Bringing Music Back Into Our Schools

By Shannon Gurnee
In Back-to-School
August 5, 2014

This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying.

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Can you believe that summer is almost over and our kids will be going back to school soon?  Crazy how quickly the summer went by!  I have a lot of good memories from school.  One of them was singing in the show choir.  It was a long time ago, but music played an important role in my life.  I used music to express my feelings and to get through some of the trying times in my life.  Our kids use music as a way of expressing their creativity and contribute beauty through sound to the world.  We should do everything we can to keep music in schools and Schoola is helping to make that possible.

Have you heard of Schoola before?  Schoola is an online consignment store dedicated to recycling brand-name children’s clothes, with a portion of the proceeds going to schools in need.  This new program not only save parents money, but also gives back to schools at the same time!  It’s even been heralded by Fox News, the LA Times, Forbes and Parenting Magazine.  You can use Schoola two different ways.

1 – Shop on Schoola – First, you can shop on Schoola.  For every transaction purchased from this post on The Mommy-Files, Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy.  KIPP Academy has a goal of $25,000 to fund their music program.  So each $1 donated by Schoola will go towards this goal, which is pretty dang awesome!  Let me tell you a little more about KIPP Academy.

KIPP Academy is a small school in the Bronx that works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get.  Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch.  More than one in seven receives special education services.  Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child child who enters its doors.  The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage – All of Us Will Learn Music.  No matter what backgrounds they come from or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.

2 – Request a Schoola Donation Bag – You can also request a Schoola donation bag.  For every person who requests a Schoola donation bag HERE, Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy.  Plus, when you donate your clothes and fill out your school’s information, $2 of every $5 made will go back to the school you chose to support.

This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying.

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

33 Responses to “Bringing Music Back Into Our Schools”

  1. Terry says:

    I think music helps kids to learn so much easier. They love music and if they like something, they learn. Scoola sounds like a great way to make money for schools.

  2. Liz Mays says:

    I can’t remember which movie it was, but I watched one about the music program and what a difference it made in a challenged school environment. It’s so important to help to keep these programs in place!

  3. Music is so important and I just hate when it gets cut from program. I love that this is a way to get it back!

  4. I’m not musically inclined but I think it plays a huge role in the learning process. I’m glad that there is a program like this!

  5. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Music is such an important part of the curriculum and I love that Schoola is helping keep it there.

  6. Mitch says:

    This seems like a win/win situation! I was born in the Bronx! My son loves music, we are so lucky to have it in our school.

  7. I couldn’t imagine no music! My son brought home a recorder and violin this past year and he had such fun playing them both!

  8. Melinda says:

    I love this program. I’m hoping to shop soon.

  9. Jenn says:

    Schoola sounds like such a great program! I have never heard of it before but definitely need to check it out more!

  10. I am doing this campaign too. I love that I am able to help spread the word about something SO important for our kids!!!

  11. Dawn says:

    I love to see programs that promote music. Music and the arts have been proven to enhance children’s learning abilities.

  12. I really like discovering programs like this.I think music and visual arts are so important in schools and must remain to help our children find their creativeness.

  13. Veronica says:

    Music is so important to kids development. It would be a shame if music got cut from schools programs

  14. Chrysa says:

    I think music in the schools is SO IMPORTANT. Not only does it help to make well-rounded children, kids in music tend to do better in other subjects as well.

  15. Felicia says:

    This definitely seems like a great idea! Music is so important. I can’t believe that some schools have removed the program.

  16. My mother just retired this year. She was a music teacher for many many years. Music education is crucial in our schools.

  17. Debbie Denny says:

    The arts are so viyal in schools. Music education is very important.

  18. Shell says:

    What a fantastic program. It’s so important to have music in our schools.

  19. Rosey says:

    That’s an easy way to help. Guess I’ll request a donation bag. 🙂 Thanks for the heads up on the program.

  20. Fine arts programs in schools are so important. Even for the kids that aren’t excellent musicians or artists, it taps into a different part of their brain and provides so many other benefits to them.

  21. Jennifer says:

    music is definitely more important. Are there actually schools without a music program? My daughter’s school has choir and band

  22. Christie says:

    I’ve been hearing a lot about this program lately. So glad a company is taking a stand on the importance of music in schools!

  23. There are a lot of schools closing down their arts programs. It is very sad. With out art, band and other arts type classes I don’t know where I would be today.

  24. Sounds like a great program. I definitely know the benefit of having music in school.

  25. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    Great idea. I love that the proceeds go to schools in need. I wish they had this in my area.

  26. Amy Orvin says:

    I think music is so important for kids in the school system these days. I have never heard of Schoola before , but it sounds really great!

  27. I love what schoola is doing. Music and art are soo important in school.

  28. This looks like an awesome program and company. Thanks for sharing it!

  29. Brett says:

    Having music classes in the curriculum is definitely important. I’m glad they’re bringing it back.

  30. Lauren says:

    This is a great program! I hope they support bringing art back to schools too.

  31. Rachael says:

    Schoola sounds like a great program. I hope it lasts a long time and helps lots of people.

  32. I love this program! I just placed my first order with Schoola!

  33. Music should never be taken out! I remember loving the arts in school.

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