Keeping Your Family Safe on the Road

By Shannon Gurnee
In Reviews
August 28, 2012

When driving long distances with children, it is crucial to take proper steps to ensure their safety and prevent from getting involve to some auto accidents. Although driving increases risk, there is no need to let hazardous situations occur when they can be prevented.

While it’s advisable for most individuals to photograph their personal injuries and retain copies of their medical bills, it’s important to refrain from sharing this information on the internet or on your social media profiles, says the Maryland car accident attorneys at Plaxen Adler Muncy.

In case you get in a road accident, you may want to speak with an auto accident attorney for professional assistance. Professional accident attorneys such as these car accident attorneys can help you file a claim or a lawsuit against an irresponsible driver. Contact an auto accident attorney today for the best legal help.

The following list offers tips for making sure your next long drive is a safe one.

1. Buckle Up. Needless to say, buckling your children is the most important thing you can do to keep them safe in the car. But you should always buckle your seatbelt as well. This will set a good example for them and instill good habits for the future.

2. Be aware of your speed. You can actually get distracted while driving if you have kids in the car. If possible, have two adults in the car – one to drive and one in the passenger seat to take care of the kids. It may seem like an unnecessary precaution, but it is an easy way to prevent speeding from occurring.

3. Bring emergency supplies. This includes a first-aid kit, a flashlight and even a spare tire. Ensure you have a well-equipped first-aid kit, which you can easily assemble with supplies from the eFirstAidSupplies website, ready for unexpected situations. Even if you were planning on bringing snacks, make sure you bring a few extra, just in case.

4. Get a checkup. Have your oil, wipers and brakes checked before you make your trip. Just as your children need their annual checkups, so does your car!

5. Turn off your lights, inside the car that is. Lights turned on inside the car can actually be distracting to other drivers. Make sure all lights are off to ensure your family is safe, as well as the people in the vehicles around you.

6. Make sure you feel up for the drive. Especially if it’s a long one. While not drinking and driving is an obvious point, there are other conditions that can also create unsafe situations. Be careful if you take medications that make you drowsy. And if you feel sick or tired, you may not be able to focus on the road like you normally do.

7. Keep a safe distance from the cars in front of you. It’s impossible to predict when someone will stop short. It’s hard to be patient during long drives, but without the proper amount of space between cars, you put your family and others at risk.

8. Have a general awareness of your surroundings. You never know when unexpected objects might be on the road and cause a flat. Additionally, watch out for other drivers. Just because you’re driving safely doesn’t mean everyone else is.

9. Join a motor club. There is no better way to prepare for what may happen on the road than by signing up for a motor club membership. If you get in an accident, break down or find yourself with a flat, you’ll be able to get emergency roadside assistance when and where you need it. Motor clubs also offer special discounts and other tips for travel.

10. Don’t forget your cell phone. If you find yourself in an emergency, your cell phone may be the fastest way to get the help you need. Make sure you have a number in your phone for roadside assistance should the need arise.

If you follow these driving tips, you can be sure your family arrives safely, wherever your destination may be.

This is a compensated post from our friends at Allstate Motor Club.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

4 Responses to “Keeping Your Family Safe on the Road”

  1. Elena says:

    great tips! thanks for sharing!

  2. Vickie Couturier says:

    we travel a lot,so some great tips,thanks

  3. Wendy T says:

    Amen to all that you said. I try to be very vigilant about our safety. Anyone that thinks “it can’t happen to me” is mistaken. We are living proof of that.

  4. Christian Alejandro N. says:

    I consider myself a responsible driver, but I always have to stay alert since someone else can be wreckless. Great tips!

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