Bladder Leakage After Babies – What??!!! + GIVEAWAY

By Shannon Gurnee
In Giveaways
August 10, 2014

#DropYourParent #Underwareness #ad

Sam Pregnancy

I remember all 3 of my pregnancies clearly.  I loved being pregnant.  In fact, there were points of the pregnancy where I felt better being pregnant than I did not pregnant.  I knew things would change after having babies, but I honestly didn’t have any clue what all would change.

Here are 4 changes I noticed after my pregnancies:

Change #1 – Stretchmarks.  Oh yes – after my third pregnancy, I definitely noticed the stretchmarks.  I would never feel comfortable wearing a bikini again.  Thank heavens for Tankinis!  My friend refers to them as battle scars that show we had babies.  Never really looked at it that way before!

Change #2 – Hemorrhoids.  Yep, I just went there. Hey, it’s a fact of life. With all the pressure of the baby during pregnancy, you are bound to end up with one of these. If you haven’t had babies, you just may be one of the lucky few who end up without them. But if you do end up with them, don’t fret because there are effective internal hemorrhoid treatment options.

Change #3 – Baby fat that doesn’t go away.  After my first pregnancy, I was shocked by how quickly my weight gain went away.  I mean, a few days after having Brian, you could barely tell.  It was awesome!  It wasn’t the same way with Dallen and Sam though.  Oh well, baby fat happens and sometimes doesn’t go away.

Change #4 – Bladder leakage.  Yep!  That’s right people!  Sometimes if I laugh too hard or cough too much or even sneeze with a full bladder, I pee a little.  It doesn’t happen all the time, but does happens sometimes, which is more often than I like.  I remember watching a well-known actress talk about bladder leakage in a video and laughing at the things she said.  I wasn’t laughing at her as in making fun of her, but was laughing with her because I totally knew what she was talking about was true!  Bladder leakage happens ladies!

#DropYourPants #Underwareness #ad

Thank goodness for products from brands like Depend® that give us bladder leakage protection!  Depend® provides discreet products that help people regain their freedom and get their lives back!  Yes, that’s right!  Depend® makes products for anyone experiencing bladder leakage, regardless of his or her age!

#DropYourPants #Underwareness #ad

Here are a few ideas on what to wear for bladder leakage:

Depend® Real Fit for Men and Silhouette for Women Briefs.  These look, fit and feel like real underwear and feature a cloth-like fabric for a sleek, ultra-smooth fit.

Depend® Underwear with Fit-Flex Protection.  This product features more Lycra stands for a smooth and comfortable close-to-the-body fit.

If you’ve experienced bladder leakage, you are not alone!  With over 65 million Americans experiencing bladder leakage, it was time to start talking about.  Thus came a social movement and charitable cause called Underwareness.  For each photo or video from Depend® that is shared, as well as every tweet or Instagram post tagged #Underwareness or #DropYourPants, Depend will donate $1 to charity – up to $3 million over 3 years.

Have you ever experienced bladder leakage?
When visiting the Depend site, what fact did you learn?


1 lucky winner on The Mommy-Files will receive a $20 Starbucks Gift Card!!

This article is sponsored by Depend.  All opinions are mine.

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

28 Responses to “Bladder Leakage After Babies – What??!!! + GIVEAWAY”

  1. shelly peterson says:

    I learned that 23 million Americans under the age 45 experience bladder leakage

  2. Mary Beth Elderton says:

    “Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50”—yep. Having had babies, this is not really a surprise to me.

  3. sandra says:

    i learned over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage

  4. D Schmidt says:

    Visited the site and learned One in four Americans** experiences bladder leakage.

  5. Laura DeLuca says:

    They made a $3 Million Pledge To support Underwareness

  6. “Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50″

  7. Jennifer Tilson says:

    I learned that 12 million Americans who live with bladder leakage are under age 35.

  8. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    i learned over 65 million americans experience it

  9. KV says:

    I learned that 1 in 4 Americans experiences bladder leakage.

  10. Thomas Murphy says:

    I learned Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50.

  11. vickie couturier says:

    i learned over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage and Im one of them,,

  12. Jessie C. says:

    Underwareness* is both a social movement and a charitable cause. Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50.

  13. janetfaye says:

    Out of the 65 million Americans who live with bladder leakage, 12 million are under age 35..

  14. Cynthia R says:

    I learned 1 out of 4 people expereience bladder leakage, I do too!

  15. Karen R says:

    I learned that Depend® wants the world to know that bladder leakage is manageable.

  16. Gina M (Wild Orchid) says:

    “Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50”

    Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  17. Marci says:

    65 million people experience it and about half of them are under 50! Wow! I had no idea.

  18. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    WOW! 65 million people experience this problem! Amazing!

  19. Tina M says:

    i learned that Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50.

  20. nannypanpan says:

    I learned nearly half of people without bladder leakage are under 50

  21. Amber Faith says:

    I learned that 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage! Wow!

  22. Nancy says:

    I learned Depend will donate up to $3 million over 3 years to charity for shared videos and photos.

  23. Rachel C says:

    I learned that 1 in 4 people have this problem.

  24. christine j says:

    i learned this affects 65 million people

  25. Angela says:

    I learned that they donate when you share their pics

  26. Ben (Ada) says:

    one in four Americans experiences bladder leakage

  27. Over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and nearly half of them are under age 50.

  28. Lily Kwan says:

    I learned that over 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage.

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