Great Sleep Starts in the Laundry Room with Downy + Giveaway

By Shannon Gurnee
In Giveaways
March 10, 2014

#spon #Downy #TuckInTurnOff

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

Did you know that great sleep starts in the laundry room?  Thanks to Mom It Forward, I was introduced to the Sweet Dreams Collection from Downy and attended a “Tuck In. Turn Off.” Event in Los Angeles.  At the event, we learned some sleep tips from Dr. Ian Smith and Lifestyle Expert, Jeannette Kaplun.  It was a very informative event!

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

When I walked into the event area, which was outside by the way, it smelled so good!  Oh my gosh, I was totally relaxed and at ease.  It smelled of the Sweet Dreams collection, which included Vanilla and Lavender.  I loved the Lilac and Purple colors that decorated the site, as well as the washer and dryer with sheets and products.  Plus, there was even a bed at the event.  I really wanted to lay down on it, but I didn’t.

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

The event started out with Lifestyle Expert, Jeannette Kaplun.  She talked about the fact that many of us are so busy taking care of everyone else that we forget to take care ourselves.  She also talked about how important it was to get adequate sleep and how it can affect us as moms, as well as affect us in our careers.  She mentioned the Sweet Dreams Collection and how it creates a relaxing environment, making it easier to fall asleep.  She also suggested that we try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

The second speaker at the event was Dr. Ian Smith.  He talked about how sleep is a period of great restoration – a chance for our bodies to relax from the day’s stressors and prepare for the next day’s activities.  He said that we should get anywhere between 7-9 hours of sleep a night.  He also talked about how in his home, there are two rules – no electronics at the dinner table and no electronics right before bed.  He mentioned that we shouldn’t fall asleep to the television because it interrupts our REM sleep.  I had no idea! 

Dr. Ian Smith also talked about the Sweet Dreams Collection.  He talked about how Lavender has been used for 2500 years because of its relaxing effects.  Lavender turns you from a sympathetic (ready and alert) state to a parasympathetic (relaxed) state.  He mentioned that by using the Sweet Dreams Collection, you’ll not only have clean and fresh linens, but also clean and fresh smelling clothes as well.  He encouraged us to take the “Tuck In. Turn Off. “ pledge. 

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon


The Sweet Dreams Collection is a suite of products that are formulated with ingredients to clean, soften and freshen all of our bedtime fabrics, from our bed linens to our pajamas.  The Sweet Dreams Collection helps to create and ideal sleep environment so that we can relax in order to fall asleep.  The Sweet Dreams Collection includes:

Tide® plus A touch of Downy™ Sweet Dreams™:  Perfect for sheets, pajamas, and other nighttime fabrics, Tide works to clean fabrics from things you can see, like dirt – to things you can’t see, like perspiration.  This product includes lavender overtones with gourmand vanilla undertones to create a calming scent to help soothe you to sleep. 

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

#TuckInTurnOff #Downy #spon

Downy® UNSTOPABLES® Dreams™:  An in-wash scent booster that allows consumers to control the amount of lavender scent added to each laundry load.  The relaxing lavender scent will last 12 weeks in storage ensuring your bedtime fabrics can always be ready for bedtime. 

Downy Infusions® Sweet Dreams™:  A premium liquid fabric softener with SilkTouch™ to infuse fabrics with a silky softness that makes your everyday fabrics (and you) feel fabulous.  Contains a dual perfume system with Renewing Scent Pearl Technology that imparts your bedtime fabrics with a multi-layered lavender scent experience that continues long after your fabrics have been washed. 

Bounce® Sweet Dreams™:  Small but mighty – just toss one Bounce dryer sheet in the dryer to soften, freshen, control static, and help repel lint and hair on bedtime fabrics.

#spon #Downy #TuckInTurnOff #health


With Daylight Savings Time and an extra hour of sunlight, many people experience increased trouble falling asleep.  This is even more of a reason for people to begin their bedtime routines in the laundry room and to take the “Tuck In. Turn Off.” Pledge.

Many people are aware of the benefits of sleep, but with a variety of distractions coming at us everyday, it can be difficult for us to relax in order to fall asleep.  In fact, a recent HRA survey found that, 57 percent of doctors reported one of their patients’ biggest hindrances to falling asleep is engaging in electronics such as phones, computers, iPads and television too close to bedtime.  The “Tuck In. Turn Off.” Pledge aims to combat this issue by encouraging people to turn off their technology at least 30 minutes before bedtime and tuck in to clean fabrics infused with the soothing scent and softness of the Sweet Dreams Collection. 

Be sure to head on over and Take the “Tuck In. Turn Off.” Pledge today.  You can follow Downy on Facebook and Twitter; Tide on Facebook and Twitter; and Bounce on Facebook and Twitter for new products and information.


1 lucky winner on The Mommy-Files will win a “Tuck In. Turn Off.” Prize Pack includes a Sweet Dreams Collection Kit: Tide, Downy Infusions, Downy Unstopables, Bounce Dryer Sheets, a blanket to wash in the collection and a sleep mask!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am an Ambassador for Downy as part of this compensated Mom It Forward campaign.  
All opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.


About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

37 Responses to “Great Sleep Starts in the Laundry Room with Downy + Giveaway”

  1. Noreen says:

    Yes I do and I took the pledge

  2. Amy Orvin says:

    Yes and Yes, I took the pledge.

  3. Amy Orvin says:

    I commented on a non-giveaway post: Bite Size Pieces with Big Chocolate Flavor + Coupon!! as Amy Orvin

  4. Priscilla P. says:

    I will now after reading this.

  5. Unfortunately my son watches a show right before bed then we read a story or two then go to bed. I would love to break the habit but I’m not sure I will be able to any time soon.

  6. Diane says:

    NO we both need the tv on to fall asleep

  7. Kim Henrichs says:

    Unfortunately I usually don’t. I definitely should consider it more though.

  8. Cynthia R says:

    Haven’t taken the pledge yet but I need to start doing this, I read an article about the need to stay away from electronics and bright lights before bed and I totally believe it will help our household.

  9. Kimberly Schotz says:

    This is a hard one for me. It’s something I would consider.

  10. Elena says:

    Yes and I took the pledge

  11. Ellie W says:

    No…I’m afraid I’m guilty of lying in bed and surfing on the tablet.

  12. Trisha Burgess says:

    I do for the kids but its my guilty pleasure before bed! But I’ll take the pledge!

  13. Julie Lynn Bickham says:

    I do not turn off but I did take the pledge. So I will turn off my phone and tv!

  14. steven weber says:

    I never do because I charge my phone and listen to music all night.. I did take the pledge though!

  15. Rust says:

    Yes I do …and yes I took the pledge.

  16. I do! I’m a reader, so I’m in bed with a book about an hour before I should be sleeping!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  17. Angela says:

    I have been trying to, but I’m not always successful.

  18. mrsshukra says:

    I put it on airplane mode (Dr. Oz said OK) and I took the pledge!

  19. Ben (Ada) says:

    I don’t!

  20. Seyma Shabbir says:

    I don’t but I will try now! Taking pledge!

  21. Cassandra Eastman says:

    I’m starting now, I just took the pledge!

  22. Jennifer T. says:

    I don’t turn off electronics 30 minutes before bedtime. I didn’t take the “Tuck In. Turn Off.” pledge yet. I need to.

  23. Erica Best says:

    no i do turn anything off but the light

  24. Debbie Jackson says:

    We shut off on our way to bed. No I did n’t take the pledge.

  25. Ashley says:

    I’m pretty bad. I usually check Twitter/email until I’m ready to fall asleep.

  26. shelly peterson says:

    I don’t but will try to and yes I did take the pledge.

  27. nannypanpan says:

    yes I do, to unwind, did not take pledge

  28. Brutus Duffy says:

    I don’t have a lot of electronics, so turning them off way before bedtime is easy.

  29. Sarah VM says:

    I took the Tuck in Turn off Pledge. I usually try to shut things down at least an hour before bed.

  30. Em Ma says:

    I do turn electronics off before bedtime and I did take the pledge

  31. Candace says:

    I did not take the pledge. We usually turn everything off a while before bed.

  32. Marci says:

    Yes to both!

  33. Lily Kwan says:

    I haven’t taken the pledge yet.

  34. Lily Kwan says:

    I commented on the Johnsonville Secret Ingredient Recipe: Chicken Sausage & Shrimp Jambalaya post at

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