Decorating Our Christmas Tree with 6 Kids

By Shannon Gurnee
In Holiday Fun
December 19, 2014

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays!  It’s a time of family, friends, holiday sweets, presents and decorations.  I have so many fond memories of my childhood Christmas experiences and I try to make it special for our children like it was for me.  I love Christmas so much that I am normally the one who starts to listening to Christmas carols right after Halloween.  Yep – I am one of those people and I’m not ashamed!  From what I know of Frank, he typically doesn’t put up the tree until after Thanksgiving.  However, this year he surprised me.  He put it up before Thanksgiving, as well as the outdoor lights!  Wow – talk about feeling loved.  What a great guy I have!

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

With the Christmas carols playing, it was time to decorate our tree.  Now I do have to be honest here and say that it did get a tad crazy decorating with six kids (wait, I mean seven, including my niece), but overall it was a good time.  I think it was the excitement of wearing their Santa hats and seeing old ornaments and new ornaments for the tree.  We actually had to have the kids form a line (ha ha) as I went through the ornaments and handed them one by one.

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

The kids loved hanging up the ornaments and finding special spots for each one.  I’m so glad that Frank captured some of those special moments of them decorating the tree!  And this year, we actually had an artificial tree rather than a live tree.  I loved having live trees, but after last year, we found that it was difficult to put the tree up and then take it down.  Not to mention the mess it made with spilling water and such.  I love the tree Frank found us and look forward to many more Christmases with it together!

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

#Christmas #Holidays #HolidayFun #OurBigFamily

I love our Christmas tree!  There are so many gorgeous decorations on it and it was a great experience decorating our Christmas tree with our big family.  It’s filled with old memories and now new memories.  I can’t wait to see all of the ornaments we collect as a family over the coming years.

When do you put up your tree?  Do you have a live tree or artificial tree?  Do you have family traditions when it comes to decorating your family Christmas tree?

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

24 Responses to “Decorating Our Christmas Tree with 6 Kids”

  1. aimee fauci says:

    You and I are one in the same! Yep, tree pretty much goes up the day or weekend after Halloween! No shame, no shame..Let the haters hate.

  2. Annie says:

    Hubs & I have inherited my parents’ artificial tree/ornaments. It usually goes up after Thanksgiving. This year was entertaining as we now have a dog & a cat that were both quite curious 😛

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    My poor 10 year old ended up decorating our tree all by himself because no one was in the mood to help him this year LOL.

  4. Terry says:

    I have to confess that I didn’t put a tree up this year. We travel so much that were never home to even enjoy it.

    When my daughter moved out I gave her a special ornament that has been on my tree since I was a kid.

    Every year at is the first ornament on her tree.

  5. Sarah Bailey says:

    It sounds like you all have such fun putting up your tree – love how you all do it together 🙂

  6. Lesley says:

    Looks like memories were made at your house. You have a lovely tree too. We got a shorter tree this year, something smaller because our budget would only allow for small trees and big gifts. LOL

  7. Lady Lilith says:

    How cute. It looks like you all had the best holiday ever.

  8. Jeanine says:

    My oldest and u did ours and ended up taking it down a week later and two weeks before Christmas. It was a rotten time in our house!

  9. Liz Mays says:

    That tree is massive. Decorating it must have been so fun. I tend to use artificial trees so I can use them every year.

  10. Krystal says:

    Decorating is the best part! We hide a pepper on the tree to find on Christmas morning!

  11. I have 4 kids help me three were teenagers and then the 7 year old the teens didn’t really get the entire feel for decorating the tree because the 7 year old is so excited about decorating the tress.

  12. Pam says:

    That tree is a big one! It looks like your kids had a fantastic time decorating it. We usually get a real tree. I think the smell is great, and the cats like all the climbing spots!

  13. They did a great job! My children decorated our tree alone this year and for once I didn’t go back and change things.

  14. What a pretty tree – looks like great memories too as everyone joined in!

  15. Veronica says:

    Such great photos. You have done a great job with the tree. It is so beautiful!

  16. Looks like a lot of fun, it must go fast decorating that tree with so many people in the house!

  17. Pam says:

    It looks beautiful and I bet you really enjoyed it this past season. My sons are adults and they still get a kick out of looking at ornaments they made in grade school.

  18. Jaime says:

    We generally put the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. It comes down just after January 1. And my 3-year-old helped with decorating this year. I love having the extra help and seeing his response to all of the fun ornaments!

  19. Decorating the tree is my favorite part of Christmas! We have one tree for the kids and then a second tree.

  20. That’s a HUGE tree, wow! I love how you all decorated it together 🙂

  21. Angela S says:

    What a large and beautiful tree. It looks like all the kids had a great time putting on the decorations.

  22. katrina g says:

    that is such a pretty tree. awesome how well they all work together in decorating. if my 2 year old had it her way everything would be on one branch.

  23. Looks like they did a great job! Kiddo has her own tree to decorate full of ornaments shes picked out over the years on our special trips. The big tree is full of Irish and Scottish ornaments, many have been passed down from our grandparents. She does help with the plain bulbs, but we are waiting for her to get a little older before she handles the older ornaments.

  24. Holy cow, that sounds like a fun time, what a blessed day you must of had trimming the tree!

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