Help Keep Babies Healthy From MedImmune

By Shannon Gurnee
In Family
March 23, 2012

As soon as I found out I was expecting each of my little boys, I immediately became filled with excitement and the desire to keep them as healthy and safe as I possibly could.  Once they arrived and I held each one in my arms, it became my MISSION to keep them as safe and healthy as I could.

When each little boy came into my life, my priorities immediately changed.  My baby became my focus and his safety and well being came before my own.  Whether it’s sanitizing every little thing your baby comes into contact with or bundling them up before you head out on outing, we do everything in our power to keep our children safe.  It is the role of a parent and protector that makes it important for each of us to learn and encourage appropriate baby etiquette from family and friends when they are around our little ones.

What is baby etiquette?  Baby etiquette is anything that we do in an effort to keep our child healthy, happy, and safe.  It can be as simple as using hand sanitizer before holding a newborn, or keeping your distance if you are feeling under the weather.  Sometimes, it is awkward as a parent, to ask our family or friends to wash their hands before holding our baby, but it better than to not do it and see your baby suffer from sickness.  Lack of etiquette is not necessarily intentional, but is often due to being unaware of the precautions that need to be taken around a newborn baby.

Two of my boys were born during the Winter and I remember the nurses and doctors at the hospital warning me about taking safety precautions and protecting my baby from RSV.  If you are a parent, then you know that RSV is a SCARY thing!  RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus and it is extremely dangerous and contagious for babies within the first six months of life.  Premature infants have a higher risk of serious complications or death from RSV due to their underdeveloped lungs and compromised immunity.

A few tips to remember when a loved one has a new baby:

– Call before you visit. New parents need time to set up a routine and bond. By giving them time to do so before you visit, you are respecting the new family.

– Postpone a visit if you feel that you may be getting sick, have recently been ill or exposed to illness.

– Remember that parents know best. If you feel they are being overprotective or overly cautious, just consider that only they know what’s best for the health of their new son or daughter.

– Offer to do something to ease their responsibilities as they spend time as a family, such as laundry, cooking or dishes. Sleep-deprived moms and dads will appreciate your help!

If you do schedule a visit with a new baby:

– Wash your hands frequently—upon entering the home and especially prior to holding the baby. Parents, and the new baby, will appreciate it.

– Leave toddlers at home, especially during the winter months. Young children, especially if they attend day care or preschool, often carry germs and viruses, like RSV, that are easily spread.

A few facts about RSV that all parents, caregivers and loved ones should know:

– Almost every baby will contract RSV by age 2, but only 1/3 of moms say they’ve heard of the virus.

– Serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year.

– RSV occurs in epidemics each fall through spring. The CDC has defined “RSV season” as beginning in November and lasting through March for most parts of North America.

– There is no treatment for RSV, so it’s important for parents to take preventive steps to help protect their child (e.g., wash hands, toys, bedding frequently; avoid crowds and cigarette smoke).

– Certain babies are at an increased risk of developing serious RSV infection, so it’s important to speak with a pediatrician to determine if a baby may be at high risk for RSV, and discuss preventive measures.

– Symptoms of serious RSV infection include: persistent coughing or wheezing; rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths; blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fingernails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and difficulty feeding. Parents should contact a medical professional immediately upon signs of these symptoms.

Show your family and friends how much you care and exercise good baby etiquette around the newest little members of their family.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by MomCentral Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.  All opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

7 Responses to “Help Keep Babies Healthy From MedImmune”

  1. Stephanie says:

    I really loved this article. When I had my daughter I felt so overwhelmed with all the family/friends surrounding us. I understand that everyone loves a new addition to the family- but I wish I could have emailed everyone this article before hand to save myself the stress!

  2. Elena says:

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is very valuable information for all moms.

  4. Stacey B says:

    Thank you for providing such useful information. I knew what RSV was, but your tips have made me much more informed & aware about it. It’s really a shame that doctors don’t take more time to go over this information with you!!!

  5. ellen says:

    Until everyone started blogging about it, I actually hadn’t heard it called RSV… but anyone coming in contact with babies or the elderly or anyone who is immune compromised needs to take hand washing seriously. So many people go to work, school or even run errands while sick.

    Great article, thank you!

  6. Jill L says:

    So good to write about. We actually had family making fun of us for wanting to keep our babies safe. RSV is no laughing matter. Our baby got it when she was just about a month old. It was a scary time.

  7. Christian Alejandro N. says:

    RSV is something that I didn’t know much about but I can see how serious it can be. Little things can help prevent dangers as you said. Definitely a good move to have great baby etiquette.

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