Where Have All the Honest People Gone?

By Shannon Gurnee
In Uncategorized
February 28, 2009

Today, I was eating breakfast with my 3 boys in a public place. I was in a hurry because I had to get my oldest son to preschool. I was holding my 9 month old while trying to serve food to my boys and eat some food myself. I set my purse on the ground and knew as soon as I did that I would forget it was there.

I threw the bowls of remaining cereal and cups of juice in the trash. I walked out to the car with my 3 boys. I drove my oldest to preschool and headed home. As soon as I got out of the car, I looked over at the front seat and realized my purse wasn’t there! It wasn’t behind my seat or the passenger seat or in the back of the car. Crud! It was still in the dining room where we had eaten!

I called the front desk and they said they had found it and would be holding it for me. Now, I need to tell you that we have been doing “the envelope system” with our monthly budget. I had my “Groceries” envelope, “Toiletries” envelope, “Dates” envelope, “Mad Money” envelope, money for my kid’s birthdays, and some money I had collected for a school fundraiser my oldest son was doing. As soon as I had my purse in my hand, I frantically looked for the envelopes. They were gone! All of them!

I was even missing a utility bill! Come on people – what happened to good old fashioned honesty? Ya know, you see a purse on the ground and you turn it in to the manager? You don’t just grab what you want out of the purse. Anyways, they took almost $300 in cash. This included money that was supposed to be deposited into our account! They left my wallet and license and debit card, but took the cash!

I was numb for a little while and couldn’t believe what had happened. I was even more frustrated with myself for leaving it! Tell me, where have all of the honest people gone?

About Has 6456 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

10 Responses to “Where Have All the Honest People Gone?”

  1. Megan says:

    I am so sorry! What an awful thing to experience!!

  2. mommyjen99 says:

    What a bummer for you!
    I do not know what is wrong with people now a days.
    take care

  3. Jami says:

    How awful!!! I’m so sorry! People can be horrible, especially when they saw how you had it set up. They had to have known they were taking it from a family.

  4. Colleen says:

    oh I am so sorry!

  5. CaseyDeuce says:

    I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can feel you with the “honest people” I had my purse stolen out of my car, in my driveway, in our very rural neighborhood years ago and it just sucks.

  6. blueviolet says:

    I thought you were going to have a happy ending when they said your purse had been turned in. I’m so sorry!

  7. Cristin says:

    That is bad. We are also doing the envelope system and that is my one fear that someone will steal all of our cash and we won’t get it back. We recently had our debit card number stolen, but the bank had some sort of protection on it, so we got that back. We’re still doing the cash system though. I guess there are risks to everything.

  8. Ann On and On... says:

    I was really hoping for a happy ending…drats. Karma, is a beep.

    Sorry to hear about your experience.

  9. SuburbiaMom says:

    Sorry to hear about your crummy experience. Well, what goes around comes around–they’ll get it in the end!!

  10. Cat@3KidsandUs says:

    šŸ™ That is so awful. I’m sorry that happened. People cease to amaze me.

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