Beware of Twitter Hackers!!!

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
November 9, 2009

I am really starting to get irritated with Twitter, as I have been hacked into (without any idea of how it happened), but I am also receiving suspicious emails now.

First, if somebody sends you a message via Twitter from me saying that I saw you in a video with a link – DO NOT OPEN IT!!!  It’s not from me.  It’s a very easy way for somebody to steal your password.  You click on the link and it takes you to what you think is the Twitter home page.  You then enter your password and bam!  They have your password and can start spamming peopel in your name, left and right.

I just received another email telling me that I need to change my password because my account has been compromised.  DUH!!!  I already changed it!

However, in the email was a link that is supposed to direct me to the home page, where I can enter my password.  If you get this same email, DON”T DO IT!  Again, easy way for somebody to have access to your account and spam all of your followers. 

I’ve also been told that somebody was sending out emails from me saying that I made $500 a day.  I have to be honest, if I was making $500 a day, I wouldn’t be doing product reviews on my blog more than likely!  This wasn’t from me, so please don’t click on it.

If you have clicked on the links and re-entered your password, it’s ok, but you need to fix it now!!  Open a separate window and go to Twitter directly – (this is not meant to hack your account but to let you know what the url is).  Sign in with your user name and password.  Once you are logged in, go to Settings and change your password.  You may even want to change your password 4-5 times a year just to be on the safe side.

Anybody else have experience with this?

P.S. Please, please let me know if you receive a wacko message from me via Twitter, because chances are pretty good that I didn’t send it.

I did not receive any sort of compensation for this post.  I did however receive the annoying experience of having my Twitter account hacked into and my followers spammed.  A big apology and HUGS to my Twitter followers!!

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

11 Responses to “Beware of Twitter Hackers!!!”

  1. Dana says:

    I have gotten this a lot. Whenever I get a DM from someone whose blog I follow and it has a weird message like the ones above…I just delete the DM. I know you aren’t going to send me a message saying you made $500.00 a day (I mean that would be great… Woohoo! (But seriously)
    I have never gotten one from you although, I have from other blogs(bloggers) I follow on twitter. I think the latest was today with a bunch of dms about sending me to a link to find out if their IQ was higher than mine. It is getting irritating though. Twitter should try and figure something out to help stop it.

  2. Tanya says:

    I have received these too. Mine usually are direct messages with a link. When I click on the link than it pops up and says that it is a potential harmful website Gotta be careful. There are so many sites that ask you to link your twitter account which probably makes it easier for it to be hacked as well

  3. Seems like Twitter has had a lot of that happen lately!

  4. Angel says:

    Oh wow I am rarely on Twitter even though I have a Twitter account.. I am sorry you are having to deal with all of this…

  5. shari says:

    I know that there has been a ton of hacking lately–I keep getting DMs with links to “Check out this video” or guess how I made a bazillion dollars. It’s getting super annoying and I really hope that Twitter figures out a way to stop the hacking. Watch, I bet my twitter gets hacked into next. . .

  6. Yep, happened to me a few weeks ago.
    I change my passwords almost daily now!!

    Isn’t the twitter spam incredible these days?

  7. Thao says:

    They hacked my account too and I don’t recall clicking on any link. But I have changed my account 4 times. Punks!

  8. Lin says:

    Sucks. I havent had this happen with twitter but I have had it happen with my myspace account. I hope you get everything straightened out.

  9. Jennifer says:

    This is so annoying – I agree! I am getting all kinds of DM’s and messages from friends that are obviously not really from them. I just ignore them.

    I have been changing my password about every 3 days…just to be safe.

    Why on earth do people need to do this? It is so ridiculous.

  10. Kayla says:

    Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to click one of those ‘OMG your on here *Insert bogus link*’ messages and when I realized what happened I jumped into action and changed my password almost immediately. After I realized what it was, I got like 3 more of those within an hour period.

  11. I still really think it stinks that people have to screw with other people’s lives!

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