The Last Belt Dad Ever Needs

By Frank Gurnee
In Fashion
June 25, 2015


I know the last time (many, many years ago) when I heard dad and belt in the same sentence, it never turned out very well for me. Fortunately, we’re not talking about the ways we were disciplined when we were kids here. Shannon, my beautiful wife (The Mommy-Files) was recently contacted by Kore Essentials who said they had a completely new design in belts that would change everything. I can honestly say that when she first told me that I would be receiving a belt to check out, I probably wasn’t as excited as I should have been. 


As a normal dad, that is in no way offended by the description #dadbod and with a waistline that fluctuates like the stock market; I am often confronted with the issue of the traditional belt. You see it all comes down to those belt holes, you know the ones that were designed by some evil person, that guy with perfect six pack abs that thought “eh, a half inch won’t make any difference.” Yeah tell that to my wife or any other woman out there, that half inch goes a long way! lol… 


Well despite my initial lack of enthusiasm and disregard, my life will be forever changed by this amazing belt. I often travel for work, which means regular suits and business attire are a requirement. This also had meant in the past choosing a belt that would fit or frantically trying to create the “makeshift hole” between the other holes, or the sad sad new hole we’ll just call the “dad enjoys barbecue, pizza, and beer hole,” with the nearest key, butter knife, teeth or whatever you could find. I know you have all been there, that is of course unless you are that evil guy from earlier.


So the thing so amazing and different about this belt is “It always fits!” I can’t stress this enough – it really is awesome! It has a track system on the belt itself, and a ratcheting system built into the buckle, meaning when you insert the belt into the buckle you can adjust it to any comfort level. This means even when you take those clients out to that ridiculous steak dinner, and you are dying because your gut has grown a baby in the matter of two hours, you just reach down, press a button and presto – immediate relief!


No more worrying about a couple inches here or there and I can honestly say that I will never buy another type of belt. If you are looking for a lasting gift or just something that dad will completely appreciate, check out Kore Essentials and pick up one of these amazing belts that come in several buckle options as well as leather colors. This seriously is the last belt dad will ever need.

Have you ever tried the Kore Essentials Belt? What do you like about it?

About Has 20 Posts

Frank Gurnee lives on the central coast of California with his wife Shannon, and their 6 crazy, spunky, smart, crazy, funny, intelligent, crazy kids.. Did he mention crazy? Ok, well he's over exaggerating a bit, maybe spunky is just too over the top “lol”. On this blog, he talks about the dad's perspective of having a large family, as well as the ways dads and moms can maintain some sanity; while also embracing the fun that can be had when everyone is together.

25 Responses to “The Last Belt Dad Ever Needs”

  1. Helen Swarts says:

    Wow!! Love it, I have to get my husband one of those!!!

  2. Karl Kozak says:

    SAVE 15% on ALL our belts when you input coupon code – Save15 – at checkout.

    Visit –

    Thanks !

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I am going to have to get one for my husband, He wears a belt every day and would totally dig this.

  4. That is awesome that it is like a one size fits all! I will have to check it out for my son.

  5. I’ve got to get one of these for my husband. He needs a new dress belt, and these look sharp.

  6. Wow, that looks super heavy dty anld well-made. My husband would love a belt like this. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Jeannette says:

    My husband has been looking for a new belt forever and I really like the way this one looks! I may have to surprise him with it for a late Father’s Day present!

  8. Liz Mays says:

    Hey that track system is so cool. I think a lot of guys fluctuate in weight with the seasons so these are perfect.

  9. Digna says:

    That looks awesome. Finally, someone comes out with a products that grows or shrinks with a person. Will definitely look into this for my hubby.

  10. desirae young says:

    Wow! My husband would totally love that belt. I cannot tell you how many belts we have been through since we have been married.

  11. Jeana B. says:

    That is so novel. I’m getting one of those for every guy in the family.

  12. mykidsguide says:

    This is one cool belt. I like that it fits all and you just need to push a button to adjust. My husband will love this.

  13. Michelle V. says:

    Those belts look sleek! Perfect for my husband’s birthday next two weeks. And I know he gonna love it. I’ll go check it out!

  14. That extra inch counts a lot lol, sounds like you have found the best belt for all to have. I too remember back in the day dad and belt in same sentence was ever good for me lol

  15. Rosey says:

    This is a great belt. I think my son would love this one (he’s a dad so he qualifies). 😉

  16. I’ve never tried the Kore belts. But I know my dh needs a new one. So I’ll check it out!

  17. Nikki says:

    That’s such a nice belt! My boyfriend could definitely use it, he’s always looking for a belt that lasts.

  18. Jeanine says:

    This would be perfect for my hubby. He wears a belt everyday with his work clothes and is constantly complaining about finding another decent one to have on hand!

  19. Sandy KS says:

    That belt looks pretty sleek. I wonder if my boyfriend will like it. It is picky. I will have to let him see it first. he is always loosing his belts some how.

  20. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    This is a great looking belt. My Son would love it. I will have to get him one for his birthday.

  21. Ricci says:

    This looks like a great belt and stylish as well!! Thanks for the great review!!

  22. I need to get my husband one of those! He’s been needing a new belt too. I have those same childhood memories of my dad’s belt. If he but his hand on the belt, it wasn’t going to end well for me!

  23. aly mashrah says:

    That is awesome! I love how it has a perfect fit every time. I’m going to tell my brothers about this.

  24. kristin says:

    Nice belt. My husband could use a new belt and he likes fully adjustable belts that look nice.

  25. Michele P says:

    I really like the concept of this type of belt, very unique. I know my husband would love something like this, and I am sure it would be the only belt he would ever need!

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