8 Safety Tips for Riding Bikes with Kids

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
May 1, 2013

Master Lock Bike Safety

Riding bikes with kids can be fun, but also scary if you don’t put safety as your number one priority.  I remember riding bikes with my sisters when we were kids.  It was back in the day when helmets weren’t required.  My sister was riding her bike and looking behind her while waving.  All of a sudden, the front of her bike dove down and the back wheel flipped through the air over the front.  She flew off the bike and thankfully the bike didn’t land on her, but the fall did give her quite a scare.  She hadn’t been paying attention and had run into a hole that was in the driveway.  Ever since that day, I had gotten an asphalt repair through asphalt paving contractors so that hole never causes an accident again. I decided to do my research on this one, and I found an asphalt paving company that did a remarkable job. I’ll probably not have to worry about that for a good long while.

Here are 8 of our Safety Tips for Riding Bikes with Kids:

1.  Always wear a bicycle helmet that fits.  Wearing a bicycle helmet helps, but what’s even more important is that it fits your head.  They make different sized helmets for different ages.

2.  Don’t ride alone.  As a child, I remember riding my bike and falling down.  I was by myself and there was nobody there to help.  I walked home all banged up and wished I had somebody who could have run back to get my mom to help me home.  Safety wise, it is always best to ride with someone.

3.  Always look where you’re riding.  While it is very important to look for cars in the road, it is even more important to be cautious when crossing driveways, alleys, or corners.  Sometimes cars may appear without any warning.  Be cautious of these places.  Also, be on the lookout for road hazards, such as potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves and animals.

4.  Tell friends and family where you’ll be riding your bicycle.  Be sure to have your child tell you where he or she will be riding his or her bike.  This is a good safety measure.

5.  Give cars and pedestrians the right-of-way.  So many times I have heard people say that because they are on a bike, they should have the right-of-way.  You would be a fool if you assumed this all the time.  Be sure to give cars and pedestrians the right-of-way.  Don’t even take a chance with this one.

6.  Wear appropriate clothing so drivers can see you.  Whether it’s during the day, in the afternoon, or in the early evening, it is always important to wear clothing that will allow you to be seen by others.  Wear neon, fluorescent, or other bright colors so you are easily seen.  Also, consider wearing something that reflects light (such as reflective tape or markings).  Remember, just because you see a driver doesn’t mean that he or she sees you.

7.  Ride your bike responsibly.  While tricks and stunts can be fun, they can also jeopardize your safety.  Be sure to ride your bike always with at least one hand on the handlebars.  Carry books or other items in a bike carrier or backpack.  Wear elbow pads and knee pads for additional protection.

8.  Keep your bike safe and sound.  Be sure to put your bike away in a safe place when arriving home or lock it up when away from home.  It only takes a few seconds for a thief to catch a glance of your bike and walk or ride off with it.  See Master Lock for bike locks that are right for you.

What bike safety tips do you have?

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

10 Responses to “8 Safety Tips for Riding Bikes with Kids”

  1. The Mom Jen says:

    I’m so shocked how many kids without helmets I see riding daily. I went to college in a huge biking community and my husband got a ticket for not stopping at stop sign on his bike! It was 1/2 the price of one you’d get it you were driving a car! Thanks for the reminder that bikes are vehicles on the street!

  2. Ghada says:

    Great tips. Our little guy is going to try 2 wheels this summer so this is great to know!

  3. Great tips! I think we cover those with our kids but it’s a good reminder. Thanks!

  4. Appropriate clothing is a must! I’m so surprised when I see kids riding in our neighborhood late wearing dark clothes. SO dangerous.

  5. Great tips! We need to get our son a helmet this summer. I also remember riding alone (without a helmet) when I was little and falling pretty badly… a neighbor saw me out their window and ran to pick me up and carry me home – I was a mess!

  6. Anne Younger says:

    Great tips, thanks for sharing. I always have a hard time getting my older kids to listen to the safety tips and use their gear.

  7. Tammy S says:

    Great tips! I can’t believe when I see kids riding their bikes without a helmet. With all we know now a days it amazes me that parents allow it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Jennifer Young says:

    Good tips! Another important one is to make sure that you are wearing proper shoes (and laced up if they have laces)! I see children riding all the time in open toed sandals and it drives me nuts. I used to ride my bike all the time in college because I didn’t have a car and one time I had on flip flops. My foot slid off and hit the sidewalk… my toenail busted into 3 pieces and there was blood everywhere. It was by far the worst pain of my life. My husband had to ride home and get the car to bring me home. I learned that lesson the hard way! 🙂

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