Come Back to Me Cell Phone

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
February 12, 2010

I remember back when Pagers were the big thing.  I never owned one, but I knew many people who did.  Then cell phones came out.  I remember how excited I was when we bought our first cell phone.  It was so nice to be able to call AAA anywhere if I needed them, to call my parents to say hi from the road, or to call George to let him know I was still out running errands.  Cell phones generally made life easier!

Many of you know that I’m a mom of 3 boys.  I also have what you call “Mommy Brain,” (part of which I blame on the lack of sleep and several things going on at once).  I “temporarily misplace” things on a regular basis.  You know, the game of “Where are my keys?” or “Where is my cell phone?”  Well, I mastered the game of “Where is my cell phone” this past weekend.  I have NO IDEA where it went.  I’ve looked everywhere!  I’ve searched high and low and the thing has just vanished! 

Usually, when I lose my phone, I call it.  Usually, I have the ringer set to a volume where I can hear it.  When I realized my phone was gone, I dialed it.  It immediately went to voicemail.  Oh crud!  The phone battery was really low last time I had it so it probably died and shut off.  Great! 

After tearing apart my car, my diaper bag, and my house, it was NOWHERE to be found.  So, now I am without a cell phone until we decide which phone we want to replace it with.  We’ve been with Verizon for a long time now and qualify for an upgrade.  So, the question is – Do I replace it with the same type of phone for $40 using our Insurance or do I buy a Droid like I was planning on doing (eventually) for $150 and have on-the-go Wi-Fi and other features I’ve never had before?  This is why I don’t have a new phone yet.

What are your thoughts?

I was monetarily compensated for writing this post by JuiceBox Jungle.  All opinions and experiences included in this post are 100% mine.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

6 Responses to “Come Back to Me Cell Phone”

  1. The Gosfam says:

    When we moved in the summer of 2008 we got rid of our cell phones and cable to cut costs. My hubby being a student and all. Anyways I want my cell phone back, and if I were you I would go all OUT!! Get what you WANT 🙂 of course the sensible thing would be to go the cheapest route, but stuff you never had before would be FUN!! Good Luck.

  2. Hmmm…the frugal gal in me says go practical, but the other phone sounds fun! Hopefully your other phone with turn up…

  3. brenbren says:

    I guess my question is, does the stuff you’ve never had before cost more on a monthly basis? WI FI on the go. Well, I am all able getting out of debt and staying out of debt and I find ways to cut back and wi fi on the go is so no a need especially if you have it at home. I say save yourself the money and use it to pamper yourself, your kids, and some ‘lonely’ time with your hubby:)

  4. jennifer says:

    get the droid! like mst moms you probably dont treat yourself often. once you get the internet on your phone you will love it…comes in handy sometimes especially if ur shopping and you forget to print a coupon..some stores will look at your cell for the coupon code

  5. Kayla says:

    You sound like me-Stupid Lymie brain-I can’t begin to tell you the stupid things I’ve done with random objects. LOL
    I believe there was an incident with the t.v. changer and the refrigerator awhile back…And just yesterday I forgot the muffin I was eating out in the garage.
    So I can totally get where your coming from-I wish I could give you some advice, but I seem to have such trouble with cell phones, so I’m going to leave this one up to you. Lol

    Good luck!

  6. I’m like you and Kayla — forgetting everything. I can’t blame it on the kids, but I can blame it on pain and meds. Anywho…. I LOVE my iPhone, and cannot live without it – you can check your email, your blog comments and respond to them, and you can USE TWITTER!!! I don’t know much about the droid, but they say it is like the iPhone. So in my opinion, if you can swing it financially, go for it, you will love it….. and like Jennifer said, moms don’t treat themselves enough. You work so hard, you deserve it!!

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