Drama in the Blogosphere…This Time It’s Nestle #nestlefamily

By Shannon Gurnee
In Blogging Randomness
September 30, 2009

As much as drama drives me nuts, I can definitely say I appreciate the traffic it gives my blog – lol! This time, it’s involving Nestle and psycho activists claiming that because of Nestle’s formula, babies in third world countries are dying. What the h? Are you freaking kidding me? There is even a video posted on youtube that I think is ridiculous!  I read a few comments on Twitter from those who seemed to just want to stir things up – aka “crazy makers!”  You can read all about the tweets regarding Nestle using the hashtag #nestlefamily.

I feel so sad when I hear that babies are dying from anything honestly. I have 3 and couldn’t imagine my life without them. However, to blame it all on Nestle formula? Really? I can see that it is frustrating that they can’t afford the formula when they leave the hospital, but to blame infant deaths on Nestle? That’s uncalled for. Many of these women having the babies are probably not healthy to begin with. What a blessing to have a way to feed the babies while they are in the hospital so the mother can recover.

Plus, it’s one thing to say babies are dying from malnutrition or bad water sources and it’s another to say they are dying due to a specific product, or brand in this case. I honestly think these activists are just doing this for attention and that they are mad because they weren’t invited to the Nestle event. I’m bummed also that I wasn’t invited, but I’m not about to go around saying that babies are dying because of Nestle formula! Absolutely ridiculous!

Plus, when bloggers addressed Nestle about the boycott and WHO code that activists say they violated, the activists then turned to blaming Nestle for racism and slavery. Nestle answered questions about the boycott and WHO codes in a professional manner, say bloggers attending a Nestle event in California. Nestle works with WHO 4-5 times a year and does not market to any countries that adopt the WHO code!  Plus, they encourage breastfeeding and even have a 24-hour hotline for breastfeeding help and questions. 

I love Nestle products and grew up using them!  I breastfed all of my babies and am still an advocate for breastfeeding over formula feeding, but I also know plenty of women who gave their babies Nestle formula and they are healthy are doing great.  So it isn’t right to blame Nestle for infant deaths.  No boycott on The Mommy-Files!

I was in no way paid or given products to write this post.  These are my own thoughts and feelings on the issue.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

5 Responses to “Drama in the Blogosphere…This Time It’s Nestle #nestlefamily”

  1. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

    OH wow, I was getting angry with some of those Tweets.
    People say that formula feeding causes babies to die…!!!!!!
    Are you kiddding me? Really?
    Some kids, if breastfed will die. There ya go – I said it!
    If an HIV positive woman wanted to feed her baby, I’d hand over the Nestle formula.
    But, some see no point but their own, and there is no other way.

    They say it’s not a BF/FF debate, but all the underlying comments that I have read, all point in that direction to me. And Nestle makes SO MUCH MORE products than formula, iced tea, chocolate, for instance….boycott the entire company…right!!

    There may be more issues to this than what i know and have read….maybe there is.
    But, from a FF standpoint – my kids are alive and drank Formula with SAFE WATER.
    I’m thinking this should be a environmental issue, not a Formula issue.

    Wonder if those harsh #nestlefamily tweeters have eaten a Crunch bar today??

    C’mon, grab a forum and complain away – get off Twitter already!!

  2. Thanks for your POST….well done

  3. Doreen says:

    That just sounds crazy to me!!!

  4. Kayla says:

    That is crazy-Even though people MAY have founded concerns about any product out there on the market, there is no reason to attack and accuse with no founded evidence.
    Like you said, just ‘crazy makers’ stirring up trouble >.<

  5. I watched the video on YouTube and was appalled… I could not believe the comments either. I cannot believe that people would actually buy this crap… it is definitely not a question of BF or FF, it is the overall health of the mother and child that is what counts. I was unable to breastfeed, even though I tried with the first (I didn’t attempt with the second as memories of the first overwhelmed me), so I used formula (from Nestle) for both. They are both very health, and strong young men.
    I know there are several companies that are out there that are purely concerned with their bottom line (AIG comes to mind), but I don’t thing Nestle is pushing formula to these poor women in Africa for that reason. (Off my soap box, now – thank you for indulging me.)

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