How to Introduce Your Kids to the Backyard Birds

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
October 1, 2013

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Blue Budgerigar

If you want to teach your kids about nature then introducing them to the birds in your backyard is a fantastic way to do it. The process of creating a bird-friendly environment is also a fun activity to enjoy as a family. Here’s how to get started.

Bird Feeders and Tables

Having bird food available is the first step to attracting our feathered friends. If there are likely to be cats roaming around then opt for a hanging bird feeder or a bird table. A really fun way to get going is to make one of these with your kids. By using unwanted household items they can learn something extra about recycling, too.

Once you have made the feeder you and your little ones can look for a good place to hang it. Try somewhere in view of a window so that you can watch the birds from inside the house. Also remember to have it high enough to be cat-proof.


Bird Food and Treats

Now you have your feeder or table set up the kids can enjoy adding food and waiting for the birds to appear. It’s important to feed wild birds the right things with bird seed mixtures being one of the healthiest options. Although bread is widely fed to birds it is not very good for them and should be avoided.

Another fun activity is to make bird cakes and food bars at home. A simple option is to mix raisins, peanuts and bird seed with suet. There are plenty of more adventurous options that birds will love too, including live worms. It’s good to refer to charity websites such as the American Bird Conservancy for further guidance.

Observing the Birds

Embrace the joy of observing your feathered visitors by investing in a garden bird identification book, an ideal tool for your kids to chronicle their avian encounters. Enhance their experience with a pair of binoculars, enabling them to closely examine vibrant plumages and intricate behaviors. Embark on an exciting garden bird hunt, crafting a bird checklist that evolves throughout the day, aided by convenient bird stickers that facilitate tallying. As different seasons unveil unique species, engage in this enriching exercise throughout the year, cultivating a comprehensive log of nature’s wonders. For further inspiration, Click here to discover additional tips and resources for mastering the art of bird watching.

You’ll likely be impressed with the many different types of birds that visit your yard throughout the year. Introducing your kids to them is a great way to educate about nature and provide some fun and excitement at home.

Incorporating the world of birds into your family’s outdoor exploration not only imparts valuable lessons about nature but also fosters unforgettable moments of togetherness. As you create a bird-friendly haven in your backyard, the act of setting up feeders and observing the avian visitors becomes an exciting shared endeavor. Encourage your children’s curiosity as they add nourishing bird food and treats, all while learning the significance of providing the right sustenance. By equipping them with tools like bird identification books and binoculars, you’re nurturing a lifelong appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. So, step into this captivating journey alongside your little ones, as each chirp and flutter offers a chance to explore, learn, and bond.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

3 Responses to “How to Introduce Your Kids to the Backyard Birds”

  1. We love our bird feeders and the girls love to watch it daily to see what new birds arrive! Lots of cardinals! Once, I had a blue bird, yellow bird, and a red bird at the feeder at once and got a photo of it!


    My husband and I crazy love all animals! Besides our two babies – our oriental shorthair cat cherish bliss and our cockatiel bird medley that we beyond love and beyond spoil we also feed a variety of wildlife right out side of our sliding glass windows. We get all sorts of birds including redwing blackbirds, cardinals, doves, ducks, geese and also squirrels. Off further out in the distant part of the yard are also cranes and an occasional bobcat! We tried feeding the cranes but they got scared and flew away and they are so huge it’s amazing seeing them fly off wow! Our cat and bird love seeing and listening to the birds out the sliding doors – we say that’s their big screen tv always on their channel lol. If we get low on seed the ducks and squirrels literally walk right up the screen and press their faces against it even if the cat is sitting there! The ducks will even knock their beaks against the glass and knock knock knock until we come feed them haha. I think its funny the first picture in this blog about outdoor birds is a parakeet, I suppose they are backyard birds somewhere in the world but I never saw them except as pets.

  3. The first bird picture in this post is a parakeet. If you see them in your backyard, you’re mostly in Australia!

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