After School Snack Time in a Big Family

By Shannon Gurnee
In Food
October 28, 2014


#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

Our typical day with 6 kids includes waking the kids up, getting their lunches packed, putting breakfast on the table and then driving them to school.  After being at school all day, the kids are super hungry when we get home from picking them up.  They like to raid the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator – looking for something that will fill their hunger cravings.  So what is one of the things we enjoy for After School Snack Time in a big family?

#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

One day, I sliced up some apples and set out a jar of Jif Hazelnut Spreads.  I was a little nervous the kids wouldn’t want it because it wasn’t regular peanut butter, but I was so wrong!  The kids LOVED it so much that I actually had to take it away from them so they didn’t eat it all!

#Jif #FamilyFood #OurBigFamily #Smuckers #ad

It’s pretty cool that Jif is breaking out of it’s peanut shell and introducing the new Jif Salted Caramel Flavor Hazelnut Spread.  This is a delicious combination of creamy chocolate hazelnut and salty sweet caramel and will put a fun twist on your favorite snack.  Families can spread the love of Jif Salted Caramel on a slice of whole wheat toast, dipped in fruit or enjoy on the spoon!

Have you tried the new Jif Hazelnut Spreads?  What’s your favorite flavor?

This is a sponsored post.  All opinions are mine.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

32 Responses to “After School Snack Time in a Big Family”

  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I haven’t tried them, but they sound delicious. I need to get some.

  2. courtney says:

    Yummy!!! Sounds delicious!!! Need to go get some for my princess & I lol…

  3. I have never tried the hazelnut spread. I actually didn’t know they made it.

  4. I haven’t tried these yet, but I already know that the chocolate is going to be my favorite. Anything chocolate is ALWAYS my favorite.

  5. Haha The picture of your son eating it out of the jar is priceless. We do that at my house, too!

  6. Nina Say says:

    I have never tried this. It looks like a great snack, though!

  7. Trisha says:

    I had no idea that Jif had this type of selection of Hazelnut Spreads! The salted caramel sounds like something I would like but my daughter and hubby would probably be interested in the chocolate. We’ll have to try them both!

  8. I haven’t tried these because I know I wouldn’t stay out of them. They look too good!

  9. Lisa Bristol says:

    I have not tried Jif Hazelnut Spread yet. It looks delicious with the apples. I will have to pick some up.

  10. Catherine S says:

    I have not tried these, but they sound good. I will have to pick some up this weekend.

  11. Looks so good! The kiddos would love it… and so would I!

  12. Andrea Callahan says:

    Did you just say JIF? Love that stuff!

  13. Elizabeth O. says:

    Hazelnut’s fine. But haven’t tried them on apples.

  14. Anne Younger says:

    Salted caramel and apple slices is a hit here. I’m so happy that I picked up a jar and the store when I spotted it.

  15. myrabev says:

    This looks delicious might give it a try this weekend

  16. That looks so good! I’m trying this with my toddler.

  17. rochkirstin says:

    Wow! We love hazelnut spreads, however eating it for a consecutive number of days may be unhealthy. It’s okay to incorporate it in food recipes and be creative about presentation.

  18. Rosey says:

    Those are a good idea to have on hand. We have the Jif Dippers and my son likes those quite a bit!

  19. Amby Felix says:

    Yay for snack time!!! This stuff is good for a sometimes snack.

  20. Krystal says:

    I ADORE the salted caramel spread. It is SUPER delicious.

  21. Rebecca Swenor says:

    These sounds amazing and I have yet to try them. I am going to have to try the Salted Caramel Hazelnut first. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Dawn says:

    I think the Jif Chocolate Spread is delicious! It makes for a great after school snack.

  23. Jessica Doll says:

    Yum! I’d love to try this out with some apple slices.

  24. Bonnie @ wemake7 says:

    My kids are always wanting to eat when they get home too. This looks really good, I bet they would love this.

  25. Jif chocolate spread is so delicious!! Love it especially spread on some sliced apples, yum!

  26. I grew up on Jiff!! Haven’t had any since moving back to Montreal in 2005! That’s soo cool that they have different flavors! Very good for snacks!

  27. I haven’t tried these JIF spreads yet…but I love hazelnut/chocolate flavors. I bet this would make a really tasty fondue-type dip recipe.

  28. Patranila says:

    Haven’t tried them. Big Nutella fan though! Maybe I’ll give them a shot.

  29. I need to get some of the salted caramel flavour. It looks so good and would love it paired with bananas.

  30. Rebecca says:

    It’s crazy- I grew up in a household where Nutella was imported from Germany because America didn’t have any. Now everyone knows what Nutella is and Jif has their own version. This is the world I wanna live in!

  31. Tamika says:

    I haven’t tried this spread yet. The Salted Caramel sounds very interesting and I’m thinking of looking for it as a quick snack for my family. Thanks for the tip.

  32. haha a yummy way to snack indeed! <3

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