2014 Pumpkins on the Pier in Pismo Beach, California

By Frank Gurnee
In Halloween
November 6, 2014

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

The weekend before Halloween, Shannon and I decided to take our 6 kids to Pumpkins on the Pier in Pismo Beach.  This was the first time we all had been to this city activity.  We got all 6 of our kids dressed in their Halloween costumes and headed to the activity.

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

When we got there, it took some time to park our Tahoe.  Once we found parking, we headed to the pier and waited in line to get the trick-or-treating bags for the kids.  Unfortunately, they had just run out of pumpkins about 3 minutes before we got up to the window.  We thanked them for the trick-or-treat bags and walked around the pier.  There were a lot of people there!  

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

There were decorations and a picture spot for those who just arrived at the event.  The kids loved the Halloween feel of it!  I would say a lot of the activities were wrapping up around 11:30 am (when we got there), so we hung out for a little bit and then hit the stores for trick-or-treating.

#PumpkinsOnThePier #PismoBeach #Halloween #CentralCoast

We walked through the stores with the kids and they trick-or-treated at each store.  They got candy, stickers and some other fun stuff.  The best treat they got was money at the Pismo Beach Subway.  Boy, were they excited!  We look forward to next year and will definitely be arriving earlier!  A big thanks to Pismo Beach for putting on this fun activity!

About Has 20 Posts

Frank Gurnee lives on the central coast of California with his wife Shannon, and their 6 crazy, spunky, smart, crazy, funny, intelligent, crazy kids.. Did he mention crazy? Ok, well he's over exaggerating a bit, maybe spunky is just too over the top “lol”. On this blog, he talks about the dad's perspective of having a large family, as well as the ways dads and moms can maintain some sanity; while also embracing the fun that can be had when everyone is together.

23 Responses to “2014 Pumpkins on the Pier in Pismo Beach, California”

  1. caroline schaffer says:

    I absolutely love Pumpkins On The Pier! Next time I bet y’all will get there earlier 🙂

  2. Catherine S says:

    Looks like a fantastic event. I love all the all the costumes.

  3. Wow! Pumpkins on the Pier looks like a very busy and popular event. Are you planning on making it a family tradition?

  4. Lori Gunn says:

    Pismo Beach and Pumpkins on the Pier sound like an area your kids will remember with big smiles. I know they are looking forward to next October already! Good for the merchants who participated in this kid-friendly event.

  5. Kecia says:

    I love finding different ways to celebrate Halloween and other holidays. We try to find new local attractions to visit each year. Hope your family enjoys Pumpkins on the Pier next year too!

  6. aimee fauci says:

    What a fun city activity! I love that it was on a pier, it made it so much more beautiful.

  7. Debbie Denny says:

    Wow. That looks like a great time. Neat family activity.

  8. Pam says:

    That sounds like a lot of fun! It looks like there were a ton of people there.

  9. Pauline C says:

    So cool costumes!Looks like a lot enjoyed this event.

  10. Theresa says:

    Too bad you missed some of the fun, but it still looks like and exciting event! Everyone looks great in their costumes!

  11. Kiwi says:

    I bet the kids had a ball at that event! #236743 reason why I wanna move to California Halloweens are cool, not cold literally!

  12. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    What fun! I would have had a blast at that with my kids.

  13. This looks like such a fun event! It was fun to see some Halloween pictures since everyone has moved on to Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  14. Shell says:

    What a fun event!Everyone’s costumes are great!

  15. What a fun gathering! I love that it was WARM where you were, it was freezing here!

  16. What a fun event. Adore the costumes and it looks like everyone had a great time.

  17. Looks like fun. Glad you and your family had a good time.

  18. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    This looks like a great way to spend the day with the kids having a ton of fun. I have never heard of this before.

  19. Liz Mays says:

    I can’t believe Subway gave out cash. I’d have been excited too! What a fun place to trick or treat.

  20. Pumpkins on the Pier looks really fun. I love all the skeletons.

  21. Rosey says:

    That’s a fun way to trick or treat. I bet the kids did have a blast!

  22. krystal says:

    Nice scenery for trick or treating! GOtta love that view!

  23. Christie says:

    Looks like the kids had a great time! I would love to take mine to a pier for the holiday!

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