Enjoy Dining Out with Denny’s New Fit Fare Menu

By Shannon Gurnee
In Food
July 23, 2014

#DennysDiners #foodie #ambassador #spon

#DennysDiners #Restaurants #ad fit fare

When you go out to eat, do you tend to worry that what you’re eating is high in calories or fat?  No need to worry about it anymore when you dine out at Denny’s Restaurants!  Denny’s now has a Fit Fare® menu that offers items to guests looking for healthy eating choices without compromising on taste, value or variety.  The dishes on the Fit Fare ® menu are lower in fat and calories while being higher in protein and fiber at the same time!  Check out some of the items on Denny’s Fit Fare ® menu:

#DennysDiners #ad fit fare


Fit Fare ® Veggie Skillet

Seasoned red-skinned potatoes, fire-roasted bell peppers and onions, mushrooms and broccoli on a sizzlin’ hot skillet topped with two egg whites scrambled with spinach and grape tomatoes. Served with a side of salsa.

Fit Slam ®

Egg whites scrambled together with fresh spinach and grape tomatoes, plus two turkey bacon strips, an English muffin and seasonal fruit.

Fit Fare ® Omelette

Egg white omelette with spinach, mushrooms, freshly made pico de gallo and shredded Cheddar cheese. Served with two slices of turkey bacon and seasonal fruit as your side choices.

Banana Pecan Pancake Breakfast

Glazed pecans cooked inside two hearty wheat pancakes and topped with fresh banana slices. Served with two scrambled egg whites, two strips of turkey bacon and a side of warm syrup.


Cranberry Apple Chicken Salad

Grilled seasoned chicken breast, glazed pecans, apple slices and dried cranberries atop a bed of spring mix. Served with balsamic vinaigrette and dinner bread.

#DennysDiners #ad fit fare


Cali Jack Turkey Burger

A grilled turkey patty on a grilled whole wheat bun with Pepper Jack cheese, lettuce, pico de gallo, fresh avocado and chipotle sauce.

Chicken Avocado Sandwich

A grilled seasoned chicken breast with fresh avocado, pico de gallo, lettuce and sour cream on a whole wheat bun. Served with Fit Fare ® fresh veggies as your side choice.

#DennysDiners #ad fit fare


NEW! Fit Fare ® Alaska Salmon

A seasoned wild-caught Alaska salmon fillet grilled to perfection. Served with whole grain rice and steamed broccoli.

NEW! Sirloin Steak

A USDA select, 8 oz. seasoned sirloin steak* cooked to perfection. Served with whole grain rice and steamed zucchini and squash.

Tilapia Ranchero

A seasoned white fish fillet grilled and topped with freshly made pico de gallo and fresh avocado. Served with a side of our smoked Cheddar mashed potatoes and dinner bread.

55+ MENU

Senior Fit Fare ® Omelette

Egg white omelette with spinach, mushrooms, freshly made pico de gallo and shredded Cheddar cheese. Served with seasonal fruit and a bowl of oatmeal.

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Denny’s even has a Menu Calculator online, where you can check the nutritional value on all Denny’s dishes.  You can even mix and match menu items to make the perfect meal!  As you build your meal in the calculator, the nutritional information is automatically added and calculated.

What Fit Fare ® menu item would you try?

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This is a sponsored post as part of the Denny’s Ambassador Program.  
All opinions are mine.

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

42 Responses to “Enjoy Dining Out with Denny’s New Fit Fare Menu”

  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I so wish I had a Denny’s near me. I think the closest one is at least an hour away. I love Denny’s.

  2. I went to Dennys recently and tried their fit fare. I love that they offfer turkey bacon!

  3. aimee fauci says:

    The Veggie Skillet looks great! I’ve not had Denny’s in years but would stop and check this out…after I found one.

  4. We used to eat at Dennys all the time in college. It was affordable and open ALL day long.

  5. Debbie Denny says:

    I like their new menu. Looks really great.

  6. Rosey says:

    Banana Pecan Pancakes sound good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 🙂 We stop at Denny’s after soccer games to get a shake for the kids.

  7. Denny’s has really stepped up their game recently! I would actually be able to find something for me!

  8. This is great that Denny’s is embracing the low cal stuff! Thanks for the heads up on the new menu items!

  9. I’ll have to visit Dennys soon and try their new menu. Everything sounds and looks so delicious.

  10. Jaime says:

    I really need to check out their menu soon. It looks great!

  11. Amanda H. says:

    I haven’t been to Denny’s in forever – probably because I didn’t associate Denny’s with healthy options. I’m going to have to check them out again!

  12. Debbie L. says:

    I really like it that Denny’s has a fit menu – makes going out to eat so much easier when I am counting calories!

  13. I miss having a Denny’s close. I really enjoyed their super cheap breakfasts after a night out. I am excited to see a new healthier menu.

  14. Mitch says:

    I wish there was a Denny;s in NYC! I would love to try this, I must look for one the next time we go out of town!

  15. Rachael says:

    I love eating at Denny’s late at night for breakfast food. I’ll have to check out this new Fit Fare menu.

  16. Carly Brydon says:

    Denny’s is such a great restaurant! I just wish there was one closer to us – the closest one is about an hour away.

  17. Jessica says:

    Wow, these all look so delicious! I didn’t know that they had so many healthy choices at Denny’s!

  18. How cool that Denny’s has a healthy menu options. I will have to check it out. Thanks!!

  19. I love that more and more restaurants are adding healthy items to their menus. So nice to be able to eat out without the guilt! That chicken avocado sandwich sounds fabulous!

  20. Veronica says:

    They look like great meals. Good to have healthy options

  21. I’d love to try the Salmon and the Chicken Avocado sandwich! Denny’s definitely has a great selection of new items that sound yummy.

  22. They’ve got so much good stuff on their menu. We spend a lot of time at Denny’s. They have good options for the kids!

  23. Kay Adeola says:

    This menu looks really good.I would have to choose the steak that would be my number 1 choice.

  24. Melinda says:

    i haven’t eaten at denny’s in long time. not a place i would think had a healthful menu

  25. Jenny says:

    none of our denny’s places are very clean or friendly, so we don’t go there 😛 would love to though. my family used to eat there a lot when i was a kid.

  26. Theresa says:

    I remember eating at Denny’s all the time when I was younger. Ours went out of business a few years back. I do miss eating there!

  27. I haven’t been to Denny’s in a long time but it’s great to hear they’re offering healthier food. I’ll need to check it out for sure!

  28. Lori says:

    I love Denny’s! They are a family favorite.

  29. Wow, Denny’s has come a long way!! I wish we still had local locations!

  30. deb says:

    This looks like a great new menu. I love all the healthy options.

  31. Felicia says:

    I really enjoy Denny’s. I wish there was one a little closer.

  32. I’m loving the looks and sounds of the new Denny’s Fit menu. That sandwich looks so delicious.

  33. Christie says:

    That breakfast veggie skillet looks amazing! i’m liking the new changes!

  34. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I had no idea that Denny’s had a healthy menu. Everything sounds delicious. I would love to try the pecan pancakes.

  35. It’s great that they have a fit menu. Most restaurants serve such large quantities of food, more then we should eat. Love the egg whites!

  36. Brett says:

    It’s been a while since we’ve gone to Denny’s. Maybe we’ll take a trip over to get a bite to eat!

  37. Denny’s is one of my favorites for breakfast. Their Fit Fare menu has some tasty looking items.

  38. Ahh Denny’s….Moons Over my Hammy are my favorite. I doubt they are on the new fit menu, but man do they taste good.

  39. Ahh Denny’s. Moons Over my Hammy are my favorite. I doubt they are on the new fit menu, but man do they taste good.

  40. Becka says:

    Does look like they put a lot of thought into adding some new healthier options. I’m all for healthy options and they look tasty.

  41. Liz Mays says:

    The veggie skillet is soooooo good! I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but it totally works and is delicious.

  42. Racquel says:

    We don’t have a Denny’s here but wow do those recipes look amazing!

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