I Got in a Fight With My Freezer…and Lost

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
January 13, 2010

We recently had our old, pea-green-yellow refrigerator replaced with a brand new white one.  The refrigerator part is bigger (I believe), but the freezer is not.  Before, we had a side-by-side refrigerator/freezer combo.  Now, the freezer is on the top and the refrigerator is on the bottom. Those who are looking for Hussmann case parts to fix their refrigeration equipment.

I remember back in college when we had a refrigerator set up like this one.  However, we had way less meat and frozen items than we do now – with a family of 5 people.  Well, one of the bummers about this freezer is that there is open space and not much in the way of shelving – leaving me to stack frozen foods.

First thing about frozen foods – THEY DON”T STACK WELL!

Second thing about frozen foods – WHEN THEY DON”T STACK WELL, THEY SLIDE OFF ONE ANOTHER.

The freezer door has been popping open.  OK  – venting for a second – I AM GOING NUTS!

I spent 45 minutes the other day taking out all of my freezer items and putting them back in the freezer so they will fit without pushing the freezer door open.  No luck!  It got to the point where I felt like I was beating the freezer up – lol!  Hoping that by slamming the door shut it would stay shut, which actually worked a few times.  For a few minutes, I was even yelling at the freezer.  Thank goodness my kids weren’t in the room and nobody was recording me!  That would have been even more humiliating than it already was.

I have now managed to get the freezer door to stay shut.  However, after making my husband breakfast and lunch this morning and closing the refrigerator door, the freezer door popped open again.  I felt like it was saying, ” Nah nah nah nah nah…you can’t close me!”  Arggg!!!  I guess I’ll be going through the freezer again! Maybe it’s time to consider getting a walk-in freezer and consulting with cold room installers who can help with the installation.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

8 Responses to “I Got in a Fight With My Freezer…and Lost”

  1. It is like Tetris!

    Good luck and I hope you can win the battle… without resorting to Duct Tape!

  2. Lauralee Hensley says:

    LOL. Hang in there when it gets closer to grocery shopping time there’ll be more room in there and hopefully it won’t be able to win the battle on those days.

  3. The Gosfam says:

    We have a side-by-side and it is a constant battle after every grocery shopping trip. I really need to get myself a separate freezer to put in the garage. Maybe someday. You can do it Shannon!! The freezer can be beat 🙂

  4. Badger Momma says:

    My in-laws’ fridge/freezer is like that. Except the freezer is a drawer on the bottom. They can barely slide it shut and fingers often get pinched trying to hold the frozen bags down so the blasted thing will close. All fridges have their pros and cons. If I ever have to do it again, I’m going to do what Karie over at The Five Fish did. Get a fridge unit AND a freezer unit and sandwich the two together. I’m lucky to be able to fit a frozen turkey in my sid-by-side, let alone anything else that needs to go in there.

    Good luck with the evil freezer. Threaten it with a good defrosting!

  5. Kayla says:

    You know, sometimes yelling and beating up inanimate objects can be somewhat therapeutic(as long as there are no witnesses and evidence! LOL)
    I bid you good luck with your freezer!!

  6. Charlene Kuser says:

    I would put some duct tape on your door.It’s ugly but it sticks to anything,A funny story when we
    used to live in an apt ,before kids, my husband was helping me defrost the freezer,(It was one of those ancient ones I think) he cut his finger so bad it sent him to the emergency room.When he told the nurse
    how this happened I couldn’t help but snicker.

  7. Heidi Bokor says:

    I have a recommendation for you….if you do not mind the way your freezer looks! Install one of those latch hooks to the side of the freezer and the freezer door. So, you can latch it closed everytime you get into it and it will never pop open when you open and close the fridge. It works. We have one here at work, filled with a bunch of crap for a bunch of people. We just got one of those latches, and there ya have it! No more freezer popping open. And if you are worried about the design of the latch, just pick one that you like! Try it! Then you will no longer have to worry about breaking the freezer and can keep from buying a new unit anytime soon!! Let me know if you decide to try it and if it works!!! Good luck! 🙂

  8. LOL how dare your new freezer taunt you like that! You sound like me…I have “fits” like that sometimes – it is just so frustrating! Sounds like the old one was more practical : )

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