Eat the Food? No! Eject it Instead!

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Basics
February 14, 2010

I have 3 boys and it’s interesting to see each of them go through similar stages and reactions.  Righ now, we are dealing with the “Eject Food” stage with our almost 2 year old.  If he doesn’t like something, there is no politely spitting it into a napkin or putting it in the trash or even spitting it in the toilet!

Nope!  It doesn’t matter if you’re in a restaurant, in the car, in the grocery store, or at the dinner table!  If he doesn’t like the initial taste, the food is IMMEDIATELY ejected out of his mouth.  He’s done this with eggs, meat, rice, potatoes, and even chocolate.  Yes, even chocolate!  That’s a real joy to clean up.

Now, I know I’ve gone through this with my other 2 boys, but I can’t remember how long the phase lasted, how I responded, or how I got them to stop doing it!  I think my memory is seriously getting worse!  Ack!

Do you have kids that have done this or do this?  What do you do?

I was not compensated for writing this post.  This comes from my own life experience. All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

17 Responses to “Eat the Food? No! Eject it Instead!”

  1. Marcy Able says:

    no, my daughter never ejected anything. If she didn’t like it , she would just open her mouth and let it run out and fall where it may. I’m sure the rice, chocolate and eggs were a joy to clean up after they had been ejected!!

  2. Krystal says:

    I have an almost-5-year-old son who still ejects, and my one year old son has learned to do it too so it;s great fun. yes, i’ve dealt with chocolate too. it is immediate, it’s just like they open their mouths and let it fall out. SO GROSS!

    so, i don’t know when/if it ends. maybe when they start liking girls or something?

  3. LT says:

    My son did this too! Funny though my daughter never did, maybe it’s a boy thing. I’m sorry I don’t remember how we got him to stop, but I don’t think it can last forever right?!

  4. Caryn B says:

    My son used to do this ALL THE TIME!

  5. Kayla says:

    I wish I could bestow upon you some miracle words of wisdom, but I have no experience with this at all, so I got nothing! Lol
    Hopefully it doesn’t last long, though >.<

  6. The title of your post made me laugh… I remember the phase also, but have no idea how long it lasted, it was 20 years ago for me. My memory doesn’t go back that far, sorry! 🙁
    I can’t believe he ejects chocolate… are you sure he is your son?????

  7. OH MY that is so funny. I now remember this stage.. I think most kids go thru this. It definitely gets a reaction from most people when they see food flying towards them.

  8. I don’t remember my sons going thru this they would just clamp there mouths shut and nothing could pry it open just keep telling yourself it can’t last forever and things will get better till the next stage good luck

  9. My daughter was always so polite, she would take a tiny bite of something new and if she didn’t like it she would do the “whole body shudder” then swallow it. I never made either one eat something they really did not like, but everything had to be tried by at least one bite.
    Donovan would open his mouth and sit there with the offending bite for all to see until I would tell him he could get rid of it. He would spit it out onto his plate. But he liked about everything so no real problem.

    Maybe just tell him he only has to try one bite and no more but the bite must go down.
    I find bribery can work wonders at that age. Especially if you are out somewhere.

    To tell the truth, we don’t eat out hardly ever, but there are places that I would have loved to spit what they were calling food across the room. That golden arches place for one.

  10. Ashley says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes! I know this post was a while ago, but heck. My youngest toddler is going through this and it about drives me crazy. Is it over for you yet, as it has been a few months? My older toddler still does this sometimes, and it happens even when yesterday they chewed and swallowed the same thing. Mystery. Read this post from my blog…really if not to laugh, I hope it helps.

  11. Ria Clarke says:

    My son never did that, he just simply refused to open his mouth. lol. Can’t wait to see how my dd is when she starts on solids next month.

  12. fancygrlnancy says:

    mine does it now, but it is not always when he doesn’t like it.. He spits when he is full, or when he just wants to laugh.. I hate it.

  13. Jenn says:

    My nephews do this too. My daughter has always been a picky eater.

  14. Ann Marie Walker says:

    I have 4 kids, 3 girls and the youngest is 3 and a boy. He does the exact same thing except in some cases he will actually throw up if he doesn’t like something. Talk about gross..ugh! I have no idea how long it last, and I hope it stops soon. He has been doing it for about a year now, yes a year. Thanksgiving last year was the worst when he took a bite of mashed potatoes. Yup you guessed it… right at the dinner table. I could have cried. Potatoes and eggs are definitely on our no eat list. I wish I had advice, but I only have the advice at least your not the only one. For both our sakes I hope this stage doesn’t last long :). SweepsGirl(at)aol(dot)com

  15. Kailee Adams says:

    Yup, been there a few times! I have a two year old and she’ll pull the stuff out of her mouth and go ‘here gooo’ and hand it back to me. YUCKKK lol

  16. My almost two-year-old not only spits out the food, he hurls it across the room! Fun times. 🙂

  17. Elena says:

    The picture is so funny! It reminds me of the time when my son was little and didn’t want to eat his dinner.

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