I end up rearranging dust and not cleaning whatsoever haha.

  8. Shirgie Scf says:

    Thanks so much for the practical advice. Guess what, you have just reminded me to do some spring cleaning. I guess i have to get those heavy jackets out of the closet and put in a big bag for the next winter. Your tips will be of great help to me.

  9. Perfect time for me to come across this post…since I’ll be doing all my spring cleaning today!

  10. Thanks so much for your tips. I’m usually on top of my spring cleaning but not so this year. Hopefully your tips will help.

  11. Jeanine says:

    I love Spring cleaning when it’s made fun. Dancing around to music, getting the kids to help! Otherwise, I loathe it! I loved all Clorox products until we got our bird which meant we had go give up any bleach or smelly product!

  12. Great tips and ideas – thank you – I like the Clorox® Triple Action Dust Wipes and the disinfectant spray for many things – I’ll be checking it out!! Thank you 🙂

  13. Dogvills says:

    Those are amazing spring cleaning tips. Firing up the music will make it more enjoyable. I love Clorox products

  14. Rosey says:

    I get on the phone. If I’m cleaning and yakking to an old friend I haven’t talked to in a long time, I get so much done and it’s seemingly effortless! 🙂

  15. I turn the music up really loud. Cleaning is not fun for me due to my back and hip problems. So, I have to push through the pain. Music helps because I can move around like I am having a dance party. It also helps to pass the time and I dont think about how gross the bathroom is. LOL

  16. Adanna says:

    This is the first year that I didn’t complete my spring cleaning before Easter. I love to turn up the music and get it done. Hopefully, I can use your tips within the next few weeks.

  17. I hate spring cleaning! But I do love organization! I think your tips would help me enjoy (if that’s possible) spring cleaning a little more!

  18. Vaneese says:

    Music is definitely how I make spring cleaning better. I just turn up Pandora and get to work! My favorite Clorox product is definitely the disinfectant spray.

  19. Sorry, but although I agree these tips can make cleaning less horrible, there’s nothing in the world that can making it “fun” for me. LOL

  20. I totally agree with #3, there’s nothing like turning up the music to get you in the mood. That allows makes doing something more fun to do. I often put the earplugs in when Im cooking.

  21. Terry C says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I have a lot of spring cleaning to do. You have alot of great tips.

  22. When my sister and I had to do our chores or something big like spring cleaning, we would write down the task and put them in a hat and draw them. It made it more fair and more fun.

  23. Krystal says:

    spring cleaning fun?! Ha! I’m trying to get my clean on and it can be so hard. I’m using a checklist!

  24. Lynndee says:

    I totally agree with turn the music on and up. There’s just something with music that gives me energy while cleaning. 🙂

  25. Nile says:

    I always make a good Spring cleaning list. Usually the top 2 is bug bomb for spiders and then dusting and cleaning walls and ceiling.

  26. Ricci says:

    I love spring cleaning! I am a list maker so that works for me…there is just something satisfying about marking something off a list!

  27. I LOVE spring cleaning!! It’s my favourite activity, as soon as the weather gets warm…
    I mean, I don’t *love* the cleaning bit but the end result is always something that makes me happy. I am one to make a list, crank the tunes and do the whole out-with-the-old thing too 🙂

  28. lisa says:

    Hello, Music is definitely how I make spring cleaning better. I just turn up Pandora and get to work! My favorite Clorox product is definitely the disinfectant spray.

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