BlogHer 2011!!!

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
August 6, 2010

Last year, I anxiously waited on Twitter waiting for the announcement of BlogHer ’10. They announced New York and I was ecstatic. Bought my ticket the first day it went on sale (thank you Johnsonville Sausage)! I had plans to go and was looking forward to it all year long. However, some major life changes happened and BlogHer ’10 in New York was no longer in the cards. I won’t say I wasn’t bummed, because I was. However, I had something to look forward to in 2011.

I was really hoping BlogHer ’11 would be in San Diego. Some were saying it might be in Dallas, Nashville, or other places. I had no idea where it would be. I talked about it with other bloggers (aka Piera, Leslie, Christine, Jenn, Jenn, Andrea, and Sheena) and they were gonna keep in the loop when they found out. This morning, I woke up to my cell phone vibrating with a text message from my dear friend Leslie. It was gonna be in San Diego! Sweet! Road trip is calling my name!!!!

So, I am excited to say that I plan on attending BlogHer ’11 and we bloggers will take San Diego by storm. So, if you’re a company looking to sponsor me, please let me know!

To those at BlogHer in New York, have a blast! Can’t wait to read everyone’s posts! Happy Friday!

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

19 Responses to “BlogHer 2011!!!”

  1. Kel says:

    I ‘m sorry you missed BlogHer this year. Hopefully next year will make up for it. Swing by Between the Lines tomorrow and join our Spotlight Saturday blog hop if you get a chance.


  2. Heidi V. says:

    I’m close to San Fran so this is awesome news I have wanted to go for the past couple years now and haven’t been able to make it now I’m going for sure!

  3. admin says:

    Me too! I’m on the Central Coast, so I’m thinking a train ride might be fun! 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    I am so excited to read this I literally got chills!…lol.

    I AM CERTAINLY GOING TO BE THERE! Being in So Cal it is not too far away…..yay! I will see you there!

  5. admin says:

    Michelle, we’ll have to meet up for sure!!! 🙂 I am so excited!

  6. Becky says:

    How do you find out the information for the BlogHer’11 and other blog events going on? I guess I’ll be planning on trying to go to San Diego next year. I thought it was always in New York. I’m basically just starting out here. Thanks. 🙂

  7. admin says:

    Hi Becky! Welcome to the blogging world! 🙂 BlogHer is in a different city each year. Last year it was in Chicago (my first time learning about it). This year it’s in New York. Next year it’s gonna be in San Diego. Last year, I waited on Twitter to find out. This year, a few of my blogging friends text messaged me letting me know where it was and I was…to say the least…ecstatic! I learn about now blogging events every time I turn around. There is Type A Moms Conference, Blissdom, jeesh, I can’t remember the other ones. Tons of them though. Good luck in your search and welcome to blogging! 🙂

  8. Sarah says:

    I’ve been following the BlogHer fun on twitter. I sort of want to go next year. I’ve always wanted to visit San Diego.

  9. admin says:

    Hope to see you there Sarah! I have yet to go to BlogHer. Next year though…I’m there! : )

  10. Stefani says:

    I just found out today that it will be in San Diego. I am in Northern California so I am for sure going next year!

  11. Jennifer M says:

    I might be able to make it to San Diego for next year’s too (coming from Texas). I can’t wait to meet many of my fellow bloggers.

  12. Not sure if I’ll make it to SanDiego next year either, it is quite a trip from Florida. I’ll have to see how I am feeling and the situation of our finances.

  13. Jenn says:

    I am definitely not missing BlogHer11′ !

  14. Randalin says:

    Hi Shannon,
    I sure hope you will be able to attend the Blogher11. You are a wonderful Mother. A little fun, is just what you need. I can’t wait to hear all about it! =)

  15. katherine kinnaird says:

    I’m sure all things worked the way they were met to be,its always nice to have something to look forward to

  16. Jenn says:

    Hope to some how find you in the crowd. Been reading your blog for so long, it would great to meet.

  17. fre says:

    will it aint in NY dis year

  18. Brooke Williams says:

    You have a great blog!

    I have a blog as well, but I’m only able to update it when big events occur so I can remember them later in my daughter’s life. ☺

    I am a freelance writer and I was wondering if you’d be interested in a writing opportunity I have for moms.

    Email me for details:

  19. ellen says:

    I have always liked your blog- and I did follow your tweets and many others- it sounds like you all have a wonderful time and make some fantastic connections!

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