Am I a Snack Bar or What?

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
October 8, 2009

With both my 5 year old and 3 year old, I nursed them until they were 2 (tapering off to naps and nighttime nursings) and I was pregnant with the next child.  My youngest is almost 18 months old (and I am NOT pregnant), but am still nursing him.  I loved nursing him when he was small and his little nose would smash up against my chest.  I could hear him breathing into my chest and I knew he was getting milk when I’d hear him swallow (or when my milk would let down – lol).  Sometimes, he would gag when my milk would let down and then pull off.  Argghhh!!!  I would follow him so I wasn’t spraying all over the place like a broken fire hydrant (ok not that much milk was coming out – lol).

However, nowadays, I feel like a snack bar.  He’ll climb up in my arms and arrange himself in the nursing position.  He’ll nurse for a minute (literally) and then hear his brothers playing, lean forward (sometimes taking me with him – HELLO!!), and then be off to play!  Meanwhile, I’m sitting in the chair thinking, “What the heck?  Get over here and nurse on the other side, so I’m not lopsided!” 

Anybody else feel that way??

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

11 Responses to “Am I a Snack Bar or What?”

  1. I nursed my daughter till she was 25 months old. And yes, I was a snack bar. It was so uncomfortable at times. I miss her nursing when she was littler and I am so glad that i was able to nurse her older, but I don’t miss the uncomfortable nursing times at all 🙂

  2. Lori Z. says:

    Can I say that I’m jealous? My son would want to run off and play with my daughter when he was 11 months!

  3. Doreen says:

    That’s soo cute! When I have children, if I do, I would like to breastfeed.

  4. Victoria S. says:

    I nursed my daughter unitl she was 3.5 mosty the comfort and snack bar like you said
    but i loved the cuddle time and we are very clsoe today – she is 16. My next daughter was adopted so i did not get to nurse her which made me very sad! Enjoy these times – they go so quickly.

  5. Ahhh how sweet but I’m sure frustrating all in one. I didn’t nurse either boy so I’m not much help, sorry.

  6. Melissa Hislop says:

    My daughter likes to pull away quickly when she’s done. It was so cute when she was just a few weeks old. She’d sigh and have a content look on her face with a drop of milk dripping down her chin. But now she does it and doesn’t let go! I almost want to stop breast feeding because of it. How do you get them to stop doing that?

  7. franticmommy says:

    “Snack Bar” Ha!
    Time goes soooo quickly. Enjoy every moment when you can.

  8. Jaimie K says:

    Oh how funny. Unfortunately I’ve never made it past 8 months nursing. My body just doesn’t produce enough and then production tapers off until my poor girls were too frustrated to keep trying.

  9. fancygrlnancy says:

    I’m sure it gets annoying, but it is cute. I wish I could have nursed my little man. I EPed for a year.

  10. Anne Taylor says:

    I was a “wet bar” lol

    I was a single mom and had my first in bed with me. I would lay on my side and she would nurse whenever she felt the need!

  11. mommalovesmee says:

    Ohh…! I never expereinced this because i was exclusively pumping milk for my son for 12 months then I gaeve up….

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