How A Schedule Affects Motherhood

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
May 17, 2010

As a mom of 3 boys, the day can really fly by quickly if there isn’t a schedule in place.  Before I moved to California, I had somewhat of a schedule.  I tried to be consistent with serving meals at the same time every day, giving snacks at the same time every day, and picking up kids from school at the same time every day.  However, play groups were sporadic, grocery shopping was sporadic, and other errands fit through the cracks of the schedule.

We now live with my parents and my mom is VERY organized.  I remember watching “Super Nanny” and seeing how she would tell the parents that they should have a schedule.  I remember squirming at the thought of having a schedule and feeling boxed in.  Then my mom and I sat down and came up with a schedule.  I also had the help of a friend who started me down the path of figuring out what I wanted to schedule in my day (thanks Laura).

I was nervous about failing the schedule and not sticking to it on a daily basis.  However, after a few days of following the schedule, with adjustments here and there, I have seen an improvement in my boys’ behavior.  I also feel better about my day and can SEE what I was able to get done.  There are times when I won’t be able to follow the schedule to a T, but having it in place helps me to know I’m spending one-on-one time with the boys, getting things done around the house, and providing structure for my family’s day.

For my schedule, I came up with a list of things that had to be done every day.  The list included breakfast, lunch, dinner, dropping Brian and Dallen off at school, picking Brian and Dallen up from school, snacks, one-on-one time with each boy, play time, free time, bed time, and me time.  I penciled in an approximate time and length for the activity and then we printed it out using an Excel spreadsheet. 

To make it even more convenient, it is helpful to color code the schedule.  Each person on the schedule would have a different color for the different activities throughout the day.

Do you have a schedule?  How does it affect your family life?

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

8 Responses to “How A Schedule Affects Motherhood”

  1. Badger Mom says:

    I’ve been trying to work on a schedule myself. But with all the activities we do, plus the homeschooling, it’s really hard to break up the day and keep a schedule at the same time.

  2. Rachel C says:

    My schedule isn’t written out or anything but we do have a routine every day. I do find that it helps a lot with behavior when the kids know what to expect. We did recently start chore charts and I love that! The kids actually like to help and it’s less reminding for me to do.

  3. Cara R. says:

    Do you know about Cozi? It is a FREE online calendar that is color-coded. Adding entries is more intuitive than with other online calendars (such as Yahoo). I’ve been using it for about a year. Once you learn what kind of text you can type for an entry, making multiple entries (such as 7 days in a row at summer camp) is VERY simple. With the color-coded dots, you can show that an activity is for everyone, or just one person, or for two or three, etc. Cozi also has an online journal, shopping lists, etc. Check it out! (No, I’m not affiliated with Cozi in any way. I just think you might really find it helpful.)


  4. A schedule is a definite MUST when you have kids, especially when they start having after school activities and then when they are teenagers, forget it… you REALLY need a schedule and keep it on a big board on the wall.
    I’m glad your mom helped you out with your schedule and you have a friend there to help you also. Things are looking up!! 🙂

  5. April says:

    Wow… you know this makes perfect sense.. Why didn’t I think to do this sooner!

    Are you going to keep it in the summer? I’m desparately trying to find a fun schedule to follow through summer (or help to make one) so we don’t waste any moments when we could be havign fun!

    Do you include cleaning and laundry and stuff like that on your schedule? it seems mine would have to change daily based on activities….

  6. mommalovesmee says:

    I completely agree with you. If we make a schedule then we get some time for ourselves too…

  7. I’ve tried so hard to stick to a regular schedule. I am not super organized but I really need to try harder. We have a rough schedule for meals, but what I really need is a schedule for things like when to clean what in the house, etc.

  8. Elena says:

    We don’t have a schedule, but sounds like it’s a great idea!

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