5 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

By Shannon Gurnee
In Lifestyle
May 14, 2016

#MemorialDay #Military #ad

At the end of this month, a significant day approaches for many – Memorial Day. There are a few holidays that I didn’t quite understand, and Memorial Day is one of them. While Memorial Day is often used to celebrate the beginning of summer, it isn’t actually all about food, parties, or even store sales. So, what is Memorial Day? Here are 5 things to remember about Memorial Day, where reflection and honoring our loved ones take center stage. In this context, for those seeking a meaningful remembrance, stunning jewellery can offer a unique and cherished way to keep memories close to heart.

1 – What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered. It’s traditionally observed on May 30th, but is now observed on the last Monday in May.

2 – History behind the Memorial Day name. Before the 1880s, Memorial Day was known by a different name – Decoration Day. It was a day when family and friends would remember and honor those who died serving their country and was a day to honor those who died during the Civil War. World War I was what prompted the U.S. to expand the meaning of the holiday and to honor members of the military killed in any war. It wasn’t until 1971 that Memorial Day became a federal holiday.

3 – Decorated graves. On Memorial Day, you may notice that graves are decorated with flowers and custom stonework. Poppies are still the flower of choice when it comes to decorating the graves. This is the way many remember and honor those who died and had served in the military during their life.

#MemorialDay #Military #ad

4 – Who came up with Memorial Day? In May 1868, General John A. Logan, the commander-in-chief of the Union Veterans‘ Group (also known as the Grand Army of the Republic), decreed May 30th to be the nationwide day of commemoration for the soldiers killed in the Civil War (which had recently ended at that point). He chose May 30th because it was a rare day that didn’t fall on the anniversary of an Civil War battle. Plus, it was a day in which flowers were sure to be in full bloom.

5 – Remembering Memorial Day. Every Memorial Day at 3 p.m. local time, Americans all over the country will take one minute to remember and pay tribute to those who have sacrificed to protect and defend our country. On Memorial Day, you’ll also notice that anyone with a flag pole (whether in their front yard or in front of a business) will fly their flag at half-staff until noon. This is another way we honor our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.

For more great Memorial Day content,be sure to check out these awesome posts written by my fellow Chosen Chix bloggers:

What did you learn about Memorial Day?
Is there anyone special you celebrate?



About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

25 Responses to “5 Things to Remember About Memorial Day”

  1. […] 5 Things to Remember About Memorial Day by The Mommy-Files […]

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  4. caroline schaffer says:

    Thanks for the story lesson. I didn’t know all of that information. Very interesting!

  5. Robin Masshole Mommy says:

    Thanks for the info. I think a lot of people tend to forget the true meaning of the day.

  6. Catherine Sargent says:

    Thank you for the post and the information about Memorial Day. I didn’t know that Poppies were the flower of choice to decorate graves.

  7. I LOVE this post! Memorial day is about so much more than grilling out and sales.

  8. MELISASource says:

    Memorial Day has become a day all about grilling out and drinking beer and hitting sales at stores. It seems that everyone have forgotten that it’s really about honoring the soldiers who died for the rest of us. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. Pam says:

    So many people forget the meaning behind Memorial Day. Thanks for sharing this!

  10. Liz Mays says:

    These are important things to keep in mind on Memorial Day. Thanks for the info! I have to remember this.

  11. Thank you for this article. I think it is important for people to know these things.

  12. mary says:

    I think lots of people forget the meaning. They focus on shopping or barbecues. It’s so important to remember the real meaning.

  13. Valerie Gray says:

    This is really great. A lot of people have forgotten the true reason for Memorial day and while they are grilling, a lot of families are missing their loved one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

  14. Ryan Escat says:

    This is a great post, we should remember the true meaning of celebrating memorial day and not just because of BBQ and wine parties.

  15. Nicole Escat says:

    Memorial day has been all about gatherings, parties, BBQ, wines but not of its real meaning. One day, the new generations will forget about what the memorial day is all about.

  16. My grandparents are buried in the cemetery right across the street from me. So, I will be heading there this weekend to visit my grandpa who is a war vet.

  17. Tonya says:

    This is very interesting. I had no idea of the history behind Memorial Day such as Decoration Day.

  18. Brandy says:

    This is great to take us back to remember what Memorial Day is all about! Thank you for this!

  19. Sarah Bailey says:

    This is such a great post – it is so important to remember all these people who have done so much for us. x

  20. Crystal says:

    I had to memorize the poem In Flanders Field, and it stuck with me. The poppies lined up row by row stirs a lot of emotion for those who we remember & honor on Memorial Day.

  21. Great history lesson and reminders. I think holidays like Memorial Day (and Labor Day) can become about their relationship to summer rather than what they truly are about.

  22. I love learning more about certain historical holidays like this one. In my opinion, most of these should be celebrated everyday at anytime. I love the flower-blooming meaning on the day itself, though.

  23. Thank you for this reminder. I honestly didn’t know many of these things.

  24. Rosey says:

    When I lived up north we always took flowers to my dad’s grave on Memorial Day. My aunt still lives close by, and she still takes the flowers.

  25. Raijean S says:

    Thanks for the break down. It’s always good to know the background on something.

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