Featured Blogger Friday

By Shannon Gurnee
In Featured Blogger Friday
January 14, 2010

Each Friday on The Mommy-Files, we feature one blogger and have the opportunity to get to know that blogger a little more! I love Featured Blogger Fridays because it gives all of my readers and visitors, as well as myself, a chance to get to know other bloggers out in the blogosphere. Today, I am pleased to introduce Andrea from The Creative Junkie!  I was amazed that Andrea was interested in being featured on my blog.  I’ve heard of her blog on other blogs I frequent, so her blog was familiar to me.  However, I was excited to feature on Featured Blogger Friday and learn more about her personally.  Without further ado, here is Andrea from The Creative Junkie!

What made you choose the name of your blog?

Originally, I started my blog to support my custom digital design business. I was going to use it to showcase some additional artwork, hence the name The Creative Junkie. However, I didn’t realize at the time how burnt out I was from my business. When I wrote my first blog post, it kind of took on a life of its own and turned out to have nothing to do with my business. It was then that I realized how much I liked to write. I decided to close up shop and chose a different path as a blogger. I wish I had known what I was going when I started my blog, because I wouldn’t have named it The Creative Junkie. I would have picked Somebody Peed On My Bootstraps or I Named My Dishwasher Gertrude or something equally as brilliant.

Who designed your blog?

I did! I designed my header in Photoshop and I use the Thesis wordpress theme and customize it to within an inch of its life, until it begs for mercy. Then, when I get it exactly the way I want it, I start all over again. It’s a sickness.
What do you love about blogging?

It’s such a fantastic creative outlet! I love that I can take whatever is in my head at any given moment and create a post around it. In that regard, it’s almost like therapy but way cheaper. Sometimes writing it all down makes me less likely to become a raving homicidal maniac, which is a good thing for everybody! I’ve also made so many online friends whom I wouldn’t know otherwise. The blogging community is incredibly supportive and a lot of fun.
What is the purpose of your blog?

Simply to entertain. I try to find the funny in everyday life because I really believe that if you can’t laugh at it, you’re not likely to survive it. Hopefully my blog makes you smile. If it makes you laugh and pee in your pants a little, then I consider my job well done.
Do you have any blogging tips (i.e. from those getting started to those who have been blogging longer than you)?

Get involved with the blogging community. If you want comments, then leave comments. Be very careful when choosing your blog name and buy your own domain and hosting. I know many people love Blogger but I recommend WordPress. It’s incredibly versatile, especially if you’re a tweakaholic like me.
Are you married?  If so, how long?

I’m married to Nate. If you ask me how long, I’ll say ten years. If you ask Nate, he’ll say FOREVER.
Do you have children?  If so, how many?

I have two daughters. One’s fifteen and the other is nine. It’s just a hormonal estrogen smackdown at our house 24/7! Come visit! No housewarming present necessary. Except tampons. Those things are expensive.
What is your favorite movie of all time?

When Harry Met Sally.
Who is your favorite actor?

Tom Hanks
What is your favorite dessert?

Oh my God. That’s like asking me to pick a favorite daughter. I refuse. I love them all and will eat them all with equal enthusiasm. Desserts, not my daughters.
What is your favorite holiday?

Hands down, Christmas! Love everything about it – the decorations, the food, the music, getting together with friends and family, the whole Santa bit. Everything except the bills.
If you were on a deserted island by yourself, what are 2 things you would have?

Anderson Cooper and a laptop with internet access, so that I could order anything else I might need.
And of course, you know me, there has to be a chocolate question.  What is your favorite candy bar?

I adore Milky Ways and Dove Chocolate bars. Smear either one with peanut butter and I’m in Heaven.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

2 Responses to “Featured Blogger Friday”

  1. I love your Featured Fridays…would you please send me a message and let me know what the criteria is to qualify to be a featured blogger? I love your blog, it’s so inspiring!

  2. Nice to meet another featured blogger. Andrea’s blog is so adorable, and I love the photos of her new puppy.

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