Featured Blogger Friday

By Shannon Gurnee
In Featured Blogger Friday
December 25, 2009

Featured Blogger Friday

Each Friday on The Mommy-Files, we feature one blogger and have the opportunity to get to know that blogger a little more!  I love Featured Blogger Fridays because it gives all of my readers and visitors, as well as myself, a chance to get to know other bloggers out in the blogosphere. Today, I am pleased to introduce Victoria from Life Starring the Kids and Me.  I am excited to learn more about Victoria and browse her blog.  I love her!  I actually had the opportunity to meet her at General Mills in Minnesota a few months ago and had a blast!  I’m excited to learn more about her personally.  Without further ado, here is Victoria from Life Starring the Kids and Me!

Life Starring the Kids & Me


What made you choose the name of your blog? 

My life is pretty much centered around the kids, they are the stars.  And I would like to think that I am a star in their life….but I might just be deluding myself.  At first the site started of Life Starring Ellie and Eve, but when I found out that I was pregnant at the beginning of 2009 I knew I needed to change it…after about three seconds of seriously thinking about it I went ahead and choose Life Starring the Kids & Me….this way if there are any more “accidents” I don’t need to switch site names again 😛
Who designed your blog? 

I did 🙂  I enjoy working on site design since it gives me a break from writing all the time.  I find myself constantly tweaking and changing things around.  I have yet to find “the look” that really feels good to me and that could act as my “brand”.
What do you love about blogging? 

I enjoy working with other bloggers and having the interaction with my readers.  With three little girls under the age of 3.5 I don’t get out much, so chatting with other bloggers and readers keeps me sane.  And I’m not going to lie, I also love working with companies and new products…my short attention span loves the fact I can work with a bazzillion people and companies and not be tied down.
What is the purpose of your blog? 

I offer reviews on products that are aimed toward everyone in the family.  Having bought some real dud products in the past, I know how annoying it is to spend money on crap and I like knowing that I can let people know a real mom’s opinion on everything from coffee makers to strollers to baby food.  But, because I do get bored easily I didn’t just limit myself to reviews…I also write about whatever else comes to mind and because I like winning stuff just as much as the next person, I offer giveaways too.
Do you have any blogging tips (i.e. from those getting started to those who have been blogging longer than you)? 

Find your niche.  Let your blog reflect who you are…don’t try and mold yourself because your readers will get bored and will know that you aren’t being authentic.
Are you married?  If so, how long?

Yes.  Almost 4 years and I tell you that some days it feels like 50.
Do you have children?  If so, how many?

Yes. 3…3 girls who drive me bonkers, but that’s what I get for having 3 kids in 3.5 years.
What is your favorite movie of all time?

I don’t really have one…I’m pretty shallow when it comes to movies so I like Legally Blond, Arthur (with Clive Owen…it’s a B movie but he’s hot), and other ones like that.  If we are going to ask what “real” movie I like I would say Hotel Rwanda.  I went to see it because as a person who studied African History in college I was interested in seeing the historical accuracy…let’s just say it was pretty accurate.
Who is your favorite actor?

Yummm…good question.  Clive Owen is a hottie but so is Gerald Butler…yeah I have a few on my hottie list (http://www.lifestarringellieandeve.com/the-drool-worthy-my-list-of-the-five/)
What is your favorite dessert?

Chocolate with chocolate and chocolate with a little bit of chocolate and whipped cream.  But in all seriousness you really can’t beat a good piece of chocolate cake.
What is your favorite holiday? 

Any day off that my hubby has…that way he can help watch the kids.  I also like Christmas…I have a thing for presents…I like getting them for the kids…I freely admit that my kids are getting spoiled this year.  But to balance that out, for every toy the kids got I donated one to Toys for Tots.
If you were on a deserted island by yourself, what are 2 things you would have? 

My laptop with built in wifi and Coke Zero…if I couldn’t have a laptop I would take Clive Own.
And of course, you know me, there has to be a chocolate question.  What is your favorite candy bar? 

Snickers eaten with Coke Zero

About Has 6458 Posts

Shannon Gurnee is the author of Redhead Mom formerly "The Mommy-Files", a national blog with a loyal following. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development with a Minor in Business Management. Shannon and her husband, Frank, have a large family with 6 awesome kids and love living on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, California, as well as traveling around the world. A full-time Social Media and Professional Blogger, Shannon also serves as a National Brand Ambassador for many well-known companies. Her blog focuses on motherhood, family fun activities, traveling, fashion, beauty, technology, wedding ideas and recipes while providing professional opinions on products, performances, restaurants, and a variety of businesses.

7 Responses to “Featured Blogger Friday”

  1. fancygrlnancy says:

    Thanks for sharing! I love her blog

  2. Her blog is so cute! That is great she was able to design it herself. I think that is an amazing skill to have. I would love to see some blogs out there that offer more “blog design for dummies” type tutorials. Thanks for finding and sharing this blog. Tammy

  3. Krystyn says:

    So you like chocolate? Fun to meet you!

  4. A woman after our own hearts… Chocolate loving mommy!!!
    Thanks for sharing her information with us… I’ve been over on her blog a few times and her children are adorable, and she writes so well. I cannot imaging having 3 children so close together – I’d have pulled my hair out. Especially GIRLS!!! AAAGGGHHH!
    Thanks for another terrific Featured Blogger Friday!!

  5. Kayla says:

    Wonderful interview!!
    I liked Victoria when I first saw her, but her answers to #s 2, 9, and 10 totally cemented it-I mean seriously, now I HAVE to follower her for the sheer fact that she is a chocoholic, Gerard Butler fan! LOL

  6. Honey Mommy says:

    This interview made me hungry for Chocolate and thirsty for some Coke!

  7. A Kruse says:

    I enjoy reading about other bloggers, please keep it up. I also subscribe to Victoria’s blog and was glad to learn a little more about her. I hope others will find her blog as enjoyable as I have.

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