Planning on Handing Out Swag Bags at BlogHer? Think Again

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Events
January 12, 2010

I was reading through Frequently Asked Questions on the BlogHer Site today.  I had planned on working with some companies and another blogger on putting together Swag Bags to hand out at this year’s BlogHer in New York City in August.  However, after reading through some material on their site, it looks like we won’t be working to fill up those Swag Bags to hand out this year.

Here is a direct quote from the site:

“Q. Can I pass out materials at the event?

A. One of the most widespread complaints we received about BlogHer ’09 was that sponsored bloggers were distributing unwanted materials to other attendees. We received overwhelming feedback that unsolicited materials from sponsored attendees were unappreciated and left a negative impression of both the attendee and the sponsor.

Therefore, in a change from last year’s guidelines, no sponsor swag, gifts or literature may be distributed within the conference space, directly or indirectly. Such materials will be removed if left lying on any surface within the conference space. Any bloggers seen indiscriminately distributing materials to attendees will be given a personal warning.

Any second incident, whether of leaving materials on a surface within the conference space or of indiscriminately distributing materials to attendees may result in the attendee’s badge being confiscated and attendance revoked for the rest of the conference.”

There are some things that you can pass out at the conference.  These items include traditional business cards, buttons, bumper stickers, or other similar items that promote your blog URLs and/or Twitter handles.  You can include information from your sponsors on these items.  It is also ok to where clothing from your sponsors, whether it be hats, t-shirts, or jackets.  In other words, you can hand out YOUR OWN materials, not materials for your sponsor.

I honestly think this is a good idea.  You won’t have to worry about becoming a “walking billboard.”  However, does this mean that there will be a drastic reductions in sponsorships?  What do you think?

I think that for me, personally, if there are companies who wish to sponsor me and help financially send me to BlogHer, I would be happy to represent them on my site through Ad Space.  I am also willing to write a few posts stating who my sponsors for BlogHer are.

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

10 Responses to “Planning on Handing Out Swag Bags at BlogHer? Think Again”

  1. Karie says:

    Very interesting and a wise choice considering how much drama was surrounding last year. Thanks for sharing.

  2. makayla B says:

    I like getting freebies and free stuff…so it is interesting. I do understand though about people getting pointless products and such that are wasteful…and super advertised

  3. Kayla says:

    Honestly, from everything I heard last year, I think this is an extremely good idea-This way, bloggers go to BlogHer for the actual EVENT instead of the swag being handed out.
    Thanks for this information!

  4. Not having been to BlogHer, but reading about all the “drama”, I think it is a good idea not to push the swag at the conference. However, if I am reading what you posted correctly, it doesn’t say that there will be NO sway, just that it cannot be handed out “within the conference space”. That suggests that there may be some companies that will host parties off-site that will still be giving away things.
    I wonder how this may go over… let me know what you have heard about this, if you don’t mind.

  5. Goodness, were people being pushy or something? I can’t imagine that simply offering stuff to other attendees would be an issue, as long as it wasn’t being forced. I personally like getting swag! Of course, there’s no way I would get to BlogHer, it being elite and all… 🙂

  6. Sounds like a good deal. I know I don’t want TONS of junk.

  7. Lolli says:

    That is so interesting! I had not heard this. I will be at BlogHer this year (was not there last year, but heard…) and I must say this sounds like a good move!

  8. Ria Clarke says:

    Getting unsolicited and unwanted materials is never cool but getting stuff you want like pens and tshirts is so fun!

  9. Neetha says:

    i jst became a member of BlogHere..and I’m quite amazed…
    I found your blog from SAHM group… 🙂
    Nice blog…. and Nice to meet you too…

  10. ellen says:

    I would think the sponsors would want some ‘return’ for their investment- and some invest alot! I dont attend Blogher but read tons of tweets about it and see pics of swag from parties etc. Couldnt the sponsor ask you host a party for people interested in it?

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