I Was Invited to Attend the Disney “Planes” Premiere in Hollywood! #DisneyPlanesPremiere

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
August 7, 2013


Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 1

A few weeks ago, I opened a very exciting email from some of my favorite Disney PR reps.  It was an email inviting me to attend the Disney Planes Premiere in Hollywood.  It wasn’t only the movie Premiere though – it was a Red Carpet Experience at the Premiere.  Let me tell you, it was one of the most amazing events I’ve ever attended and I will never forget it!

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 2

I recognized a few of the actors who are the voices Disney’s Planes, but had no idea I would see AND talk to so many celebrities who were totally down to earth!  I also had no idea I would build as many friendships or have as much fun as I did.  Ok, so now back to the Disney Planes Premiere.

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 3My photo buddy and me – Desiree from Stress Free Baby

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 4Hanging with my blogging friends – Jen from Literally Jen and Lauren from Reel Mama

We all met in the lobby of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in our Red Carpet dresses, waited for our tickets and bracelets, and then headed over to the El Capitan Theater for the pre-party.  Pre-party you say?  Yes – pre-party!  It was filled with celebrities, games, prizes, food, and lots of fun! Events like this can be very chaotic but we felt really safe and secure because of the executive protection and event security services personnel scattered all around.

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 5

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 6Teri Hatcher and her daughter

We actually walked along side the Red Carpet and it was so awesome!  We had to show our bracelets twice before even getting to the pre-party, but we were RIGHT there next to the stars!  The first van pulled up and it was Teri Hatcher.  She is one of my favorite actresses and I really wanted to get a pic of her, but had no idea I would get a picture with her during the pre-party!

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 7

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 8

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 9

Once we walked alongside the Red Carpet, it was time to enter the Target Landing Zone.  There were lots of games with fun prizes that both kids and adults could play – woot woot!  I was able to win some really cute toys for this Christmas, not to mention have tons of fun!

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 10Me and Teri Hatcher – isn’t she gorgeous?

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 11Got a pic with Harold Perrineau and his beautiful daughter

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 13Waited in line with Alyssa Milano and her family and then took a pic with her.

Disney Planes Premiere Red Carpet 12I looked forward all night to snapping a pic with Dane Cook – and I got one!!!

We didn’t see many other actors on the Red Carpet, but we did see them at the Pre-Party.  I got pictures with Teri Hatcher, Alyssa Milano, Harold Perrineau and Dane Cook.  After the pre-party, it was time to head into the Disney Planes Premiere at the El Capitan Theater.  I was so excited to see it in 3D and let me tell you, my expectations were far exceeded.  More on my review of Disney’s Planes in an upcoming post.

Disney’s Planes releases in theaters in 3D on August 9, 2013.  Be sure to like Disney’s Planes on Facebook and Twitter.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

34 Responses to “I Was Invited to Attend the Disney “Planes” Premiere in Hollywood! #DisneyPlanesPremiere”

  1. Great post, Shannon! It was such an honor to be there with you. Your blog is truly wonderful, and I’m so happy we made friends!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      It was great to be there with you too! I had so much fun and am looking forward to seeing you again. Glad to find new friends too! 🙂

  2. Jen says:

    I’m am SO jealous you got a picture with Alyssa Milano!! I love, love, love her, but I did at least get to see her in person. She was incredibly sweet, but had to turn someone down for a photo to attend to her son.

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      LOL – she was awesome! We actually waited in line for the basketball game with them behind us. Desiree and I let her, her husband and her little guy, Milo, go ahead of us. It was an amazing trip!

  3. Lisa says:

    Your excitement to be at the event just shines right through your post and pictures.

  4. Brittany C. says:

    This looks like a lot of fun! You met some really cool celebs!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Brittany, it was awesome! I was actually surprised how many we saw and met and how down to earth they all were.

  5. Wow! It looks like you had a total blast!! I can’t wait to see the movie! Congrats!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Kelly, it was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to take the kids to see the movie. It was great and I found myself laughing a lot through it.

  6. How awesome! Looks like you had a great time at the premiere!

  7. WOWOWOW! What an exciting experience. To actually take pics with the actors? — SO COOL!!!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      I know, right Jennifer? I was hesitant to ask, but they were all so friendly and down to earth. What an unforgettable experience.

  8. LOVED your photos, would have been so much fun to be there with you this year!

  9. Wow, you got some great photo opportunities with the stars! You looked marvelous too!

  10. What a cool event to attend! I absolutely love your dress too, gorgeous!!

  11. Rachel Young says:

    Had SOO much fun hanging out with you! 🙂 you got some awesome photos! I didn’t even ses Alyssa Milano there lol.. hoping I get to see you again soon!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Me too Rachel – especially shopping at the end – ha ha! That’s so funny because there were some celebrities I didn’t see other – that’s what so awesome about reading everyone’s posts. Different views from everyone at the event. 🙂 Hope to see you again soon too!

  12. Stefanie says:

    It was so great to meet you! I loved your recap and all the photos you took!! Great post!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      It was so great to meet you too! And thanks so much for sending on the pics you took at the premiere. Hope to hang out again soon girl!

  13. Debra says:

    Looks like you had a lot of fun. I love how your dress sort of matched the main plane too!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      It was a lot of fun Debra! Oh my gosh – I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out! Too funny. 🙂

  14. So fun! Looks like you ladies had a fabulous time.

  15. Stefani says:

    What an awesome experience. I can’t wait until I can take my son to see this movie. You got some cute photos to capture the memories!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Stefani – I can’t wait to take our kids to see the movie too. It was really, really cute and one I will definitely own when it comes out on Blu-ray and DVD!

  16. Great photos and I’m jealous you met Alissa Milano!!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Thanks Heidi. Yeah she was nice but I’m sure overwhelmed with all the photos and stuff. It was an amazing experience! 🙂

  17. Mrs. B says:

    WOW! Looks like you had a great time! What an unforgettable experience!

    • Shannon Gosney says:

      Mrs. B – I had a blast and it was definitely an unforgettable experience. I’m so glad I could share it with you on The Mommy-Files. 🙂

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