Let’s Put an End to Child Hunger with Share A Meal

By Shannon Gurnee
In Community
October 14, 2014


#ShareAMeal #EndChildHunger #ad

When I was a young girl, I remember riding in the backseat of our car on the freeway with my parents.  We were approaching an overpass and I immediately noticed figures out of the corner of my eye on the side.  There were people with tents camped out under the freeway overpass and the children were playing.  I remember feeling sad for the family (especially the children) and then inspired to do something about it.  At the time, I was a Girl Scout and had to come up with a community service project.  I decided to help the homeless with the church I was attending and to collect donations from local stores to give to those in need.

#ShareAMeal #EndChildHunger #ad

Now that I am a mother, I can’t imagine my children (yet alone any other child) going hungry.  Food is so vital to their everyday survival.  Not only to their physical survival, but their emotional and mental survival as well.  Without food, children are unable to focus and concentrate on the work set before them at school.  They have a harder time controlling their emotions.  Food is vital for our children!

Did you know that right here in America, there are 16 million children struggling with hunger?  That number is equivalent to the population of Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia and Chicago combined.  Hunger‘s youngest victims are often invisible in the United States.  1 in 5 children is unaware of where their next meal will come from and could quite possibly be your own neighbor or your child‘s best friend.  To help shed light on this issue and be a part of the solution, Unilever Project Sunlight is rallying people across the country to “Share A Meal to Help Turn the Tables on Child Hunger in America.”

#ShareAMeal #EndChildHunger #ad

Unilever Project Sunlight is an initiative focused on encouraging people to create a brighter future for children by taking small steps to live sustainably, use less and share even more.  This Fall, the initiative will be focusing on child hunger and will be encouraging all consumers to get involved and uncover the reasons they share a meal.

I encourage you to watch the video above and visit Unilever Project Sunlight online to learn more. You can also spread the word and retweet my tweet above.  Let’s put an end to child hunger with Share A Meal together!

This is a sponsored post.  All opinions are mine.



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

40 Responses to “Let’s Put an End to Child Hunger with Share A Meal”

  1. Jennifer Williams says:

    I can remember my dad the day one of his customers lost their job. He made a care package to deliver to them (he owned a food store). He did this weekly until they got back on their feet. I do everything to follow in his foot steps.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Such a great campaign. This day in age, no child should be going hungry.

  3. This is such a very important message to get across. I did tweet and I would love to volunteer somewhere here in my area to help out with this great project!

  4. Catherine S says:

    This is such a great program. No child should ever go hungry. We help out with a food bank every year through my job.

  5. Sarah Bailey says:

    I think this is such an amazing project, it is sad how many families go without – who don’t have the small comforts that should be around for everyone.

  6. This is such an important initiative. I share your concern that no child should go hungry.

  7. Heather says:

    This is an awesome topic that needs to be brought to the forefront. It’s hard to believe that there are so many hungry families in our own country but it’s real.

  8. Lara says:

    Such a great campaign! No sweet child should be hungry!

  9. becca says:

    Such a good campaign. It’s hard to believe in our day and age kids go hungry. it’s not right.

  10. Liz Mays says:

    I’m kicking off a food drive in my neighborhood and I’m so hopeful that I’ll get TONS of donations.

  11. Tracey says:

    What an amazing campaign. It’s important that no child ever go hungry.

  12. A great campaign to get behind! Let’s end hunger here in our communities.

  13. Pam says:

    I think it’s so great that Unilever is doing this. Child hunger is such a problem and it’s definitely not talked about enough.

  14. Kenda says:

    This is such a great and important campaign. I am so glad Unilever is doing something to end childhood hunger. No child should have to go without meals.

  15. Pam says:

    I watched the video and it is very powerful. “Love and food…it does go hand in hand” – so true. I will be making a donation to this cause.

  16. I love this campaign and I LOVE seeing so many bloggers writing about it. Childhood hunger in the most prosperous country in the world is something we should be ashamed of. I’m so grateful there are companies like Unilever who help fight the issue.

  17. What a fantastic and important campaign. There’s no excuse for children to go hungry.

  18. Felicia says:

    I can’t imagine it either. I work with kids every day and I am so thankful for our school lunch system.

  19. Annie says:

    I always donate canned food around this time of year. I have never heard of this organization before.

  20. Dawn says:

    This is such a great initiative. There are far too many children going hungry in a country as great as ours.

  21. Lori Gunn says:

    This is a fantastic way to bring awareness to child hunger. Every person who spreads the word is helping win the battle.

  22. Stefany says:

    It makes me so sad to think that there are children going hungry in our country. I am so glad that this campaign exists to help stop this problem!

  23. Wow – 1 in 5 kids in our communites goes hungry. That is such a sad fact.

  24. Watching this video reminded me of when I was little. We grew up not having a lot and went to bed with no food too many nights to count. My dad did his best. I just wish we knew had food banks near us (maybe we did?). It’s scary to think that child hunger is happening even now…breaks my heart!

  25. Lady Lilith says:

    How sweet. I donate food to the less fortunate. It is really important to help others.

  26. Melissa Vera says:

    Thank you for bringing awareness to the issue of child hunger. As a teacher, I see first hand those kids that don’t have enough to eat. It just breaks my heart.

  27. paula schuck says:

    This is a great initiative. I can’t believe the number is so high. Let me rephrase. I can believe the number of kids that are hungry is so high but it is appalling. This needs to change. People must help and policy must change to help families who are living on poverty. So inspiring that you did that as a kid! Good for you.

  28. Jenn says:

    There are far too many children going hungry in this country. Everyone should make time to donate

  29. Brett says:

    There’s no excuse for children to go hungry. This is such an important campaign!

  30. Even though I feel like my daughter sometimes eats me out of house and home especially when she is going through a growth spurt I can’t even imagine her going to bed hungry. It just shouldn’t be happening to other little kids.

  31. Christie says:

    16 million is way too many kids. Great job Unilever for this campaign

  32. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    It is so sad that there are so many hungry kids. We always volunteered for The Breakfast for Learning program at the kids school. We always donate to our local food bank.

  33. Tess says:

    Sounds like a great cause. I hope to see an end to hunger someday.

  34. No child should ever go hungry in this world. I love the premise behind this program.

  35. Pauline Cabrera says:

    Project Sunlight is what a campaign should be. Positivism with a cause. Please share.

  36. Shell says:

    Thanks for sharing about this important issue. We donate to our local foodbank.

  37. Amanda Love says:

    It really hurts my heart whenever I hear about any child going to bed hungry. It’s why I tell my kids don’t take anything for granted. It’s great to know about this project and I’ll surely check it out.

  38. I am so glad to hear about this campaign. It is sad to think that there are children who go to bed hungry. I have shared and retweeted to spread the word.

  39. There is something so wrong with the fact that 16 million children in AMERICA are hungry! Hard to believe until you think about what contributes to that but I so wish it were not the case. Thankful for campaigns like this one working to help with the problem.

  40. Dina says:

    It breaks my heart to think of kids going hungry. A rt to help was so easy.

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