By Shannon Gurnee
In Uncategorized
September 27, 2008

In the spirit of giving, I have come up with yet another giveaway.

Leave a comment with your favorite Halloween tradition and you’ll be entered to win a $5.00 gift card to Target, which can be applied towards a costume, candy, decorations, or whatever you’d like.

Here are the rules:

1) Leave a comment with your favorite Halloween tradition
2) Deadline is midnight, October 15th, 2008
3) Winner will be announced on this blog on October 16th, 2008
4) Winner will be selected at random
5) Winner must live within the United States (for shipping costs)

Please email me if you see your name as the winner of this giveaway!

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.


  1. cpullum says:

    Our annual Pirate party we deck the house out and invite all the Pirates over!!!

  2. janetfaye says:

    Our Halloween tradition is eating powdered donuts, and drinking apple cider on Halloween.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. queenoftheclick says:

    Decorating the house and then staying home, dressing in a costume and giving out candy to trick or treaters. I love getting dressed in a costume because it makes me really feel the holiday the way we did as kids.

  4. dolls123 says:

    We go to church on Halloween


  5. Cristin says:

    I love trick or treating!

  6. Misha says:

    My favorite tradition would be carving pumpkins, roasting the seeds and watching a SCARY movie! It is the only time of year I ever do because I really do hate scary movies!

  7. mrs.mommyy says:

    going apple picking

  8. llinda29 says:

    I like to give candy to the goblins that come to our door

  9. susan1215 says:

    My daughter likes helping me give out candy and see what other kids are wearing

  10. mverno says:

    having cider and donuts on halloween

  11. driven873 says:

    We like to carve pumpkins,eat the seeds,trick or treat,watch scary movies:)

  12. Maja says:

    we take our son all dressed up to the mall to trick or treat at the stores

  13. reb says:

    trick or treating in our town.

    rebbi511 at

  14. kygirl says:

    scaring each other.

  15. agordon10 says:

    the local fire dperatment sets up cider and donuts and we all go eat

  16. arbrashears says:

    A Little silly, but pumpkin bread with cream cheese for breakfast that morning, and a big pot of yummy homehade chili topped with cheese, cour cream and fritos to warm us up for our big night out trick or treating with the kids. We love getting them all dressed up — seeing them so excited in their costumes, then going picture crazy! 🙂


  17. Zenas says:

    Our fave tradition is handing out the candy to the trick or treaters. Even though it gets costly, we always buy “the good stuff,” the brands and types we loved getting when we were little.
    It is fun to see all the cute outfits and meet people and watch the kids faces light up at the treats.
    verdere at gmail dot com

  18. lisagee says:

    caramel apples on a stick and our own small haunted house :o)

  19. tutugirl says:

    Going to the cider mill.

  20. Cherie J says:

    My son and I have a halloween tradition of making and then decorating cupcakes with Halloween decorations.


  21. rosannepm says:

    scary music coming out of one of our windows

  22. Think about it says:

    hay rides with the young family members.

  23. Nikki says:

    Making Halloween cookies!

  24. Deborah says:

    My favorite tradition is handing out treats to the little tricksters.

  25. sphinx63 says:

    Our favorite halloween tradition is that we get a dozen of those fun halloween decorated donuts for breakfast that morning. Thanks!

  26. msrodeobrat says:

    making fun costumes

  27. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Decorating the house with “spooky” decorations!

  28. marthajane says:

    Sitting on the steps outside my Mom’s house giving out candy so the kids don’t trip coming up the steps.
    (I used to dress up in a scary costume when I was a teen!)

  29. Karen says:

    We are out trick or treating but this year my daughter decided she wants to stay home and hand out candy (she’s 12 now)… so not sure if she has plans to dress up and scare the kids or not 🙂

  30. LIDARKSIDE says:

    We do not have any Halloween traditions. We just take the children out trick or treating and hand out candy bars at home.

  31. kmbennet says:

    Carving the pumpkins is my favorite. I look forward to it every year.

  32. poppafarmer says:

    trick or treating then a special halloween meal

  33. b-me says:

    Carving a jack-o-lantern and roasting the pumpkin seeds! Thanks for a great contest!

  34. M.A. says:

    Roasting and snacking on the seeds from our home-grown pumpkins.

  35. littlelatina says:

    eating lots of candy!

  36. kdkdkd says:

    going to a farm to pick out our pumpkins

  37. DePro says:

    We make homemade carmel apples every halloween.

  38. caseydeuce says:

    Every halloween my parents, me and my husband, the kiddos, my aunt and her kids all meet up at my grandparents house and travel their neighborhood trick or treating! Its nice to all be out together walking around looking silly!

  39. Erica C. says:

    I like to sit out and pass out the candy and enjoy the costumes!

  40. soha says:

    We reaaly don’t have a tradition. Trick or treating???

  41. Margie says:

    we all dress up in old clothes ,never bought costumes.

  42. kristilb19 says:

    Family hay rides for the kids!

  43. sweepmom says:

    I love to decorate my house for Halloween. I carve multiple (about 15) pumpkins and fully decorate the front of my house. The thing is, I do it all on Halloween day so the trick-or-treaters will be totally surprised.

  44. shelley says:

    WE have a little party for the kids then go trick or treating.

  45. Krissy says:

    Well, I haven’t really done much in the last few years for Halloween since w/work I am usually working. But as a child we would get all dressed up in our costumes for school and have a parade around the playground area. Then, that night as a family we would have dinner (usually something fast since we just wanted to go trick or treating) and would trick or treat all the way to the carnival at the church we went to. Then we would trick or treat back.

  46. vmkids says:

    Take our big teen kids for a ghoul ride where we go tell spookie stories

  47. Fangirl Jen says:

    We have a big haunted yard at our friends house every year. I love making up a new scary costume year after year.

  48. Niki says:

    Making caramel apples

  49. LINDALSHOT says:

    We take pictures of the kids and give copies to the parents.

  50. miriama says:

    We do the whole yard for Halloween, lit torches, a graveyard, coffins, a table FULL of the best goodies I can make. We invite friends over, dress them us, and then my daughter has a party. It is so much fun because the girls love to be scared and the older ones love doing the scaring. Then we have a fire and tell scary stories and then it is scary movie time. Next day my daughter gets the cleanup. LOL

  51. mom2bears says:

    We trick or treat in our neighborhood.

  52. Kari says:

    We take the kids out trick or treating and of course always decorate the house!

  53. Smooshy says:

    eating all the candy corn i can get my hands on!

  54. Anna says:

    Definitely my aunt’s big halloween party she throws every year. It’s fun for the kids and the adults!

  55. zekebamm says:

    We always dress our little dogs in Halloween costumes and let them “help” us hand out candy. They are ALWAYS a big hit!! Even the shyest little kids will talk to them. 🙂

  56. *~Dani~* says:

    My favorite is to give out candy. At my old place since it was a popular neighborhood, trick or treating would go on all night. Now, it is not nearly as fun. I miss those days and all of the kids’ costumes.

  57. Rita M says:

    Decorating the front yard with lights, pumpkins & scarecrows (we have a courtyard entrance, so these things make it much more welcoming to trick-or-treaters.

  58. Erica G says:

    Decorating our pillow cases! We always got new ones right before Halloween and decorated our old ones for Halloween!

    egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

  59. Linda says:

    After carving pumpkins we love to roast the pumpkin seeds.

  60. lisawonbig says:

    Decorating the living room and handing out the candy to the trick or treaters

  61. Proud Wife of a U.S. Soldier says:

    I like to dress up my animals during Halloween. They’re so cute in their outfits.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. vboackle says:

    getting dressed up crazy.

  63. Millie says:

    We go pumpking picking and then we paint them! Its so fun to see them growing up and their paintings getting better and better 🙂

  64. Theresa N. says:

    My favorite tradition is Trick or treating. Giving away candy or collecting candy yummy.
    Theresa N

  65. Toni says:

    I love candy corn! I only eat at Halloween ever since I was little.

  66. denyse says:

    I love trick or treating.

  67. joanmurraycefalu says:

    After trick or treat, all my little monsters sit around a halloween movie ( nothing too scary) and drink hot cocoa. This gives Mom a chance to check over the candy!

  68. Lori says:

    Me, eating the good candy! 😉

  69. Pat says:

    Carving a jack-o-lantern. Cider and donuts.

  70. Stacy says:

    The pumpkin carving party our friends host every year.


  71. idahomom says:

    Popcorn balls

  72. Julieh says:

    Carving a new pumpkin every year.

  73. VIVI7729 says:

    Our favorite Halloween tradition(s) is pumpkin picking/carving and trick-or-treating!

  74. Tammy says:

    going shopping November 1st for really cheap candy….lol no small children to do trick or treating to “share” from here.

  75. cdrury says:
    going trick or treating with my grandkids when they were younger!

  76. Lori says:

    my favorite is picking out the pumpkins. i find it a lot of fun to do the searching for the perfect one…more so than even the carving.

  77. Super Blogger Girl! says:

    I just love all the decorating, i do it as early as I can, and I own more Halloween decorations that I do Christmas. I do inside and outside to the nines!

  78. Aaron says:

    I love giving out snicker bars!

  79. jennem says:

    Meeting all our neighbors in the park for a one-spot trick-or-treat session.
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  80. dhunt says:

    going apple picking.

  81. fae says:

    my family likes decorating the house and trick or treating!

  82. TXsunlover says:

    Carving the jack-o-lanterns! Its also great fun to see all of the costumed kids that come to the door. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  83. blueviolet says:

    We love to carve pumpkins and then roast the pumpkin seeds!

  84. dvice says:

    Dress up, go trick or treating and give out candy

  85. Amy says:

    Carving the pumpkin, trick or treating, and handing out candy!

  86. chromiumman says:

    pumpkin carving!

  87. gkstratos says:


  88. Suz says:

    My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up for the adult parties.

  89. Andrea says:

    My favorite Halloween tradition is taking my children Trick or Treating. They love it so much.

  90. Helen says:

    My neighbor gives all the neighborhood kids a package of candy and my kids just love going over there to show off their costume!

  91. Jinxy and Me says:

    I love handing out candy and seeing all the costumes. I always hope for a warm night so the kids aren’t all covered up with coats!

  92. annemarie562000 says:

    My favorite thing is handing out candy to the kids and seeing their costumes.


  93. jessica a says:

    trick or treating

  94. Jessilyn82 says:

    Going trick or treating then staying up late to eat candy and watch scary movies

  95. Ashton7 says:

    We decorate the house for Halloween with autumn themes and cute Halloween stuff like black cats, ghosts, etc. We usually have friends over once or twice in October for a Halloween get-together.

  96. Betty C says:

    We love taking pictures of everyone in costume. It makes a great album.

  97. klp1965 says:

    we love horror movies 🙂

  98. mom2gabnnat says:

    Carving the pumpkins, scooping out the guts, and roasting the seeds.

  99. tatertot374 says:

    Thank you for having this! My favorite is taking all 3 of my kids to the pumpkin patch and then spending the day carving. Thank you!

  100. theolotto says:


  101. penguin28 says:

    I like buying jumo bags of miniature candy bars and putting together a home-made costume for the kids.

  102. purplepassion126 says:

    We like carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seeds.

  103. emily8134 says:

    the day we get our pumpkin at the pumpkin patch we take it home and me and my daughter make home-made pizza and carve our pumpkins while watching great halloween movies like casper and hocus pocus:)

  104. masonsgranny59 says:

    getting dressed up crazy.

  105. Heather says:

    Buying the candy and eating it all before Halloween. ouch, said the scale. ouch.

  106. donna444444 says:

    We go to a party at church.

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